Folic acid deficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Folic acid deficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures
Folic acid deficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Vitamins are substances that regulate the activity of all human organs and systems. Some of them come from food, others are synthesized in the intestine or liver. Some vitamins do not accumulate in the body, therefore, with their insufficient intake, various he alth disorders are observed. The lack of folic acid, which is also known as vitamin B9, is especially difficult to tolerate. This substance is involved in many processes of the body, in particular - in hematopoiesis. Therefore, with its deficiency, anemia and other serious consequences can develop.

Features of folic acid

This vitamin belongs to the water-soluble group of vitamins B. These are nitrogenous compounds that enter the body with food. Only partially they are synthesized in the body, so their deficiency is often found. Like all B vitamins, folic acid is primarily obtained from food. But its source is green vegetables, greens, especially a lot of it in spinach. There is vitamin B9 in meat, liver and eggs, but most of it is destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, in the northern regions, where there is nothe opportunity to consume greens all year round, signs of a lack of folic acid are often found. It is believed that about 75% of people suffer from pathologies caused by this condition.

This vitamin got its name because it was first discovered in spinach and other greens, because "folium" in Latin means "leaf". Then the scientists managed to isolate this substance and study it. This happened in the 40s of the 20th century, but only recently folic acid began to be obtained artificially. It has the same properties as a natural vitamin. Therefore, when there is a shortage of folic acid, drugs are more effective than the inclusion of foods containing this vitamin in the diet.

folic acid functions
folic acid functions

Functions of Vitamin B9

Lack of folic acid in the body seriously affects he alth. After all, she is involved in many processes of vital importance. This vitamin is very important for a person, as it has the following functions:

  • participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, only with its help the hemoglobin molecule is formed correctly;
  • is part of the cerebrospinal fluid, therefore it is very important for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • takes part in the synthesis of proteins and RNA;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • participates in the production of serotonin and norepinephrine;
  • required for normal metabolism and cell regeneration.
supplementation with vitamin b9
supplementation with vitamin b9

Consumption ratefolic acid

A he althy adult needs about 400 micrograms of vitamin B9 per day. Children need less of it: at the age of up to a year - from 60 to 80 mcg, up to 3 years - 150 mcg, and later - 200 mcg. But when symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body appear, the need for it increases to 600 mcg. This vitamin does not accumulate in the body, but is consumed quickly. More of it is required for children and adolescents for normal growth and development. An additional intake of folic acid during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is necessary, since everything goes to the needs of the child. There is also an increasing need for this vitamin in certain diseases: cancerous tumors, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases.

folic acid
folic acid

Causes of a lack of folic acid

Vitamin B9 is mainly supplied to the body from the outside. Moreover, in the products it is not found in the form of folic acid, but in the form of folates. Therefore, the lack of folic acid occurs under the influence of one of three reasons:

  • Foods containing this vitamin are not enough in the human diet. This may be due to malnutrition, dieting, or malnutrition. This happens in adolescents who often eat dry food, in the elderly, in alcoholics and drug addicts, and fast food lovers. In addition, a similar condition can occur even in people who eat well. After all, folic acid is destroyed by improper storage and preparation of products.
  • If the body has an increased need for vitamin B9. Therefore, it often occursfolic acid deficiency during pregnancy, in children and adolescents, athletes, people exposed to increased stress, as well as after serious illnesses and injuries.
  • When the absorption of this vitamin is impaired. This can happen with various diseases of the digestive system, with celiac disease, dysbacteriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, depression, alcoholism. The lack of certain trace elements, such as vitamin C, B, D, iodine, also disrupts the absorption of folic acid. This can also happen with certain medications, such as antibiotics, anti-seizure medications, malaria, or tumor medications.
replenishment of vitamin B9 deficiency
replenishment of vitamin B9 deficiency

