Treatment of atherosclerosis is not an easy task. As can be seen from the statistics, the disease occurs in a large percentage of the population of our planet, and in recent years, the frequency of diagnosis has only increased. Previously, atherosclerosis was thought to threaten only the elderly, but recently it has been increasingly detected in patients of middle and young age. However, before dealing with treatment, it is worth considering what kind of disease it is, what are its main features.
General information
If the doctor says that atherosclerosis treatment is required, you should not rely on easy methods and ways to alleviate the condition. Pathology belongs to the number of chronic, affects the heart and blood vessels. A distinctive feature is the formation of connective tissue seals on the walls of the arteries. Plaques lead to a decrease in the size of the vascular lumens, which means that the blood flow is disturbed, the internal organs do not receive the necessary volumes of oxygen and nutrients with the blood. Often atherosclerosis is accompanied by thrombosis. The disease is not only unpleasant, but also life-threatening for the patient.
Usually, treatment of atherosclerosis is necessary for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To development factorsdiseases include:
- excessive consumption of sweets;
- preference for fatty, refined foods;
- excess dietary cholesterol.
The blood vessels are negatively affected by high blood pressure. More often, atherosclerosis treatment is required for diabetics and overweight people. A dependence on heredity has been established: the genetic factor, perhaps not the most significant, but significantly increases the risk of developing the disease.
How to notice?
You can understand that treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels is required if you are worried about pain in the heart area, angina pectoris. This indicates damage to the system that feeds the heart.

The poor condition of the vessels that conduct blood to the brain is indicated by increased headaches and dizziness. They are especially pronounced when trying to change posture. The patient's ability to remember worsens, his head is noisy, mental deviations are possible. Thrombosis of blood vessels responsible for supplying the brain with blood leads to a stroke. The greatest risk is inherent in people suffering from atherosclerosis on the background of chronic high blood pressure.
The need for treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the peripheral circulatory system is indicated by dry skin, an abundance of wrinkles, and weight loss. Usually the patient notes that the extremities are cold. There may be pain in the limbs, back. Patients tire quickly.
What to do?
Perhaps, issues related to the treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, brain, heart - the most interesting informationfor individuals who have been diagnosed. If two approaches: traditional medicine and folk recipes. The first is undoubtedly more reliable, but a lot of useful information can be extracted from the second group of methods. The most successful method of dealing with the disease is to contact the doctor in time, check with him which medicines are relevant, which folk recipes are useful in the current situation, and practice a he alth recovery program, clearly following the instructions received. Self-treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, heart, limbs sometimes leads to serious consequences, even death.
Medicines and their features
Practiced if the symptoms of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels bother, treatment with substances from the class of statins. They will also help with the defeat of the disease of the limbs or arteries that feed the heart. True, funds from this class can provoke side effects, and they have a lot of contraindications, so you can use drugs only strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The most widely used formulations in modern medicine are based on the following active statins:
- atorvastatin;
- lovastatin;
- simvastatin.

Proper use of drugs allows you to reduce the concentration of total cholesterol in the circulatory system, take control of blood quality, reduce the amount of low-density lipoproteins, which are currently considered perhaps the most dangerous fat fractions. Reasonable usedrugs for symptoms of arteriosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities - a treatment that prevents and eliminates plaques, that is, excludes blood clots. Consequently, the risk of a fatal outcome is reduced. A specific medication, a program for taking it should be chosen by a doctor who analyzes the patient's condition.
What else will help?
Treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, cardiac and peripheral circulatory system may involve the use of medicines containing nicotinic acid. This compound actively affects the quality of blood, inhibits the fraction of cholesterol that is dangerous to he alth, reducing the concentration of triglycerides. At the same time, the amount of those forms of cholesterol that positively affect human he alth increases. True, you should not use products with vitamin PP without a doctor's recommendation - they also have contraindications and negative side effects. Nicotinic acid is strictly prohibited if the liver does not work properly, suffers from serious diseases.
Treatment of atherosclerosis of vessels of the brain, heart, limbs can be practiced with the use of medicines from the class of fibrates. These funds are based on fibrous xylitol, which affects the processes of glucose transformation in the body. With proper use of the substance, plaques provoked by atherosclerosis are eliminated. More often, these drugs are used by overweight people. Fibrates are indicated if the amount of triglycerides is above normal, and low-density lipoproteins are present in the circulatory system in an adequate concentration.
If the patient is intolerant of statins, with symptomstreatment of atherosclerosis of the brain can be prescribed with compounds that interact with bile acids. Such substances contribute to the removal of harmful components from the body. The means of this group will also help if the vessels of other elements of the circulatory system are affected. The most popular medicines presented in pharmacies:
- Cholesteed.
- Cholestyramine.
Treatment for atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, peripheral, cardiac, cerebral circulatory system may include the use of formulations to reduce the viscosity of the main fluid of the human body. The most famous drugs from this group:
- Plavix.
- "Aspirin cardio".

