During pregnancy, the female body is weakened, and during this period it is very easy to catch an infection. The he alth of the expectant mother depends on the right lifestyle, which will be the key to a successful pregnancy. But sometimes sores overtake unexpectedly. Almost every third pregnant woman is faced with such a problem as thrush and vaginitis.
So, you are at the next appointment with the gynecologist and heard the diagnosis of "vaginal candidiasis" or "candidiasis vaginitis". Do not rush to panic. The doctor will prescribe a treatment, and, most likely, it will be Terzhinan vaginal suppositories. They will help to cure an unpleasant ailment and will not harm your baby. But the expectant mother always has a thousand and one questions. Let's take a closer look at the effectiveness and safety of this drug.

Safety is key
There are a lot of developed medications aimed at combating inflammatory processes in the vagina. But not everyone will fit.pregnant woman. After all, some of them contain substances harmful to the fetus, moreover, they can penetrate into the blood. Vaginal suppositories "Terzhinan" are not absorbed into the blood, but work at the local level. Namely, in the place of localization of the harmful bacteria (in the genital tract).
Candles "Terzhinan" can be used at any time when the need arises. Interestingly, they are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This is usually allowed if the woman's flora of the birth canal is not decontaminated from pathogenic organisms. In addition, this drug is allowed during breastfeeding. It is completely safe and does not pass into a woman's milk.

When to apply?
Before use, it is necessary to study the indications for the use of Terzhinan candles. They are prescribed when immediate intervention in inflammatory processes is required. The drug has an extensive spectrum of action, namely:
- Fights against vaginitis of various etiologies, which are caused by pyogenic bacteria (banal vaginitis); Trichomonas, which provoke swelling and inflammation of the genital organs; Candida.
- Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (colpitis).
- Vaginal dysbacteriosis (gardnerellosis).
Women who have encountered at least one of these ailments are well aware of the need for timely treatment. After all, from a banal, at first glance frivolous, ailment, a serious problem can arise that causes a lot of discomfort.
It all starts with cheesydischarge, accompanied by itching, every day the picture worsens and can lead to pain and a strong fishy smell from the vagina. It is more difficult to deal with the consequences than to start timely intervention in inflammatory processes. Therefore, the Terzhinan candles have clear indications for use, on all of the above points.

How to apply?
Convinced of the safety of the remedy, a woman can start using the drug with peace of mind. Having bought a package of Terzhinan candles, it is best to start using it in the evening, before going to bed. This is due to the fact that you need to administer the medicine in the supine position and then do not walk. After all, the candle can “leak out”, and the whole result will go down the drain.
Of course, this condition is not fundamental (use at night). If you have the opportunity to lie down for 4 hours, then you can put the medicine in the afternoon. But this option is not always convenient, so it is advisable to use it at night. So the medicine will work as it should, at full strength. Before the introduction, it is necessary to hold the prepared suppository (tablet) in water for 30 seconds.
The instructions for Terzhinan candles must be followed according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Or you should carefully familiarize yourself with the one that is inside the box. It clearly indicates the number of acceptable doses per application. You need to enter 1 candle per day, no more. It is recommended to remove the candle from the package immediately before use. Enter quickly, but carefully. Just because of delay, the medicine can quickly melt, and thenit will be almost impossible to install it.
So, the use of candles "Terzhinan" begins after the evening toilet. They take a horizontal position, and then carefully and deeply insert the candle into the vagina. One injection per day is enough. After the candle "works", traces of abundant yellowish discharge can be seen on the underwear. Therefore, it is advisable to use a daily gasket.

Other indications for use
During pregnancy, a woman's normal immunity begins to "limp" thoroughly. During this period, the risk of infection or manifestation of an existing ureplasma increases. A woman may not be aware of her presence until an extensive inflammatory process of the urinary tract begins. And the disease is called ureplasmosis.
Whatever one may say, most women (almost 70%) are affected by this disease. Some are carriers before pregnancy, while others become infected with it after sexual intercourse. And here Terzhinan suppositories come to the rescue, they are safe during pregnancy.
Using them in complex therapy (as prescribed by a doctor) with immunomodulatory drugs, you can achieve the desired result without complications. It is especially worth highlighting the fact that Terzhinan candles perfectly cope with pathogenic microbes without affecting the “good” bacteria. This means that the microflora of the vagina maintains a natural balance.
But it is worth remembering an important point: not only the woman, but also her partner should undergo treatment. After all, he canremain a carrier of the infection. You should adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen and follow the instructions for Terzhinan candles. During joint treatment, it is worth abandoning intima, as well as excluding any other means (gels, lubricants). They can greatly reduce the therapeutic effect.

Fight against thrush
Thrush occurs in almost every pregnant woman. And it does not depend on the gestational age. Various means are used to treat this disease, but sometimes the treatment is ineffective and the thrush returns again, or simply does not stop. In this case, the patient is recommended candles "Terzhinan" during pregnancy to fight the disease.
The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. If this is the initial stage, which is accompanied by itching and slight swelling of the vaginal mucosa, while the discharge is not yet abundant, the treatment lasts 7 days. If the fungus has already thoroughly settled, then the course of therapy can last about 20 days.
Contraindications and side effects
Like any medicine, Terzhinan suppositories also have indications and contraindications. These include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, namely to ternidazole or prednisolone. Allergic manifestations may also occur to other components of the drug.
If you find that after the introduction of the candle, a noticeable burning sensation, severe itching, pain and tingling appear, then you should immediately stop taking the medicine. In most casesno negative effect is observed and the drug is well tolerated by patients. But if you fall under the exception, then consult your doctor about choosing another remedy.

What can I replace?
There are analogues of Terzhinan candles, which cope with the task just as well. These drugs include "Polygynax". It is absolutely identical in action. The only thing that makes it slightly different is the activity of the components against certain bacteria. Some are destroyed, while others are less affected by the selected drug.
Here, for example, candles "Terzhinan" perfectly cope with opportunistic bacteria (gardnerella vaginalis). And in action against gram-positive bacteria (enterococci and streptococci) had no effect. Therefore, it is not worth choosing Polygynax as an analogue on your own. Only with the appointment of a doctor can you use this remedy. After all, it may simply be ineffective against your disease caused by a certain type of bacteria.
Still analogues of candles "Terzhinan" include: "Hexicon" and "Penotran". These drugs have different active ingredients, but the principle of action is the same. "Penontran" is allowed to be used from the second trimester, in the first it is unacceptable to use it due to the penetration of 20% of metronidazole into the blood. "Hexicon" (candles) has no contraindications during the period of bearing a child and is absolutely safe. The only exception may be individual intolerance to chlorhexidine.
What they saywomen about using the drug
Terzhinan candles have a lot of indications for use. They are often encountered by women awaiting the appearance of a baby. It all starts after taking a smear for analysis, after which you can accurately talk about the presence of certain problems. Basically, positive reviews about the use of Terzhinan suppositories during and after pregnancy predominate. Women note a rapid improvement in well-being.

In the treatment of thrush and vaginitis, there is a rapid elimination of itching and swelling. After treatment, the test results return to normal, and the woman's he alth is safe. Some of the fair sex are afraid of discharge during the treatment period. There is nothing to worry about, after treatment everything will return to normal, and the discharge will become normal.
Caring for your he alth for the expectant mother should be in the first place. Never underestimate the significance of those or other symptoms that cause bad suspicion. Being in a position, you can not experiment with your he alth or let everything take its course. With any use of medicines, a doctor's consultation is necessary.