Psychosomatic type of illness is a type of bodily illness caused by psychogenic factors that cause allergic reactions. If we are talking about standard reactions to an irritant in children or adults, then in this case we can talk about the hypersensitivity of the body's protective functions to repeated contact with the irritant. With a classic allergy, this happens against the background of a natural reaction of the body. As a rule, such reactions are most often congenital.
However, when it comes to the causes of allergies, psychosomatics in this case most often manifests itself in the form of redness, irritation of the nose, headaches, dizziness and other symptoms. These phenomena are caused exclusively by the person himself. This usually happens against the backdrop of severe stress, which can cause a long experience, anxiety, internal conflicts, negative thoughts and much more. However, in order to understand exactly what causes of allergies (psychosomatics) influenced the development of this pathology, it is worth considering their varieties in more detail. Before that, it will be useful to know the standard course of the disease.
Allergy stages
Allergic reaction is 2 phases. At the first stage, during repeated contact with one or another allergen, a person has a violent reaction. In this case, there is a strong influence on the tissues of the body and nerve endings.

In the 2nd phase, the sensitivity slows down. As a rule, this stage occurs after an acute attack. In this case, allergy sufferers develop rhinitis, skin rashes, cough and other characteristic signs of a reaction to an irritant. If the allergen is not excluded from human life, then in this case the second phase can last quite a long time. This often leads to swelling of the mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, sneezing and prolonged nasal congestion.
If these symptoms caused standard reactions of the body, then in this case you need to contact an allergist. However, such manifestations are often a negative consequence of stress. It happens that such pathological conditions manifest themselves solely due to the psychological aspect, depending on the emotional state of the allergic person.
Practically every person who has a sharp reaction to a particular stimulus has his own individual psychological picture. This leads to an artificial irritation of the immune system.
If we are talking about a child, then he may have an aversion or a negative attitude towards one of the household members. For example, he may be angry with his mother because she forbids himplay the computer, or granny because she is too grumpy. In this case, psychosomatic allergy in children is caused as a response. Subconsciously, the kid wants to punish the person he doesn't like. He understands that nothing will upset his loved ones more than the deterioration of his he alth. The brain reads this information and creates the conditions under which the subconscious wishes of the baby begin to be realized in everyday life.
More often, these allergic reactions occur in children who are more addicted. This means that if a person whom the baby respects more than others develops an allergy, then the child will begin to mentally develop similar symptoms in himself.

If we talk about the signs of a psychosomatic reaction, then in this case it will manifest itself in exactly the same way as a standard allergy. However, if a person is under severe stress, then in this case the situation can get out of control. In rare cases, allergies due to stress are too strong, which can lead to quite dangerous consequences (for example, suffocation).
If we talk about reactions of this type, then they can also be on food, fluff, fur, animals and much more. Consider the most common examples of such manifestations.
Psychosomatics: Allergy in children to animals
This is quite common. It often happens that babies have a so-called allergy for psychological reasons to pets. If the child itchesnose and red eyes, then this is a standard reaction to the fur of four-legged friends. However, parents begin to be embarrassed by the fact that even if they get a “naked” cat, the baby still continues to sneeze and cough. In this case, psychosomatic causes of the allergy are most likely to be assumed.
This is explained by the fact that the child had a stressful situation in his life when he was faced with the realization that pets were dying. In this case, quite a strong psychological trauma could occur. This is due to the fact that due to the immature psyche, children become too attached to fluffy pranksters. They become true friends, associates and even relatives for them.
When a pet runs away or dies, it leads to extreme depression. In this case, the protective mechanism of the psyche is activated, and the child begins to perceive animals as something negative. He prefers complete rejection rather than face the loss of his beloved four-legged again. In this case, you need to look for the causes of allergies in psychosomatics.

If we talk about children, then they can also show allergies to absolutely uncharacteristic objects. For example, a child may react strongly to a toy made of hard parts that cannot be considered standard stimuli.
In this case, the psychosomatic causes of allergies can be explained, for example, by the fact that when a child was playing with his favorite car in kindergarten, a teacher approached him and began to scold him stronglybecause he does not observe the quiet hour. In this case, the baby projects strong stress and negative feelings that he has experienced onto the children's toy. As a result, even such a minor incident can result in an allergic reaction. This is because he attaches his negative perception to a certain "anchor".
If everything is relatively clear with children, then an adult sometimes cannot explain the appearance of a particular allergy. It is worth considering in more detail the most common psychosomatics of allergies in adults.
Reaction to antibiotics
Everyone knows that these strong drugs become practically killers of the microflora of the body. As soon as a person is faced with the fact that he needs to undergo antibiotic treatment, he falls into severe stress. His body begins to protest against such activity in the form of psychosomatic symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and antibiotic treatment is canceled. In this case, the person is relieved because he has a reasonable explanation why he is not able to take drugs of this type.
Allergy to dust
In this case, there is a possibility that the person reproduces in his mind a certain fence in relation to what he considers "dirty". However, at the same time, he experiences certain addictions to this object. For example, a person may suffer from gambling addiction or enjoy aggressive sports. Perhaps he has some sexual preferences that he is embarrassed to admit.

