Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes is a well-known and widespread folk remedy that has been effectively used by many in recent times. It is worth recognizing that many people face this unpleasant problem. According to medical estimates, every tenth adult. In most cases, the disease develops as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, often the first symptoms in women appear during pregnancy. Now effective and efficient methods of treatment have been invented, but our ancestors already in the old days knew ways that could help defeat this ailment.
Features of treatment

The treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes was used by our ancestors many centuries ago. The main analgesic effect was provided by potato starch, which is able to gently envelop swollen and inflamed areas, relieving irritation and itching. In addition, do not forget that raw tubers contain a large amount ofvitamins of groups B, C, E. All together they strengthen blood vessels, accelerating tissue regeneration, contributing to the healing of numerous cracks that occur during the development of this disease. In addition, silicon and vitamin C also have antibacterial properties.
Of course, if you are faced with such a serious and dangerous disease as hemorrhoids, you can not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor who will diagnose, prescribe the appropriate drugs. The use of any methods of treatment, including folk recipes, should be agreed with the doctor without fail so as not to aggravate the situation.
Who would like grandma's recipes

It is believed that the treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes is the best way to get rid of the disease for lactating and pregnant women. In this state, most of the existing pharmacological preparations are contraindicated for them, therefore, in most cases, one has to rely only on folk wisdom. If chemicals are contraindicated for you, consider treating hemorrhoids with potatoes. Just check this option with your doctor first.
Among the obvious benefits of using raw potatoes for hemorrhoids are their naturalness, low cost and lack of side effects. Maximum efficiency can be achieved if you start putting lotions or candles in the complex, do steam baths, microclysters, drink infusions or juices.
It is important to remember that potatoes can only help in the early stagesdiseases. If the disease is already running, then lotions and other folk methods will be ineffective. Candles and lotions can only slightly alleviate the symptoms, but will not save you from the very cause of the disease.

You should carefully monitor your body to start treatment when the first symptoms appear. In this case, it will be the fastest, most effective, and there is also a high probability that it will be possible to do without pharmaceuticals at all, most of which have side effects.
The main symptom in the first stage is spotting during bowel movements. However, it must be remembered that the same signs are inherent in some other ailments, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, after conducting all the necessary studies and analyzes.
Doctor Visit
You should not delay visiting the clinic. Although for some hemorrhoids can be in the first or second stage for several years, for others it turns into the most severe acute form after a few months. In this case, the patient can no longer be saved by conservative treatment, a surgical operation will be required.
We emphasize once again that with such a dangerous disease it is forbidden to self-medicate. Otherwise, it can lead to fatal consequences.
Selection of tubers
In this article we will tell you in detail how to treat hemorrhoids with potatoes. Let's start with how to choose the right tubers. It has a certain meaning.
Please note that potatoes withhemorrhoids at home should only be fresh. Make sure that there are no green spots on the tubers. Green-skinned potatoes contain too much solanine, which, absorbed into the bloodstream, can cause headaches or dizziness. For the same reason, germinated or already withered tubers cannot be used in folk treatment.
The highest concentration of solanine and vitamins in the tuber is found under the peel. Therefore, if you start treatment before the New Year, then even unpeeled potatoes are suitable for juice and lotions. The main thing is to wash it thoroughly. But from January, be sure to cut the peel. From February-March, the layer thickness should be at least 5 mm. From April to June, it is better not to treat hemorrhoids with potatoes at all, since in these months it is almost impossible to find old unsprouted tubers, and there are no new ones yet. If young ones already appear in June, then they have too little starch, they cannot be effective.

One of the most effective remedies for pregnancy with potato hemorrhoids is candles. In their form, they resemble pharmacy. To make them, thoroughly wash the knife blade and pre-cleaned tuber with laundry soap. After that, sticks are cut out of the potato with a thickness of one to one and a half centimeters, and a length of three to three and a half centimeters.
Make sure that they do not have sharp corners, as if the shape is wrong, the mucous membrane can be injured. Therefore, the bars must be hewn so that the candlesobtained a cylindrical shape. The diameter of the base should be about one centimeter.
As a result, several candles can be made from one tuber, which can be sent for storage in the refrigerator. You can use them for two or three days, no more.
How to use

Before you put candles from potatoes for hemorrhoids, be sure to empty your intestines. Ideally, give an enema. Wash your anus thoroughly with household or baby soap.
Before going to sleep, lie on your side, bend your knees. Take the position that you usually have to take at the appointment with the proctologist. Insert the candle to a depth of about one and a half centimeters. To make it easier to enter, you can dip it in sea buckthorn or olive oil, or use honey. All these products contain vitamin E and silicon, which have wound healing and antibacterial effects. Stay with a potato candle for hemorrhoids all night. In the morning, she should easily pass during a bowel movement.
This remedy is recommended to be used daily at bedtime for two weeks. If possible, candles should be placed both in the morning and in the evening. Leave it on for at least three hours in the morning. If hemorrhoids persist, repeat the course of treatment after a break of one month.

