Official medicine widely uses various herbal medicines. For example, a series is great for eliminating or at least alleviating the manifestations of such an ailment as an allergy. On the basis of this plant, decoctions and infusions can be prepared, which are suitable for both local or general external exposure, and for oral administration. Today we will talk about how to apply a series of allergies, and about what types of allergic reactions this miracle plant is suitable for.
Important information
This plant is used not only to heal the skin with external manifestations of allergies, but also to treat internal complications in patients. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and be sure to consult with an allergist.
First of all, you need to know that there are several species of this plant, and some of them are very poisonous. And if you're goingcarry out treatment in succession, then you should know: you should buy this phytotherapeutic agent only at a pharmacy.

Healing properties
Folk healers emphasize: you can use only 2 types of string for making infusions, decoctions and ointments: drooping and separate. Consider what healing properties a string has for allergies.
- The plant has a lot of vitamin C, due to which the work of the internal secretion system is significantly activated.
- The sequence contributes to the fact that there is an increased production of hormones, in particular hydrocortisone, which has an anti-allergic effect.
- Due to the presence of vitamin A, the plant has a positive effect on the regeneration of skin cells.
- In addition, the medicinal properties of string are considered one of the most effective in the treatment of skin diseases, and all because of the high content of zinc, sulfur and tannins in it.
- When using infusions and decoctions based on this plant, achieve a diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic effect.
- In addition, this herb contains a large amount of trace elements.
Using the plant for allergic reactions in infants
Everyone knows that the skin of babies is very delicate, so it often suffers from allergic reactions in crumbs. And therefore, almost every young mother has a question: "How to deal with allergies?" The sequence is perhaps the very first means to which they resort. With confidence you canto say that almost every child in our country took baths with a succession.

By the way, such bathing can be arranged for babies already in the first month of life. It should also be noted that such baths soothe the baby and have a beneficial effect on his nervous system. Allergic reactions in an infant manifest themselves in the form of rashes, diaper rash, atopic dermatitis, crusts and even peeling of the scalp, which cause a lot of inconvenience to babies. Despite the fact that the sequence is an anti-allergic agent, before bathing a small child, a test for the individual tolerance of the plant should be carried out. The prepared solution should be dripped onto the baby’s hand, and in the event that no rash or redness appears on it, you can safely practice bathing in a row. With allergies, such baths are very useful for children. To prepare the infusion you will need:
- 3 tbsp. l. strings (grind);
- one art. boiling water.
How to cook
A decoction of a string for allergies is prepared as follows: the raw material is placed in an enamel or glass dish, poured with boiling water and infused for about six hours. Then it must be filtered and squeezed raw materials. For one bath, it is recommended to use up to two liters of such a decoction. By the way, it is better to carry out this procedure before a night's sleep, and its duration should not exceed more than 10-20 minutes. A more concentrated infusion can only be used as a lotion.

Decoction of string for babies
For small children, you can prepare a decoction for oral administration, but first you need to consult a pediatrician. Usually, infants and children under 3 years of age are not recommended to use such a tincture of a series, this is permissible only in extreme cases. The following proportions must be observed:
- 1/3 tbsp. l. sequences;
- 1 tbsp boiling water.
The series is poured into an enameled container, poured with boiling water and brought to a boil, but do not boil and do not insist, immediately strain, but do not squeeze the raw materials. The color of the tincture should be pale yellow. Only freshly prepared decoction is used.
Ointment for babies
For the treatment of damaged areas of the body, you can independently prepare an ointment based on a series, which can be used several times a day. You will need:
- 2 tsp concentrated tincture of succession;
- 25 g of lanolin and anhydrous petroleum jelly.
Vaseline and lanolin are taken in equal amounts and separately pasteurized in a water bath. To the pasteurized lanolin, add the tincture of the string, mix until smooth, add vaseline.

A series of allergies in adults and children
Medicinal plant of this species has been used for a very long time to treat various allergic reactions. On the basis of the series, decoctions, infusions, ointments are prepared, which are used for external (local and general) exposure and for oral administration. Prepared products are used in the form of lotions,applications on various parts of the body, as well as for baths and ingestion. The following recipes with a series of allergies are suitable for older children and adults.
Sedative baths for allergies
In order to relieve nervous tension, which was caused by allergic reactions, such as unbearable itching, scratching, pain, you can use similar procedures. To prepare such a bath, take the following components:
- 5 pieces of string;
- two pieces of lemon balm;
- chamomile and oregano one part each.
Let's consider how to brew a series of allergies. All of the listed raw materials are mixed and poured with two liters of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused for two hours, then it should be filtered and poured into the bath. The duration of stay in it should not exceed twenty minutes. It should be noted that it is not recommended to wash off the decoction from the skin after bathing.