Additional course
In order for the main therapy to show the maximum effect, it can be supplemented with specific auxiliary components. Treatment of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, brain, and heart will give the best effect if the patient enriches the diet with drugs that supply Omega-3, 6, 9. These acids strengthen the body's strength, stimulate the immune system, prevent increased blood viscosity, and are distinguished by the qualities of antioxidants. With the correct use of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the concentration of types of cholesterol that negatively affect human he alth returns to normal.
To improve the general condition also use:
- calming with valerian, sodium bromide;
- multivitamin complexes;
- special nutrition programs.
Of the vitamins for symptoms of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, treatment requires special attention to be paid to group B, ascorbic acid. These components will also be useful in case of damage to blood vessels in other parts of the body.
Proper nutrition is the key to longevity
With symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, treatment will not be effective if the patient does not adhere to a special diet. This is true for other types of disease as well. The most important condition is to reduce the intake of cholesterol from food. Therefore, if possible, exclude:
- all fat;
- eggs;
- meat;
- kidneys, liver;
- canned food, especially oil;
- fatty fish;
- chocolate;
- cocoa;
- strong black tea.
Foods that contain a lot of selenium, vitamins, iodine will benefit. All these compounds prevent the formation of fatty deposits on the vascular walls, which means that drug treatment will be much more effective. Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, heart, brain require the inclusion of products in the diet:
- kelp;
- natural yogurt;
- peas;
- stewed, fried eggplant without skin;
- cauliflower;
- boiled quince;
- nuts, raisins, figs;
- strawberry;
- grapefruits (a couple of pieces daily on an empty stomach);
- watermelon.
To some extent, the use of vegetable oils provides prevention, since they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acidsacids, but preference should be given to strictly unrefined options. It is believed that fresh cherries and apples can prevent atherosclerosis. Baked, boiled apples are rich in pectin, and eating a couple of fresh apples daily, according to scientists, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the circulatory system by almost 14%.

Folk medicines
Treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain, arms and legs, heart is possible with the use of birch buds. A glass of water is taken for 5 g of the product, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then insisted for another hour, after which the liquid is decanted. The finished medicine is intended to be taken in food one hour after a meal in the amount of half a glass. The optimal frequency is four times daily.
Hawthorn shows a good effect in atherosclerosis. For 5 g of inflorescences - a glass of boiling water. The plant is poured with liquid, covered and allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then cooled to the air temperature in the room, the liquid is decanted. The finished product is shown to be consumed half an hour before a meal three times daily for half a glass.
Surprisingly, the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain can be carried out using plain water. To do this, on an empty stomach every day it is recommended to drink one and a half glasses of pre-boiled liquid without additives. This helps prevent dehydration, cleanses the circulatory system, and eliminates harmful accumulations.
Buckwheat inflorescences come to the aid of the sick. Take a couple of cups of boiling water on a tablespoon and let it brew for at leasttwo hours under the lid, after which the liquid is decanted. It is recommended to use the product daily up to four times in half a glass. To increase efficiency, cudweed grass can be included in the preparation. It has a calming effect, reduces pressure.
Simple and useful
For the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain (and not only), folk healers advise using elecampane. Rhizomes in the amount of 30 g are carefully crushed, poured with half a liter of vodka and insisted for a month and a half in a cool dark room. The finished product is used for food every day before meals. Dosage - 25 drops. Such a home remedy not only gets rid of deposits on the vascular walls, but also relieves headaches.
It is believed that strawberry rhizomes will be useful. They are washed, dried and crushed. A glass of water is taken on a teaspoon of powder, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then a teaspoon of the leaves of the same plant is mixed in and allowed to brew for an hour. The finished liquid is drained and used a day in three doses.
It is possible to treat atherosclerosis of the brain using only strawberry leaves. For 20 g of pre-dried and crushed product, a glass of liquid is taken, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for a couple more hours, then the water is decanted and used for food up to four times daily. Dosage - a tablespoon. The drug has a pronounced diuretic effect, and along with the liquid, cholesterol and excess s alts are excreted from the body.
It is believed that onion helps a lot with atherosclerosis. You can use root juice with honey, mixing them in equalquantities. The tool is not only effective when necessary to treat the disease, but also prevents its development. The recommended mode of use is a tablespoon five times daily. Alternative option: take a glass of sugar per 100 g of grated onion rhizome, insist for four days, then use a tablespoon for food, taking three-hour breaks between meals. The duration of such a course is up to a month.
Melissa is useful for atherosclerosis. This herb helps relieve nerve spasms, stimulates the brain, relieves the condition, his head hurts and is spinning, his ears are noisy. Melissa can be used fresh or dried, used as a base for decoction or tea, infusion. You can add it to your regular tea. The optimal dosage for self-decoction is a tablespoon per glass of water. There are practically no contraindications for the herb, and you can drink such drinks for a long time.