Purples also help effectively. How to make potatoes from hemorrhoids, we will tell in this article. Immediately, we note that lotions will help you only with external hemorrhoids. The lotion is made overnight from raw potatoes, which are ground on a grater or in a blender. This will help relieve pain effectively.
Squeeze out the resulting potato gruel and put it on gauze folded in several layers. Using a patch, attach the compress so that the grated potato covers all the inflamed areas and hemorrhoids. Put a piece of cellophane or oilcloth on top. The course of treatment is two weeks. After a break of seven days, it can be repeated. Potato lotions help well, preventing prolapse of the intestine, healing the cracks that appear.
Sit on a chair
According to reviews of potatoes from hemorrhoids, the method also helps, during which you should prepare a stool or chair in advance. For this treatment method, we will also need potato porridge, prepared in exactly the same way as in the previous recipe.
Cover a chair or stool with oilcloth, and put a piece of soft cloth on top. In total, two or three such pieces are required. Take 12 medium-sized tubers, peel them and wash them with laundry soap. If you carry out the procedure in the fall, then you can not peel the potatoes, but only wash them thoroughly. Place a pot or bucket next to the chair, into which you will transfer the used gruel.
If the patient is an elderly person, then most likely he will not be able to cope on his own - an assistant will be required. Grind one potato in a blender or on a grater, and then put the resulting mass on the chair seat. The patient should sit down in this gruel, spreading the buttocks as much as possible. Every quarter of an hour, prepare a newtuber, changing the potato mass on the seat. In total, this procedure will take you three hours.
If necessary, it can be repeated after two weeks. If the hemorrhoids are only in the initial stage, then it should go away after the first time.
Potato juice
Many people ask a reasonable question whether potatoes help with hemorrhoids. Judging by the reviews of patients who have already encountered such a problem, even potato juice is effective. It is taken in two forms - inside and as microclysters.
In both cases, only freshly squeezed potato juice should be used. You should not delay using it, you will have no more than a quarter of an hour after cooking.
If you are going to put a microclyster, then first empty your intestines. You may have to do this with a regular enema. The microclyster itself based on potato juice is made with a syringe into which 30 ml of potato juice is poured. The cake should not be thrown away, it is better to use it later for lotions. The full course of such treatment is ten days. After taking a break of one to two weeks, repeat the course.
Drinking potato juice
Healers claim that potato juice is a proven remedy that helps to effectively strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In parallel with microclysters from potato juice, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice 100 ml 30 minutes before each meal. Alternatively, pure juice can be a vitamin cocktail, in which you will need to add 50 ml of potato juice to 100 of celery juice and another 100 ml of carrot juice.
Steam baths

According to reviews of potatoes from hemorrhoids, steam baths help patients who decide to use alternative methods of treatment. These are the so-called "reverse inhalations".
Pre-potatoes should be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and a brush, and then peeled. Pour the peel in a small saucepan with cold milk, put on fire, bring to a boil, and then boil for three to five minutes.
The patient should sit down over a container of milk so that the steam falls on the inflamed places, but does not burn them. There are two options for how this can be implemented. For example, pour the milk with the rind into a saucepan with a wooden lid. A hole about five centimeters in diameter should be made in it.
If the patient has an assistant, it will be convenient to pour the milk into the kettle, and then direct the steam from the spout to the hemorrhoids.
After completing the procedure, lubricate the anus with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. Alternatively, you can use propolis or aloe cream. Such steam baths are recommended to be done no more than once a week.
Infusion of Potato Flowers
Another recipe based on an infusion of potato flowers. It is allowed to drink instead of potato juice an infusion made from dried potato flowers. It is important at the same time that they be dried in a dark room, and then stored in a place not accessible to light. This is a necessary condition, because in the worldpotato flowers will immediately lose almost all of their beneficial properties.
Two teaspoons of flowers pour 350 ml of boiling water every morning, then leave to infuse for two hours. Drink the infusion three times a day before meals, 100 ml each.
This is another effective remedy that can help with hemorrhoids, but only if the disease is in its early stages. Otherwise, the disease can be started, it will go into an acute or chronic form. Then it will no longer be possible to do without surgical intervention. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the use of any remedy, especially related to traditional medicine, is allowed only after consultation with your doctor. He must approve this method, give good advice.
Reviews about this tool are mostly positive, patients noticed the effect of using potatoes after a few days. But it is still better to consult a doctor in advance before starting treatment.