Measures to prevent influenza and acute viral infections are divided into two types - specific and non-specific. The first are aimed at neutralizing infection only with viruses. Non-specific include general measures to prevent various respiratory diseases, not necessarily provoked by strains. The main method of combating such diseases is the use of immunomodulatory drugs.
"Kagocel" is an immunostimulant that has antiviral activity, and is also an inducer of interferon synthesis. It activates the production of its own substance in the human body. The drug is used in therapy and for prophylactic purposes to prevent viral diseases.

"Kagocel": composition
The drug is available in the form of tablets, they have a rounded shape, creamy shade. According to the instructions for use, it is known that the main active component is the same namesubstance. In addition, the structure of the drug includes additional elements, which include:
- crospovidone;
- calcium s alt and stearic acid;
- polyvinylpyrrolidone;
- lactose monohydrate;
- starch.
Pills are packaged in blisters of ten.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the active substance helps to activate the production of late interferons, which have antiviral activity. After the first use of the drug, the level of interferons rises in forty-eight hours, and in the intestines its content increases strongly within four hours.

Indications and contraindications
According to the instructions for use, Kagocel tablets are prescribed for adults and children for the treatment and prevention of a viral infection, as well as for the acute course of herpetic disease in adults.
Treatment with Kagocelom is prohibited for a number of conditions, which include:
- Lactose intolerance (a hereditary metabolic pathology caused by a decrease in the level or activity of the lactase enzyme, in which the body cannot fully absorb lactose).
- Lactase deficiency (impaired digestion of lactose due to deficiency of the enzyme lactase of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, accompanied by clinical symptoms).
- Individual intolerance.
- Glucose-galactose malabsorption (a rare metabolic disease,in which the cells that line the intestines cannot metabolize two sugars such as glucose and galactose).
- Children under three years of age.
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation.
Before taking pills, make sure there are no restrictions.

How to use the drug, dosage
According to the instructions for use, the tablets are known to be taken orally whole, regardless of food. They are washed down with water. The regimen for taking "Kagocel" for prevention and treatment depends on the patient's age and indications for admission.
Adult patients to eliminate influenza are prescribed two tablets three times a day for the first two days, and one tablet three times a day for the next two days. In total, eighteen tablets are needed for the course, the duration of therapy is four days.
How to take "Kagocel" for the prevention of SARS? Such a procedure in adult patients is carried out in seven-day courses: two days - two tablets once a day, a five-day break, then repeat the procedure again. The duration of prophylactic treatment is from a week to several months.
To eliminate herpes, adult patients are prescribed two tablets three times a day for five days. In total, the course of therapy will require thirty tablets, the duration is five days.

Children's dosages of the drug "Kagocel" for the prevention of influenza and SARS:
- To eliminate thesechildren from three to six years of age are recommended to take the first two days, two tablets a day. In the next two days - one pill once a day. In total, the course will require six tablets, the duration of therapy is four days.
- For the treatment of influenza and viral infections, children from six years of age are advised for the first two days on a tablet three times a day. In the next two days - one pill twice a day. In total, ten tablets are needed for the course, the duration of treatment is four days.
- Prevention of diseases in children from three years of age is carried out in seven-day cycles. Two days - one tablet once a day, break for five days, then repeat the therapy. The duration of preventive treatment is from one week to a couple of months.
If there is no improvement after treatment with an antiviral drug, or the condition worsens or new symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Use doses of "Kagocel" for prevention and treatment only those indicated in the annotation.
Use of the drug later than four days from the onset of the disease may not give the proper pharmacological effect.
Adverse reactions
In general, the drug is well tolerated. The composition of the drug "Kagocel" includes such components that can provoke the development of allergic manifestations in the form of rashes on the skin, itching, urticaria. If such reactions occur, the use of the antiviral medication must be discontinued.
Features of the drug
Before starting treatment, it is important to familiarize yourself withinstructions for use for the medication and pay attention to a few nuances, which include:
- To achieve a positive pharmacological effect, the use of the drug should be started no later than on the fourth day from the onset of the disease.
- Pills go well with other antiviral medicines, as well as immunostimulants and antibacterial agents.
- "Kagocel" has no effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions and attention.
If you have any questions or doubts regarding the use of the drug, you should consult a medical specialist.
Due to the lack of certain information, the medicine is not allowed to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