Fees for the he alth of the circulatory system
A medicine made up of garlic, white mistletoe, hawthorn inflorescences will bring benefits. The first product is taken twice as much as the rest. Boil a glass of water on a teaspoon of the mixture, let it brew overnight, then drain the liquid and use it as food three times a day. The optimal dose for one dose is a glass.
A good option is a mixture of figs, prunes, dried grapes and apricots, rose hips. All products are first insisted in water overnight, then passed through a meat grinder. The finished natural medicine is stored in a coolplace (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). For food, it is recommended to use a tablespoon every day.
You can try the medicine from dandelion, couch grass rhizomes, cinquefoil, yarrow leaves. On a tablespoon of the composition - a glass of water. Duration of infusion - at least an hour. The medicine is used in food before breakfast. Dosage - 150 ml.
Birch leaf is mixed with immortelle inflorescences, hawthorn berries, letter grass, oregano, St. John's wort, cinquefoil, linseeds, mint and rose hips. A couple of tablespoons of this collection is enough for one thermos. Herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted at night, they drink the finished medicine warm in three doses. It is better to use the product half an hour before a meal.
Procedures and treatments
If statins, vasodilating drugs, diet and traditional medicines do not show a pronounced effect, surgical intervention is possible. Such an event is indicated if the lumen of the vessel is so narrow that the blood practically does not enter the organs. Doctors remove the affected parts of the circulatory system and replace them with synthetic materials. Another option is to expand an existing vessel, if its condition allows it.
They decide on the need for surgical intervention only on the basis of a detailed examination of the patient's condition. The situation is especially difficult in the elderly, since there are many restrictions, and for some people the operation is contraindicated in principle. Having studied all the individual characteristics of the case, the doctor explains to the patient the treatment options, the likelihood of a successful outcome with them.application, the possible risks associated with different approaches. Based on a detailed analysis, the final decision is made.
Operations: cryoprecipitation
During the intervention, harmful components are precisely removed from the blood plasma without damaging beneficial compounds. To some extent, the logic is similar to plasma filtration, but has a distinctive feature - this blood fraction is cooled. The procedure is performed using a special separator with columns to isolate malicious connections.
First, a certain amount of blood is removed from the patient's body, then the liquid is treated. A heparin solution is poured into the plasma to form a precipitate, the substance is frozen, then slowly allowed to thaw (the process is accompanied by the formation of white flakes). The plasma is placed in a centrifuge, the cryoprecipitate is precipitated, pumped into sterile bags, heated to 37 degrees and infused into the patient.

During this procedure, the substance is purified from cholesterol fractions, low-density, very low-density lipoproteins, viral components, uric acid, highly sensitive C-reactive protein and cryoglobulins.
Operations: cascading filtering
This is a modern and effective method that involves the use of precise technology. For the operation, a specialized separator and filters designed for cascade filtration are used. Blood is divided into plasma, erythro-, thrombo-, leukocytes. The purified plasma is sent to the filter, where it is freed from harmful inclusions,the liquid thus prepared is poured into the patient's body. Blood cells are not processed in the filter, so they are not harmed. These compounds are returned to the plasma immediately prior to infusion.
To connect the patient to the device, two catheters are used, installed in a vein on the elbows. The procedure is continuous. Blood from one hand is sent to the mechanism, where it is purified and returned to the human body through the other hand. The duration of the event - from three to four hours, is determined by the volume of liquid to be processed, the speed of blood flow. The event itself is painless, but there may be discomfort at the time of the catheter insertion.
Cascade filtration allows you to purify the blood from toxins, cholesterol, viral particles, albumin, C-reactive protein structures. The procedure is indicated for a wide range of chronic pathologies. Blood purification is mechanical, requires a minimum of time, increases the efficiency of internal organs, reduces the symptoms of diseases, increases the duration of remission, and allows the patient to live more actively. Plasma filtration is an effective method of preventing sudden death.
Important Features
Increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the circulatory system is a factor that can provoke a variety of conditions that are life-threatening for the patient. Regular plasma filtration helps to reduce the likelihood of the acute phase of heart disease, blood vessels.
Only an experienced transfusiologist can perform cascade filtration. Usually the procedure is carried out several times, withbreaks of three days, sometimes - up to a week. If long-term treatment is prescribed, then blood purification is done once or twice a month. This is a safe event, but a specialist's control over the patient's condition is required.
Cascade plasma filtration is prohibited for persons in whom blood flow is severely impaired, and allergic reactions to the components used during the procedure have been identified. It is known that plasma filtration can cause dizziness, small local bleeding at the site of catheter insertion, and temporary numbness of the extremities. All side effects occur only in a small percentage of cases.
This is a non-surgical method by which you can return the circulatory system to normal. During the procedure, vascular lumens are restored. The doctor uses a small balloon that is inserted into the body with a catheter. This allows you to expand the vessel, restore normal blood flow. To fix the lumen, angioplasty is often combined with stenting, that is, a thin mesh construction is placed to secure the lumen and guarantee normal blood supply to organs and structures.

You can put one stent or several - the doctor chooses based on the size of the treated area.