One of the groups of highly effective antibiotics is cephalosporins. They were discovered in the middle of the 20th century, but in recent years many new drugs have been obtained. There are already five generations of such antibiotics. The most common cephalosporins in tablets. They are quite effective against many infections and are well tolerated even by young children. They are convenient to take and are often the choice of doctors for treating infectious diseases.
Historical development of this group of antibiotics
Back in the 40s of the 20th century, the Italian scientist Brodzu, while studying typhoid pathogens, discovered a fungus with antibacterial activity. It proved to be effective against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Later, the scientist isolated a substance from this fungus called cephalosporin C. On its basis, antibacterial drugs began to be created, united in the group of cephalosporins. They were found to be resistant to penicillinase and becameused in cases where penicillin was ineffective. The first drug in this group was Cephaloridin.

Now there are already five generations of cephalosporins, combining more than 50 drugs. In addition to fungus-based preparations, semi-synthetic agents have also been created that are more stable and have a wide spectrum of action.
How do these antibiotics work?
The antibacterial effect of cephalosporins is based on their ability to destroy the enzymes that form the basis of the bacterial cell membrane. Therefore, they are active only against growing and multiplying microorganisms. The drugs of the first two generations were effective in staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, but were destroyed by beta-lactamases produced by gram-negative bacteria. The latest generations of drugs, in which the main active ingredient, extracted from the fungus, was associated with synthetic substances, turned out to be more stable. They are used for many infections but have not been effective against staphylococci and streptococci.
Classification of cephalosporins
You can divide these drugs into groups according to different criteria: according to the spectrum of action, effectiveness or method of administration. But the most common is their classification by generation:
- first generation antibiotics were obtained in the 60s of the 20th century. These are Cefalexin, Cefazolin, Cefadroxil and others. They now have many analogues and forms of release: in the form of injections, tablets, capsules orsuspension;

- the second generation of antibiotics is more resistant to beta-lactamase. Often used such cephalosporins in tablets: "Cefuroxime axetil" and "Cefaclor";
- the third generation includes Cefixime, Ceftibuten, Cefotaxime and others;
- in the fourth generation, there are only drugs for injection. They are already resistant to beta-lactamase and have a broader spectrum of activity against Gram-positive bacteria. These are "Cefipim" and "Cefpir";
- 5th generation cephalosporins have recently been obtained. They are also not yet available in tablets, but injections of these drugs are considered highly effective against many infections.
Scope of cephalosporins
These drugs are quite effective, but not all microorganisms are affected by them. Useless cephalosporins may be against enterococci, pneumococci, listeria, pseudomonas, chlamydia and mycoplasma. But the following diseases are easily treatable by them:
- cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and other kidney infections;
- strep throat;
- infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- otitis media;
- sinusitis;
- acute and chronic bronchitis;
- gonorrhea;
- shigellosis;
- furunculosis;
They are also effective for the prevention of postoperative infections.

Side effects of these drugs
Cephalosporins tabletsquite easily tolerated, but sometimes can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. With the injection of drugs, a burning sensation and an inflammatory reaction at the injection site are possible. Usually, cephalosporins are of low toxicity and are well tolerated even by young children. Like all antibacterial drugs, they can cause allergic reactions and liver and kidney problems. It is also possible to change the picture of the blood. Usually, parenteral treatment with cephalosporins is carried out under the supervision of a physician in a medical facility. Serious side effects in such cases can be avoided. In outpatient treatment, in which cephalosporins are used in tablets, you must strictly follow the instructions and take additional drugs to prevent dysbacteriosis. That is why such medicines cannot be used independently without a doctor's prescription.
Why are cephalosporins in tablets more commonly used
Price plays an important role in this matter. After all, you do not need to additionally buy syringes and solutions, pay for the services of medical personnel. Tablets for a course of treatment can be purchased from 50 to 250 rubles, a suspension is more expensive - about 500.
The psychological effect is also very important. Many patients, especially children, are very sensitive to the very fact of the injection.

Injections may cause local inflammatory reactions. That is why the method of stepwise therapy is increasingly being used in medicine, when, when the patient's condition improves, they switch to the oral route of administration.drug. This is especially applicable in pediatric practice. And in general, for the treatment of children, they try to use antibiotics of the cephalosporin group in tablets. This is most justified in the treatment of non-severe infections. But in any case, you need to rely on the advice of a doctor. Only a specialist can determine if a cephalosporin will help in this case.
Instructions for use
Pills or capsules in which these antibiotics are produced should be drunk strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

Usually, adults are prescribed 1 gram of the drug every 6-12 hours. For children, the dosage is calculated taking into account weight and the medicine is given no more than three times a day. For ease of dosing, tablets with a dividing strip are produced, as well as syrup and suspension, which have a pleasant taste. It is in this form that cephalosporins are most often used to treat children. Do not use these drugs only in infants younger than 3 months. Most often, the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days, but it all depends on the patient's condition. Usually, after improvement, you need to continue taking the drug for another 2-3 days. It is best to drink the medicine after a meal, so cephalosporins in tablets are better absorbed. The instruction also warns that at the same time they need to take antifungal agents and drugs against dysbacteriosis.
Cephalosporins of the first three generations
These are already studied, long-used and common medicines. Many of them exist in different forms:
- in powder for solution preparationfor injection;
- in powder for suspension preparation;
- in capsules;
- in tablets containing different dosages of the active substance;
- in syrup for children.
All of these drugs are often prescribed for the treatment of mild infections of the upper respiratory tract, genitourinary system, skin and soft tissues. From the first to the third generation of these antibiotics, there is an increase in activity against gram-negative bacteria, but gram-positive microorganisms become more resistant to them.

The first generation of these antibiotics, in addition to drugs whose names directly indicate their belonging, include Biodroxil, Keflex, Palitrex, Sephril and Solexin.2 generation cephalosporins in tablets are used most often, since their high efficiency is combined with good tolerance. The most famous drugs are Zinnat, Suprax, Aksosef, Zinoximor and Ceclor. Relatively recently, antibiotics-cephalosporins in tablets of the 3rd generation began to be produced. They can be found under the following names: "Orelox", "Cedex" and others. They are most often used in pediatric practice.
Modern cephalosporins
Antibiotics of this group, belonging to the 4th and 5th generations, appeared relatively recently. They belong to semi-synthetic antibacterial drugs and have a wide spectrumaction.

While these drugs are only given by injection, that's how they work best. Scientists fail to ensure that cephalosporin tablets are absorbed as quickly without losing their activity. From the fourth generation, such drugs are most often used: Maksipim, Cefepim, Isodepom, Kaiten, Ladef, Movizar and others. All of them are used in stationary conditions for the treatment of severe infections. Recently appeared and antibiotics of the 5th generation - "Ceftozolan" and "Ceftobiprol Medokaril". They proved to be even more effective against most known microorganisms.