A rash on the abdomen is an unpleasant symptom that can be present in many diseases. You cannot diagnose yourself. Self-medication often leads to serious complications.
This is an autoimmune disease faced by many. Rashes on the abdomen can appear when eating certain foods, using synthetic clothing, and taking certain medications. It often happens that an allergic reaction does not appear immediately, but with prolonged exposure to the allergen on the body. In medical terms, the pathological process is associated with increased sensitivity of the immune system to certain substances.

The most common is food allergies. It is often possible to notice a rash on a child's stomach after eating a certain product for the first time. An allergic reaction can develop to citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, colorful fruits and vegetables. The clinical picture in this case can be quite diverse. Unpleasant symptoms in most casesdevelops within two to three hours after eating. Eruptions appear on the back and abdomen, less often on the arms and face. The hallmark of an allergy is itching.
People who suffer from allergies should always keep antihistamines such as Diazolin, Tavegil, Supradin, etc. in their home medicine cabinet.
A seemingly harmless food allergy can lead to serious complications if left untreated. The most dangerous condition is anaphylactic shock associated with the formation of a large amount of histamine in the blood. If, in addition to rashes on the body, the patient's blood pressure has decreased, swelling of the limbs and face develops, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Hormonal disruption
Rashes on the abdomen may be associated with changes in hormonal levels. More often, such symptoms are observed in representatives of the weaker sex. Hormones in the body of a he althy person must be in a certain balance. If the levels of certain substances begin to change, this can lead to serious consequences. In both women and men, hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility. And one of the first signs of pathology is often a rash on the stomach or back.
How to understand that the rash is connected with hormones? An accurate diagnosis can be made by a specialist. However, such a rash also has its own characteristic features. Violation of the hormonal background leads to increased production of skin secretions. Rashes are simple pimples (comedones).

It is possible to restore the hormonal background with the help of replacement therapy. Thus, it is possible to restore the production of skin secretions. The resulting rash is eliminated with the help of antiseptics, anti-inflammatory ointments.
The disease is associated with increased sweating, independent of physical factors. Normally, sweat takes part in the thermoregulation of the body. The secret begins to be produced during physical exertion, with excitement or against the background of elevated body temperature (during illness). If increased sweating is observed for no apparent reason, they speak of the development of hyperhidrosis.
The disease does not always develop on its own. Pathological increased sweating can accompany a number of neuropsychiatric diseases. Primary hyperhidrosis can develop in men and women as early as adolescence, during puberty. Against the background of increased sweating, rashes are often observed on the skin of the abdomen or back.

Only an integrated approach will help cure hyperhidrosis. The patient is prescribed drugs that affect the sympathetic nervous system. Herbal sedatives show good results. Spa treatment is indicated for patients with chronic hyperhidrosis.
This group includes sexually transmitted infections. Rashes on the abdomen in an adult may appear on the background of syphilis. This is a disease that has a long undulating course. The infection affects the entire body -mucous membranes and skin, cardiovascular and nervous system. The causative agent is a pale spirochete. The optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora are the lymph nodes. The patient is contagious at any time during the illness.
Red rashes on the abdomen can appear almost immediately after infection. Against the background of infection, the patient's body temperature rises, symptoms of general intoxication of the body appear. Syphilis is dangerous for its complications. If treatment is not started in time, all organs and systems are gradually affected, which leads to disability and even death of the patient.

