Our parents inspired us since childhood with the fear of broken thermometers, because they contain a very dangerous metal - mercury. But no one is immune from a collision with a mercury leak or a broken thermometer (at present, alcohol is most often used in everyday life), so everyone should know what will happen if they drink mercury, or in case of poisoning with its vapors.

Mercury poisoning from a thermometer is possible by swallowing a ball of mercury (for example, a child). In this case, you need to induce vomiting as soon as possible and call paramedics. What happens if you drink mercury? there is only one answer - toxic poisoning by its vapors will occur. In addition, mercury tends to accumulate in the body, while affecting the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system, liver and kidneys.
So, what happens if you drink mercury? What will happen to the person who does this? He will feel weakness, emotional depression, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, nausea, loss of appetite. After a while, vomiting will open, and there will be a taste of metal in the mouth.

What happens if you drink mercury in large quantities? In addition to the above symptoms, diarrhea with mucus and blood will appear, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen.
The most common mercury poisoning is due to prolonged inhalation of its vapors.
Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning are similar to ordinary poisoning - headache, weakness, vomiting, fever and nausea. This is what leads to misdiagnosis. If such poisoning is identified and treated in time, recovery occurs within two to three days. If the damage to the body is significant, treatment may take much longer. In addition, prolonged and systematic exposure to a room containing mercury vapor can lead to a chronic form of the disease. In this case, there is a group of diseases, the treatment of which must be approached very seriously. One of the most dangerous consequences is a disorder of the nervous system. You can determine the presence of mercury poisoning by passing tests of feces, saliva and urine. For treatment, drugs are used that help mercury get out of the body.

If there is a mercury leak in the room (broken thermometer or fluorescent lamp), it must be eliminated quickly and thoroughly. To do this, wear rubber gloves so that the metal does not touch exposed areas of the skin, and limit the place where mercury has entered, as it spreads well and sticks to surfaces, which can be carried around the house. Mercury should be collected in a glass container with cold water, which can beclose tightly. This container should not be kept near heating devices, in order to avoid the evaporation of mercury. And as soon as possible, give the container to the employees of the "01" service. Small droplets are collected with adhesive tape, a rubber bulb, wet newspaper, a syringe or adhesive tape. After removing mercury residues, the room must be ventilated, and the places where mercury was located are treated with chlorine-containing substances or a solution of potassium permanganate. Alternatively, you can make a solution of 40 gr. soap, 30 gr. soda and a liter of water, treat them with leaks.