Allergy sprays: a mini drug review

Allergy sprays: a mini drug review
Allergy sprays: a mini drug review

Absolutely everyone is familiar with such a concept as an allergy - a high sensitivity of the body to protein factors that enter from the external environment. Many have even experienced all the "charms" of this seasonal state. What is the reason for its appearance?

Strictly speaking, any allergy is a pathology of the immune system and it manifests itself just in those cases when quite familiar substances are recognized by the body as harmful or dangerous to normal life. Then, in fact, an allergic reaction begins, aimed at their destruction, which is accompanied by characteristic external manifestations: redness, coughing, sneezing and deterioration of the general condition.

Even the most minor and habitual allergic reaction can become quite dangerous and lead to serious consequences or chronic diseases. This has forced all kinds of pharmacological firms to produce a large number of medicines, which include tablets, and liquid medicinal formulations, and all kinds of allergy sprays. By the way,the latter are the most widely used due to their ease of use.

allergy spray price
allergy spray price

How to choose a suitable allergy spray, the price of which does not always correspond to the declared quality and therapeutic effect? The choice is complicated by the fact that on the shelves of pharmacies there is a real army of bottles and "sprinklers" to suppress unpleasant symptoms. Even experienced pharmacists cannot always answer the request of a simple layman to choose the most suitable remedy for their case.

Many people think this way: "In order to competently and competently choose allergy sprays, you need to re-read a huge amount of specialized medical literature!" But in fact, everything is much simpler. In order to make the right choice, it is enough to carefully read the list of chemicals that make up the drug or read the following points in the drug review:

  • "Sanorin-analergin". It contains two active ingredients that not only relieve allergic symptoms, but also constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling of the nose. Apply no more than two weeks. Suitable for use by both children and adults.
  • "Vibrocil". It has a similar effect, but has its own contraindications (you need to read the instructions for use).
  • Prevalin Allergy Spray. Probably the best of the existing drugs at the moment. Equally suitable for use by both adults andchildren. Absolutely no side effects.

But, as often happens, just buying a drug is not enough, and instead of a positive result, the exact opposite is obtained, which happens due to the misuse of medicines. Here are some helpful tips to help you avoid this:

  • prevalin allergy spray
    prevalin allergy spray

    Almost without exception, allergy sprays are not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  • If not only the nose, but also the eyes suffer from allergies, then without fail, in addition to the spray, you need to buy eye drops. True, their use is not recommended for people suffering from eye and heart diseases.
  • Allergy sprays that narrow the vessels of the nose should not be used for a long time due to the occurrence of severe depletion of the mucous membrane. It is better to "speak" once again than to suffer from additional infectious diseases all your life.