Decoctions to relieve allergic swelling on the face
Such decoctions are prepared from various herbs, but those prepared from a sequence with high medicinal properties are considered especially effective. Take:
- 50 g of a series of tripartite;
- 10g green tea;
- 10 g nettle.
Combine all herbal ingredients and brew 750 g of boiling water. The resulting product is placed in a water bath and subjected to heat treatment for about twenty minutes. We filter the prepared broth, bring it to room temperature. To relieve swellingWith the help of the prepared decoction, we carry out therapeutic washing several times a day. If swelling is observed in other parts of the body, the decoction is used in the form of lotions or applications.
Treatment of photodermatosis and photodermatitis
These diseases belong to a group of diseases caused by a special sensitivity to sunlight. And in such cases, the use of a series for allergies also shows positive results. To prepare a decoction, you need to take:
- 100g string;
- 20 g celandine;
- 10g chamomile.
Cooking tips
We combine all the listed components and brew them with 500 ml of water. The resulting mass is cooked on low heat for about 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled to room temperature. After that, it is used as a therapeutic wipe, for which only sterile gauze should be used. This procedure can be carried out up to two or three times a day.

After preparing a more concentrated infusion (1 part string to 4 parts water), it can be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, rashes in the form of lotions. In this case, cotton swabs soaked in decoction are applied to the diseased areas, previously treated with a herbal remedy.
Infusion to relieve allergic inflammation
Especially effective are tinctures of a series of allergies. Due to the fact that they are subjected to minimal heat treatment, they retain more medicinal components. Prepare an infusion consisting ofstring and other phyto-raw materials:
- 20g string;
- 10 g pharmacy calendula;
- 10g oak bark;
- 1 liter of water.
The above ingredients are placed in a thermos and filled with warm water. We leave them to infuse for 12 hours. The prepared product must be filtered, and only then used to treat the inflamed areas.

Preparation of ointment
Ointments prepared on the basis of a series are very effective in cases of severe forms of skin allergic lesions. But still, before using them, it is necessary to consult a specialist, an allergist-dermatologist. Prepare an ointment based on vegetable oil:
- string - 50 g;
- any unrefined oil - 250 ml.
We combine the string and oil in an enamel bowl. We place the container in a water bath and heat it on a minimum heat for eight hours. After this time, remove the dishes from the heat, cool the finished ointment and use it to treat skin affected by allergies.
Very often people suffering from such a disease ask the question: "Is it possible to drink a series with allergies?" The answer is yes. On the basis of this medicinal raw material, special teas and tinctures are prepared, which are taken orally. Most often, for this purpose, they use a pharmacy series, which is produced in filter bags.
Preparing tea
For ingestion, tea should be brewed only from the dry parts of the string. A positive result canobtained only with prolonged treatment and the use of a fresh, freshly prepared remedy. Consider the following tea recipe:
- 2 filter bags in a row;
- 100 ml boiling water.

Packs should be placed in a teapot and brewed with boiling water. The teapot is wrapped in a very thick towel, and the tea is brewed for half an hour. The resulting drink is slightly diluted with water and drunk in an amount of 50 g after a meal. The duration of such treatment is thirty days.
Infusion based on string
The infusion prepared according to the following recipe is recommended for the treatment of severe forms of dermatosis, urticaria and lupus. In order to prepare it, the following components are needed:
- 50g tri-string;
- 100 ml of alcohol (you can take vodka).
Preparation: take a bottle of dark glass, pour a string into it and fill it with alcohol. We place in a dark place and insist for fourteen days. The resulting drug should be taken twenty drops up to three times a day for a month.
How to take
In order to eliminate the systematic manifestations of allergies, it is necessary to drink a decoction of grass for several years, replacing tea with it. The following method of using the decoction is recommended: use the infusion for five months, then take a break for two months, and start treatment again. To obtain a positive effect, it is necessary to prepare a fresh decoction each time.
If not observedrecommended proportions when using a series of allergies, the herb may not benefit, but harm the body. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of children. In the event that an overdose of drugs from a series has occurred, the following symptoms may appear:
- unstable blood pressure;
- disorder of the digestive system;
- insomnia;
- violation of psycho-emotional functions.

It is recommended to start treatment with minimal doses, gradually increasing them each time. During this period, it is not recommended to use other herbs for treatment, especially in the first days of therapy. With extreme caution, drugs should be taken by patients prone to allergies to plants. In particular, ambrosia.
Allergy streak: reviews and conclusions
Even in ancient times, the great physician Paracelsus said that depending on the dose, everything can be a poison, and everything can be a medicine. This statement is also true in relation to medicinal drugs from the series. Doctors warn that almost all herbal remedies have contraindications. Before using drugs based on medicinal raw materials from a series, it is necessary to consult the attending physician, and in the treatment of children - a pediatrician. In addition, the dosage and duration of treatment should be very strictly observed. Only a responsible attitude to the use of these drugs will give an excellent result.
Young mothers note that after bathing babies in baths using a series of babies, they become morecalm and fall asleep faster. In addition, it has been noticed that after such water procedures, rashes on the body disappear. When taking care of the face with the use of a decoction of a string, the skin becomes he althier, smoother, and oily sheen disappears. When applying a mask consisting of string and castor oil to the hair, they are significantly accelerated in growth and become more voluminous.