"Kagocel" and alcohol
The drug does not directly interact with alcoholic beverages. But endogenous interferons, which are produced under the influence of Kagocel, have a negative, inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Immune agents can cause psychological and neurological diseases. For example, prolonged depression, increased anxiety, and suicide attempts.
Five days should elapse between the end of Kagocel therapy and the intake of strong drinks.
Storage conditions
According to the instructions for use for Kagocel tablets for adults and children, it is known that the drug has a shelf life of 24 months. Medicine neededkeep in a dry place, away from children, at a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees Celsius. In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription from a medical specialist.
They have a similar therapeutic effect:
- "Anaferon".
- "Amixin".
- "Cycloferon".
- "Ergoferon".
- "Arbidol".
- "Remantadine".
- "Ingavirin".
- "Cytovir-3".
- "Amizon".
Before changing the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

"Kagocel" or "Ingavirin"
"Ingavirin" is widely used in the cool season. The drug is characterized by a pronounced antiviral effect on the most common sources of acute respiratory diseases.
The spectrum of its action is based on the ability of active substances to influence the renewal of harmful viruses. In addition, the drug is credited with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.
Undoubtedly, the drug is effective in the conservative treatment of colds with a confirmed origin of the pathogen.
The use of "Ingavirin" is not considered rational. Kagocel wins in terms of preventive measures, since the drug is actively used to prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases in the winter, which Ingavirin cannot boast of.
"Kagocel" or "Arbidol"
According to the instructions for use, it is known that both drugs are antiviral agents, the therapeutic expediency of use is to increase the production of one's own interferon, which prevents the spread of viruses. In addition, the active substances of the drug activate cellular and humoral immune responses, which has a positive effect on the body's resistance to viral diseases.
The list of side effects of "Arbidol" is as short as that of "Kagocel", but unlike the latter, the drug is included in the "B" list, which in itself is alarming. If a decision is made to be treated without a sick leave, then it is definitely better to choose Kagocel for prevention purposes.

"Kagocel" or "Amiksin"
The second drug is considered an effective interferon inducer, that is, the spectrum of action is similar to Kagocel, since the drug increases the formation of an antiviral agent by intestinal cells, as well as hepatocytes, some fractions of immune system cells.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the hallmark of "Amixin" is the speed of the onset of a positive effect, a mild immunostimulating effect is observed a day after the use of the drug.
In pediatrics, "Amixin" has not gained much popularity, since the instructions contain a ban onuse of tablets by children under 7 years of age. Therefore, when treating young children, it is best to give preference to "Kagocel", which can be used from 3 years old.

"Ergoferon" or "Kagocel"
"Ergoferon" is a medicine with a huge range of pharmacological effects, which, in addition to selective antiviral and immunostimulating effects, also has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.
So, for example, the list of pathogens of respiratory diseases that are affected after the use of Ergoferon tablets is somewhat larger than that of the antiviral drug Kagocel.
Separately, it should be noted that "Ergoferon" can be used both in the treatment of adult patients and children, starting from 6 months. Based on these nuances, Ergoferon can be recognized as better than Kagocel, but the cost of generics of this level, of course, will be somewhat higher.
The antiviral drug "Kagocel" is very popular among patients in pulmonology or therapeutic departments. The reason lies in the mechanism of action of the drug and, of course, in its clinical effectiveness, since for a relatively short course of therapy of seven days, the drug helps to completely eliminate acute respiratory illness and to some extent improve the quality of life in winter.
Separately, it is necessary to note the responses of doctors about "Kagocel", becausedoctors recommend using these pills primarily for therapeutic and preventive measures to improve the bronchopulmonary system. Active substances contribute to increased production of interferon several times.
Kagocel tablets are used not only by adult patients, but also by children, responses about the drug on medical forums that are devoted to pediatric topics must be taken into account when it comes to this medicine.
Reviews about Kagocel for prevention in most cases are positive, since the medication is allowed to be used from the age of 3, so the child can safely go to an educational institution without fear of getting sick again.
The drug is approved by a large number of parents due to the absence of severe side effects. Conservative drug therapy is almost painless, if you do not take into account the likely allergic manifestations.