Prevention of influenza and SARS: a reminder for children and parents, events, consultations

Prevention of influenza and SARS: a reminder for children and parents, events, consultations
Prevention of influenza and SARS: a reminder for children and parents, events, consultations

At the current stage of development of world medicine, 95% of all diseases are acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza. Despite the fact that after a person has had the flu at least once in his life, a strong immunity to it forms in his body, about 15% of the world's population suffers from this disease every year. The reason for this is the constant modification of the virus, its update. Due to the fact that it is impossible to obtain guaranteed protection against the influenza virus and SARS, it is extremely important that the prevention of influenza and SARS in preschool educational institutions and not only be carried out systematically and in accordance with all the rules.

measures to prevent influenza and SARS
measures to prevent influenza and SARS

Ways and methods of infection

ARVI can be transmitted by airborne droplets, so they, like the flu, can even infect pets.

Time of virus activation, depending on localization

The influenza virus in different countries reaches its peak of activation at different times of the year, which directly depends on which hemisphere the state is located in.

Populationstates located in the northern hemisphere are most at risk of influenza during the cold seasons (winter, autumn).

The countries of the southern hemisphere are most affected by SARS and influenza in summer and autumn.

Tropical countries are the most dangerous place for infection, they have the same risk of influenza infection throughout the year.

Prevention. Species

All known measures for the prevention of influenza and SARS are divided into two main groups: specific and non-specific. The first are routine vaccination of the population. The second are measures taken to increase immunity (taking multivitamin complexes, adaptogenic drugs, hardening).

Combining specific measures with non-specific measures can reduce the risk of disease to a minimum. Applied separately from each other, the measures of both groups do not bring such an effect, as if they complement each other. A memo to parents on the prevention of influenza and SARS should contain both specific and non-specific measures.

Specific prevention measures

Usually, measures to prevent influenza and SARS, in particular vaccination of the population, are carried out on the eve of the onset of the epidemic season, that is, in our country this happens in September-November or even December, because the peak incidence of influenza reaches at the end of winter.

What is vaccination like?

In total, at the current stage of development of medicine, there are three main types of vaccines used to protect against influenza: whole-virion (live), split-vaccine (split) andsubunit types of vaccines (third generation vaccines).

The first group of substances used when preventing influenza and SARS for children is vaccines consisting of weakened but live pathogens of the influenza strain. The second group is vaccines containing all known proteins of the virus, together with split virions. And the third group of vaccines is medicines containing only surface antigens.

influenza prevention consultation
influenza prevention consultation

Consultation must be obtained before vaccination. Prevention of influenza and SARS for a patient with immunodeficiency of any nature is prohibited, since live vaccines can harm him. The use of split vaccines is strongly discouraged in people prone to allergies, especially to eggs. You should not vaccinate during the course of any disease, accompanied by fever and fever.

Who needs vaccination?

The risk group No. 1 for the incidence of influenza viruses and SARS are people whose professional activities are associated with a large amount of personal communication (teachers, medical workers). Students and students of all age groups are highly susceptible to influenza.

memo to parents on the prevention of influenza and SARS
memo to parents on the prevention of influenza and SARS

The next risk group is the elderly, patients with various immunodeficiencies, infected with HIV, people suffering from chronic diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma) and with pathologies in the areaof cardio-vascular system. Mandatory vaccination should also be carried out by people suffering from sickle cell anemia (hemagolonopathy), diabetes mellitus and diseases of the genitourinary system. The risk group also includes young people who have been treated with aspirin, they also require mandatory prevention of influenza and SARS. A checklist for children and adults contains this information.

Children who are characterized by frequent illnesses should be vaccinated with products containing bacterial lysates. For example, the tool "Ribomunil".

More on non-specific prevention measures

It is most important to take the following measures directly during the epidemic. Firstly, you need to carefully review your diet, food should be he althy and vitamin-containing, that is, the more fruits, vegetables and water in the diet, the better and more successful the prevention of influenza and SARS will be. A memo for children and adults must contain this information.

flu and SARS prevention
flu and SARS prevention

It is also useful to drink infusions of various medicinal herbs, fruit drinks and ginger tea. The second thing to think about when flu and SARS are being prevented (a memo for children and adults also talks about this) is the daily routine. A person should get enough fresh air and he althy quality sleep. In order to provide these components to the full, it is recommended to plan the daily routine so that it includes a mandatory walk in the fresh air.

An important non-specific measure to prevent influenza andSARS is the use of multivitamin complexes and fruits rich in vitamin C and ascorbic acid.

Impossible not to mention flu protection businesses, hardening, physiotherapy, massage and sports. As you know, nothing strengthens the human body like physical activity and sports. Even a banal 10-minute morning exercise can bring enormous benefits to the body. Together with a contrast shower, exercise will not only add vigor, but also help the body in the fight against stress and disease.

Excellent in terms of success in the fight against influenza are various activities designed to stimulate the immune system, such as: acupressure, herbal medicine and acupuncture. It is only important to responsibly approach the choice of a specialist who will carry out these procedures, since an inexperienced one can not only not help, but also harm.

How to protect yourself during an epidemic?

From the moment when the influenza epidemic is officially declared, it is not recommended to leave the house without a special gauze bandage.

prevention of influenza and SARS memo for children
prevention of influenza and SARS memo for children

In addition, the dressing should be changed every 2 hours, this is very important when flu and SARS are being prevented. The memo for children contains the same information, so if you can avoid visiting any crowded places, you should definitely use it. If leaving the house on the street is inevitable, you need to periodically treat your hands with a special germ-killing agent, and once againat home, immediately wash them thoroughly with soap. The house should be wet cleaned and aired every day while the epidemic lasts.

It is absolutely unacceptable during the course of the epidemic to follow any diet for weight loss, since the diet must be complete and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Prevention of influenza and SARS with medicines

In order to prevent the disease during the course of the epidemic, one should constantly lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment or spray alpha-interferon into the nose twice a day, or take Aflubin three times a day. It is also important to remember that it is impossible to protect yourself from influenza virus infection with medicines alone. You should lead a he althy active lifestyle and eat well, then, in combination with other non-specific preventive measures, specific ones will be very effective.
