Angina is a very serious infectious disease that affects both children and adults. This disease is not terrible for its symptoms, but for the complications that may appear as a result of improper treatment. At the initial stages of development, angina can easily be confused with SARS.
The importance of seeing the difference
It is worth paying attention to the fact that these diseases are treated in completely different ways. Thanks to timely differential diagnosis, it is possible to choose adequate methods of treatment, as well as to protect the patient from possible unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is so necessary to know how to distinguish angina from SARS. And for this it is worth considering the features of these diseases.

Features of angina
Considering how to distinguish angina from SARS, you should pay attention to the fact that angina is a bacterial disease that affects the larynx, or to be more precise, the palatine tonsils. The main causative agents of this disease are mainly staphylococci and streptococci. As a rule, they penetrate into the human body from the outside, that is, by contact or airborne droplets. It is also worth noting that these microorganisms can live inside the human body all the time. If bacteria begin to multiply uncontrollably, they will provoke inflammation. There are cases when a viral sore throat occurs, but it can be called rather a complication of a cold, rather than a separate disease.
When discussing how to distinguish angina from SARS, it should also be noted that angina mainly affects children of school and preschool age. Sometimes the disease manifests itself in adults. This pathology can occur in several forms:
- Herpes.
- Follicular.
- Ulcer-necrotic.
- Lacunar.
- Catarrhal.
Each form of this disease has its own symptoms and signs, thanks to which it is possible to make an accurate diagnosis. The main methods of therapy are aimed at destroying the main causative agent of the disease, as well as alleviating discomfort in the throat. Considering how to treat a sore throat at home quickly, it should be noted that most often a specialist prescribes antibacterial drugs for these purposes.

Features of SARS
The concept of SARS is complex. It combines all infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. These diseases include the following:
- Laryngitis.
- Pharyngitis.
- Tracheitis.
- Flu.
- Cold.
- Bronchitis.
All of the above diseases are characterized by a viral nature of origin. In the process of the disease, as a rule, the larynx, throat, nasopharynx are affected, in some cases the bronchi and trachea may be affected. To understand how to distinguish angina from ARVI, you should pay attention to the fact that ARVI is characterized by bright respiratory symptoms that develop gradually over time, the virus affects the entire human body.
However, a specialist will be able to accurately distinguish these two diseases from each other. Only after that, he will prescribe an effective remedy for sore throat and other drugs in the fight against signs of acute respiratory viral infections or tonsillitis. In this case, you should not self-medicate, since different medicines are required for the treatment of these two diseases.

Common symptoms of tonsillitis and SARS
As a rule, SARS and tonsillitis have similar initial symptoms, which is why these two diseases are often confused with each other. Common signs of disease development include the following:
- A gradual or sudden rise in temperature.
- General signs of intoxication in the human body, which should include lethargy, weakness and pain in the joints.
- Inflammatory process on the throat mucosa.
At the same time, you should not start drinking any medicines on your own. If the patient is not sure of his diagnosis with accuracy, then it is best to contact a medical institution where a specialistwill tell you what to drink with angina and SARS antibiotics and other drugs.
Despite the fact that the clinical pictures of these two diseases are very similar, angina is still significantly different from other ENT pathologies. Basically, this disease begins to develop abruptly, without any prerequisites. At the initial stage of development, body temperature rises to high rates. You should also pay attention to what kind of sore throat with angina takes place. As a rule, during this disease, severe pain is felt during swallowing. A strong swelling of the tonsils is noticeable to the naked eye, but against this background, the larynx looks relatively clean. With SARS, sore throats are not so pronounced.
It is also worth paying attention to the caseous plugs that form during a sore throat. They are filled with yellow content. This is a very important sign of a sore throat that occurs in an acute form.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish a sore throat from other colds, first of all, based on clinical manifestations.
Difference in symptoms
SARS, as a rule, is accompanied by respiratory symptoms, which should include sneezing, runny nose, redness of the mucous membrane in the throat, nasal congestion. At the same time, a strong wet cough does not make you wait. But for angina, a dry cough is characteristic, which occurs against the background of soreness in the throat. This disease also does not cause sneezing or nasal congestion.
You should also pay attention to the difference intemperature indicators. Considering how long a child has a temperature during ARVI, it should be noted that in both diseases this figure can be up to 41 degrees. However, there is one caveat here, which is that with angina, the temperature drops rapidly after a couple of days, if you start taking antibiotics. In the treatment of influenza with antibacterial drugs, the condition only worsens. Therefore, it is possible to differentiate diseases according to a certain set of symptoms, as well as if you control how long a child has a temperature during ARVI.
Another difference is that with a simple cold, there is no severe discomfort. In most cases, adults carry SARS on their feet. But angina causes severe pain, and general well-being worsens. The patient has difficulty swallowing even saliva.

