The cold season inevitably entails colds, almost all of which are accompanied by unpleasant spasms and sore throats. However, there are many ways to treat a cough at home without resorting to expensive and not always useful medication methods. However, it is worth remembering that you can engage in such self-treatment only if you are sure that you have a common cold, and its form is mild. If we consider the nature of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough, then it is a forced exhalation, which is accompanied by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract. This happens due to irritation of the receptors by the bacteria located on them.
In principle, before asking how to treat a cough at home, it should be borne in mind that these bacteria are always present in the throat, however, before the weakening of immunity caused by a cold, they behave inactively and do not cause throat spasms.
Traditional medicineknows a lot of means of dealing with colds, especially if they are not viral in nature. Unfortunately, in some cases, it will not be possible to avoid taking antibiotics. But still, with the help of folk remedies, you can find the answer to the question, say, "how to treat a night cough", which causes a lot of anxiety. Lemon will be very effective in this case, which should be boiled over low heat for ten minutes. Next, you should squeeze the juice out of it, add honey and two tablespoons of natural glycerin to it. This method is effective if you want to learn how to treat a cough of a rare nature at home, for example, residual. You need to take the resulting remedy in a teaspoon 1-2 times a day. With frequent coughing, you should increase the amount of use of folk medicine up to three times a day.

An excellent and fairly well-known remedy for seizures is black radish juice, which is obtained by cutting off the top of the root crop, cutting out part of the core and adding honey to it. The radish should be left in a warm place until it releases its juice (usually after four to five hours). This honey nectar will give an answer to the question of how to treat a cough at home, provided that it is taken daily three times a day. A tougher method, but also more effective, involves the use of onions and garlic. It is necessary to cut ten onions (medium-sized) and mix them with a head of garlic, also chopped. Boil the resulting slurry in milk until softened and add toa mixture of honey and mint. When treating with this method, frequency is important: a tablespoon of medicine must be taken every hour, especially if you are bothered by a dry cough.

Don't forget about herbal infusions. If you are interested in what herbs to treat a cough, do not disregard the well-known chamomile, which can be used to gargle. A favorable remedy is an infusion of coltsfoot leaves, which combines expectorant and bactericidal properties. If a cough bothers young children, then a decoction of licorice root, which stimulates sputum discharge, can help to cope with it. A decoction of thyme herb has a similar property.