The first signs of throat cancer: how to distinguish cancer from a cold

The first signs of throat cancer: how to distinguish cancer from a cold
The first signs of throat cancer: how to distinguish cancer from a cold

Throat cancer, the first signs of which with careful observation can be detected by any person, kills more than four thousand people every year.

early signs of throat cancer
early signs of throat cancer

This disease is one of the leaders of oncological diseases: it is among the top twenty deadly diseases. However, the first signs of throat cancer, if detected in a timely manner, will help to start early treatment and get rid of the disease forever. How to save your own life? Timely detect the first signs of throat cancer.


Specialists cannot establish the true causes of cancer. Numerous and lengthy studies have only made it possible to find out which factors significantly increase the risk of the first signs of throat cancer. Most of these factors are familiar even to children.

throat cancer early signs
throat cancer early signs

• Smoking. It doesn't matter what the person smokes. Any inhalation of smoke can become a starting shot, after which cancer appears. A smoker can attribute the malaise to sore throat, which smokers often suffer from. But most likelycoughing will be the first sign of illness.

• Alcohol. It reduces the immune defense, makes the body open to ailments of any kind. Unfortunately, alcoholics, even after discovering the first unpleasant symptoms, do not go to the doctor and do not change their lifestyle.

• Drugs.

• Mouth infections.

• Pollution of the environment in which a person lives.

• Human papillomavirus.

Timely treatment of all diseases, getting rid of deadly habits greatly reduce (medical statistics confirm this) the risk of oncology.

Throat cancer. First signs

Photos depicting this disease can be found in the medical literature.

throat cancer first signs
throat cancer first signs

Most people, feeling discomfort in the throat, do not go to the clinic, preferring self-treatment. This can be very dangerous: the first signs of throat cancer are practically no different from a sore throat, SARS or flu. Therefore, you should be careful here. The most common early signs of throat cancer are:

• pain in the larynx, inconvenience when swallowing;

• enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils;

• the appearance of swelling on the neck;

• slight change of voice.

Sometimes the first signs of throat cancer are sores or white patches in the mouth. But sometimes even these symptoms are absent. Obvious symptoms, which are already clearly visible, are already neglected by a few: at this stage, the disease greatly worries the patient.

• There are severe cutting pains in the throat, ear, sometimes in the templesor cheeks.

• There is a continuous painful cough.

• General weakness observed.

• Rapid weight loss develops.


What to do if throat cancer is found? The first signs of oncology, even its subsequent and third stages, are not a sentence at all. Tumors at these stages are still small, and metastases have not spread throughout the body. Usually, doctors prescribe a combined treatment: chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and if necessary, if the tumor is large, surgical removal of the tumor. One of the latest and still experimental methods is targeted or targeted therapy. It is not yet used in all clinics, but the treatment often gives quite good results. It is important to eat right during treatment, although it is difficult: any treatment for throat cancer causes nausea, and sometimes makes swallowing impossible. In this case, you will have to resort to using a special probe. Timely treatment and proper nutrition significantly speed up the process of healing from a terrible disease.