Visually, you can also distinguish a sore throat from SARS. If swollen tonsils are seen in the patient's mirror, on which purulent plugs are present, then this indicates the development of a sore throat. If there is laryngitis or pharyngitis, then there is no plaque on the back walls of the larynx.
If we talk about the duration of the course of the disease, then recovery from a cold occurs within a week, and a sore throat can last up to 15 days.
Answering the question of how to determine ARVI, it should be noted that it would be useful at the initial stage of the development of the disease to carry out self-diagnosis at home. Otherwise, various kinds ofcomplications.
Features of treatment
The treatment of these diseases will depend on the correct diagnosis. If you try to cure a sore throat with the help of antiviral drugs, then there can be no question of any recovery. The same thing can happen with SARS if you try to treat the disease with antibiotics.
SARS treatment
All infections that were caused by any viruses, such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, need symptomatic therapy. This should include rinsing with solutions made on the basis of herbs, for example, calendula or sage, as well as pharmaceutical rinses, for example, Miramistin or Rotokan. Also, with ARVI, absorbable lozenges, for example, "Faringosept" or "Strepsils", irrigation of the throat with a spray, for example, "Kameton" or "Orasept", are effective. Inhalation with a nebulizer will be useful in the treatment of SARS.
With the help of these drugs, the human body is able to quickly fight viruses and recover on its own. However, there is one exception, which is influenza, which requires antiviral therapy. In some cases, this is done in a hospital setting.

Treatment of angina
Before you quickly treat a sore throat at home, you should pay attention to the fact that antibacterial agents will be required to treat this disease, and to be more precise, broad-spectrum antibiotics. Onlythese drugs are able to fight a bacterial infection and clean the tonsils from existing plaque. The following medicines are most effective in the fight against staphylococci and streptococci:
- "Sumamed".
- "Augmentin".
- "Amoxiclav".
- "Azithromycin".
If we consider effective remedies for sore throat, then for this you can use irrigation, rinsing, and also warm drinking. Of course, these remedies are not able to completely cure the disease, but they will relieve soreness, fever and inflammation in the throat.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that antibiotics must be prescribed by a specialist, since self-administration of these medications can provoke serious he alth complications.
If ARVI is basically able to pass quickly without special therapy, then angina needs a comprehensive medical approach.
Possible complications of angina
Angina is dangerous because after it various kinds of complications can occur, which appear immediately after complete recovery or even after a few months. The greatest danger is the incorrect selection of medications for the treatment of angina. The serious consequences of this disease are as follows:
- Development of heart failure.
- Various pathologies of the kidneys.
- The development of rheumatism.
- Abscess formation.
In most cases, these diseases for a long time do notdo not manifest, but make themselves felt already at a late stage of their course. In some cases, complications of angina can lead to disability.

Possible complications of SARS
As a rule, ARVI ends with a successful recovery. However, in some situations, pneumonia or bronchitis may develop. But it is simply impossible not to notice these diseases, since they have characteristic symptoms in the form of fever and a strong cough. These diseases are almost always successfully treated on an outpatient basis.
Currently, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of all colds can prevent possible unpleasant consequences.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to see the difference between SARS and tonsillitis. This is very important in order to maintain your own he alth and prevent sad consequences.