Signs of a lack of folic acid in the body

If this happens, the person does not feel it right away. The work of the body is gradually disrupted, usually the first symptoms appear after 2-4 weeks. Pathology begins with a decrease in efficiency, frequent headaches, irritability and memory impairment. Apathy, loss of appetite, weight loss, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. In addition, the lack of folic acid can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • violation of hemoglobin production is accompanied by pallor of the skin, decreased performance, muscle weakness;
  • it also leads to hair loss, skin deterioration, mouth sores, acne, or acne;
  • due to the low acidity of the stomach, appetite worsens and the absorption of proteins is disrupted;
  • for the same reason, dyspepsia develops, appearabdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea
  • low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine are accompanied by apathy, sleep disturbance, depression;
  • there is also a deterioration in memory and attention.
signs of vitamin b9 deficiency
signs of vitamin b9 deficiency

Consequences of vitamin B9 deficiency

Due to the lack of folic acid in the human body, many pathological processes develop. Most often, megaloblastic anemia or anemia occurs, which leads to a deterioration in the enrichment of tissues with oxygen and to disruption of the functioning of many organs. This is manifested by various neurological pathologies, decreased immunity, and depression. The risk of developing a heart attack or stroke increases. As a result of this deficiency in men, reproductive function worsens, and the sperm contains damaged DNA.

Folic acid deficiency symptoms are common in women during pregnancy. This can cause serious he alth consequences for mother and child. First of all, because of this, a miscarriage is possible in the early stages, since the embryo cannot gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. This condition can also cause preeclampsia, placental abruption, or birth complications. In the child himself, from a lack of vitamin B9, the nervous system develops incorrectly. This leads to pathologies of the brain, non-closure of the spinal canal, anomalies in the development of the limbs, and the development of Down syndrome. Folic acid deficiency in older children is manifested by a lag in mental and physical development, nervousness, outbursts of aggression, sleep disturbance.

where is vitamin b9 found
where is vitamin b9 found


Most often, the amount of folic acid is determined by a blood test. Red blood cells are examined, since it is in them that vitamin B9 accumulates. There is 20 times more of it than in other tissues. Therefore, its amount in erythrocytes decreases only with a long-term lack of folic acid. Normally, this substance in the blood should be from 4 to 18 ng / ml. Such an analysis is recommended for suspected macrocytic anemia, and at the same time the level of vitamin B12 is checked. In addition, it must be prescribed to pregnant women, with chronic diseases of the liver and intestines, as well as during long-term treatment with certain drugs.

How to make up for the lack of vitamin B9

Folic acid is found in large quantities in cabbage, cherries, beans, citrus fruits, figs. There is it in the liver, eggs, rowan berries, nuts, tomatoes. But most of all vitamin B9 is found in spinach, onions, lettuce and other greens. These foods must be included in your daily diet. But with a lack of folic acid, diet alone will not be enough, you need to take special medicines.

There are preparations containing only vitamin B9 in large quantities. They can only be taken as directed by a doctor in severe cases of folate deficiency anemia. For prevention, as well as with a slight lack of vitamin B9, you can use multivitamin preparations. Their advantage is that they contain additional components that help the absorption of folic acid, for example,vitamin C.

The most popular drugs for anemia are such drugs: "Foliber", with vitamins B9 and B12, M altofer" and "Hemoferon", containing folic acid and iron. The complex drugs "Doppelherz Active Folic Acid", " Folic acid with B6 and B12" and "Elevit Pronatal".

vitamin b9 preparations
vitamin b9 preparations

Prevention of folic acid deficiency

This vitamin is very unstable. It is destroyed during the heat treatment of products, especially little of it remains in the meat. Soft-boiled eggs contain only 50% folic acid compared to raw eggs. But even when eating raw vegetables, there may be a lack of folic acid, as it is destroyed by improper storage, under the influence of sunlight. Many vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses and sold in supermarkets are low in vitamins. Therefore, it is important to eat well, eat raw vegetables and herbs every day, preferably bought in the market. It is better to make stocks for the winter without heat treatment. You can prevent a lack of folic acid by giving up bad habits, especially alcohol interferes with its absorption.