The method of treatment of syphilis is selected on an individual basis. In the acute period of the disease, as a rule, antibacterial agents of the penicillin series are used. If an allergy to this group of medicines is detected, tetracyclines or cephalosporins may be prescribed.
Under this name, a large number of inflammatory skin diseases are combined. Classify dermatitis depending on the nature of the lesion and localization. Rash and itching on the abdomen often develop as a result of contact dermatitis. Inflammation of the skin is a response to exposure to a specific stimulus.
An accurate diagnosis can be made by a dermatologist after a short examination of the patient. Histological studies of the affected skin sample are mandatory. The main principle of therapy is the identification and elimination of an irritant that leads to inflammation of the epidermis.
This chronic non-contagious disease usually affects the skin. However, nails and joints can also suffer. To date, experts cannot name the exact reasons for the development of the pathological process. The most likely is the hereditary and neurogenic nature of the disease. Many experts consider psoriasis to be a multifactorial disease.
Clinical manifestations of the pathological process begin with the appearance of solitary papules in certain parts of the body. At the beginning of the disease, red rashes appear on the abdomen. Over time, they become covered with scales. There may be few rashes right away. Over time, their number gradually increases.

Psoriasis requires long-term complex therapy. The patient is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet, sedatives (tincture of valerian, motherwort), antihistamines ("Tavegil", "Suprastin"). Outwardly, drugs are used to speed up the process of restoring the damaged epidermis - ichthyol, naftalan ointment.
This inflammatory skin disease is characterized by a long course. The pathological process often acquires a chronic form, has an allergic origin. Most often, rashes appear on open areas of the epidermis (on the face, hands), but inflammation can also appear on the abdomen and back. Provoke the development of the disease can hormonal disorders in the body, the state of immunodeficiency. In children, eczema often develops against the background of diathesis.

After making an accurate diagnosis, it is important to reduce the influence of the provoking factor - the allergen, nervous overload. Drug therapy is carried out using sedatives and antihistamines. As in the case of psoriasis, the affected tissues are restored with the help of anti-inflammatory ointments. Good results are shown by physiotherapeutic methods of treatment - magnetotherapy, ozone therapy, laser treatment. After stopping acute inflammation, the patient is shown therapeutic mud and UV radiation.
A parasitic skin disease provokes scabies mite. In children and the elderly, the disease is detected more often than in adult patients leading an active lifestyle. The source of infection is always a sick person. However, getting a parasite on the skin does not mean that you will have to face unpleasant symptoms. The state of the patient's immune system is of great importance.
You can get scabies in public places - through door handles, banknotes, telephone handsets, stair railings. The tick can also be on animals for a short time. Therefore, such an infection is not excluded.
Symptoms of the disease appear already in the first days after infection. Parents may notice rashes on the child's abdomen where the parasite enters. Characteristic is itching, which intensifies at night. For the treatment of scabies, the emulsion "Benzyl benzoate" is used. It is necessary to process the entire skin, and not just the entry points of the parasites.
If there are rashes on the abdomen and chest, do notit is excluded that I had to deal with a common infectious disease of viral etiology - chickenpox. The pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of a blistering rash on the body against the background of symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The disease provokes a microorganism from the herpesvirus family. The infection is easily transmitted by airborne droplets. Often, children who attend preschool institutions suffer from unpleasant symptoms. In communities, the infection spreads rapidly. After suffering from chickenpox, lifelong immunity is maintained.

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to three weeks. The younger the patient, the easier he tolerates the infection. Children may experience minor rashes all over the body. In rare cases, body temperature rises to subfebrile levels. In adults, as a rule, there are symptoms of general intoxication of the body.
Chickenpox is treated on an outpatient basis. Pustules should be treated with an antiseptic to avoid secondary infection. Patients with immune deficiency are additionally prescribed antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Vidarabine).
One of the symptoms of an acute viral illness is the appearance of a red rash all over the body. The infection enters the body through airborne droplets. The source of infection is a sick person. The incubation period can last up to ten days. People are very susceptible to infection of this kind. However, after the transfer of the disease, stable immunity remains to it.
In the early daysof infection, the patient develops symptoms of general intoxication (headache, fever), then a rash appears. If the rashes on the abdomen itch, this may indicate the addition of a secondary infection.
Measles is treated at home. Therapy is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and preventing complications. The rash is treated with an antiseptic ("Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine", "Hydrogen Peroxide").
Rashes on the abdomen can appear with various pathological processes. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a doctor. It is not worth postponing seeking help if the rash accompanies a deterioration in general well-being.