What does the body need proteins for?

What does the body need proteins for?
What does the body need proteins for?

Few people know what proteins are for in the human body. By the way, these substances are very, very important. The thing is that muscle fibers are built from them, as well as various enzymes and hormones are created.

Proteins, along with carbohydrates, fats, water, minerals and vitamins, are substances essential for the body. As noted earlier, muscle fibers are built from proteins. This occurs with the participation of proteins such as actin and myosin. It is thanks to them that muscle tissue has its own unique characteristics. At the same time, the construction of these proteins is possible only if there is an intake of proteins from the outside.

What are proteins for?
What are proteins for?

No less important protein, necessary for the life of any person, is hemoglobin. At the same time, protein alone is not enough for its formation. The fact is that this protein is iron-containing, and for its construction, in addition, this particular element is needed. The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen to cells. At the same time, it is located in red blood cells, giving them the appropriate color.

A lot of what protein is for,can tell endocrinologists. The fact is that hormones are precisely proteins. These substances are responsible for the flow of almost all processes in the body. They have a high activity and therefore a very small amount of them can have a significant effect on tissues and entire organs. Examples of such hormones are the following proteins: adrenaline, dopamine, atropine, prolactin, progesterone, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, vasopressin, and others. Every woman should know what proteins such as follicle-stimulating hormone and luteotropic hormone are needed for. The fact is that they are responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, and if their production is disrupted, then the conception of a child will become a real problem for the couple.

good protein
good protein

You can also talk a lot about why proteins are needed in the digestive system. Here they perform an enzymatic function. Proteins such as pepsin and chemotrypsin aid in the digestion of food entering the gastrointestinal tract.

Protein deficiency is often experienced by those people who fundamentally do not eat animal products. The fact is that it is meat that contains the largest amount of protein. At the same time, today meat products can be the choice of those who want to lose weight. For example, boiled chicken breast is a valuable dietary product. The so-called "Kremlin" diet has long been developed, which involves the inclusion of a large amount of meat in the diet (at the same time, vegetables, fruits and other products are present,but on a very small scale). On such a diet, a person can quickly lose extra pounds. It is worth noting that vegetable products also contain proteins. The most valuable in this regard are legumes (soybeans, lentils), as well as nuts. These products must be included in the diet of every vegetarian.

Protein tablets
Protein tablets

Many athletes take protein pills. At the same time, they know exactly what proteins are for. So athletes quickly build muscle mass. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of different types of similar products. Naturally, it is better to pay a large amount, but buy a really good protein. Only in this case, you can count on a rapid increase in muscle mass and the absolute safety of the drug for he alth.