In this case, he may exhibit dust squeamishness, coughing, and symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Treatment with standard sedatives in this case will not have a visible effect.
Reaction to plant pollen
This reaction is most often a response to disorders in sexual life. The fact is that pollen itself is a vivid symbol of the process of fertilization, conception and the birth of a new life. If such manifestations are observed in a woman, then, considering such an allergy from the point of view of psychosomatics, we can conclude that she is simply very afraid of becoming pregnant. The mere thought that she is not yet ready to carry a baby causes her great stress.
It is also worth noting that people who have an allergic reaction to plant pollen most often experience an exacerbation of a conservative attitude towards life. They are too afraid of any change and believe that all this can only lead to disharmony in life.

When such a psychosomatic allergy appears in adults, you need to learn to perceive your life from a positive point of view. Don't be afraid of change.
If an adult reacts to pet hair
In this case, the interpretation will be slightly different from the psychosomatics of allergies in children. For an adult, first of all, an animal is a representative of something primitive, aggressive, and at the same time it is a symbol of passion. Most likely, this means thata person has some problems in the sexual sphere.
Considering the psychosomatics of allergies in adults, it is worth noting that some try to suppress their animal instincts. When they see a four-legged pet in their house, they begin to subconsciously get angry that it can be what it is, but for a person this is prohibited by moral standards or the general atmosphere in the family.
If you continue to suppress your sexual fantasies, it can lead to extreme tension and stress. The person may become severely depressed. Therefore, you need to learn how to realize your fantasies in life.

You need to understand that adults and children very often concentrate on some object and begin to compare it with something negative. Some people are allergic to a certain category of food. Perhaps this suggests that they are in a serious state of stress due to the fact that they plan to lose weight, but they just don’t succeed. In this case, it is food that acts as a negative object. Although a person can safely eat any food. However, it independently provokes the development of psychosomatic skin allergies, although in fact skin rashes are provoked by stress. Therefore, it is important to understand the true cause of the problem.
Allergy treatment
In order to get rid of such reactions, first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly a person is obsessed with. After that, you need to try to break such a connection and solve your problems. For example, if a person hasdeveloped a food allergy as he is desperately trying to lose weight, it is important to learn to accept yourself for who you are and see the good in yourself without extreme weight loss.
Other causes of psychosomatic reactions
First of all, one should not deny the possibility of just such a manifestation of an allergy. This is especially true if a person suffers not from a congenital pathology, but from an acquired one. It is worth noting that psychosomatic allergies are the most dangerous for children. With any manifestation of the disease, the child begins to experience severe stress. This negatively affects his life, activities, behavior and mood.
For example, a child may feel severe discomfort in a situation where he is forced to be separated from his parents for an extended period of time. Even if he goes to kindergarten, he experiences severe stress from parting. In this case, the appearance of signs in the form of a psychosomatic allergy on the face and similar manifestations becomes quite understandable.
Often, adults scold children, but they forget that kids take such negative emotions much more seriously. Against the backdrop of severe stress, feelings are suppressed. It is in this case that unpleasant symptoms appear.

Also, the child is often pressured by his parents. They expect him to succeed at school or show other talents. Therefore, it is not surprising that against this background, stress manifests itself, which flows into a psychosomatic state,causing allergic reactions.
Helpful tips
If a strong allergic reaction appears against the background of severe stress, then in this case it is necessary to consult a psychologist. First of all, it will help to solve the problem in terms of emotional state.
It is also worth noting that the psychosomatics of facial allergies are usually explained by the fact that such symptoms appear in people who suffer from self-doubt. They very often listen to other people's opinions, but at the same time hide their real feelings. And if we are talking about skin irritation, then in this case you need to learn a little more about the person. Very often, the nervous system of the body reacts in the form of spots and skin rashes to stressful situations, so you need to think about whether there have been any particularly unpleasant events recently.
If a person has an allergy to the upper limbs, while he suffers from incessant itching and burning, then this is also quite often a manifestation against the background of psychological disorders. Psychosomatics of skin allergy can manifest itself against the background of experiences, stress and many other factors. Of course, in order to identify the exact cause of the problem, it is also worth visiting an allergist. If he was still unable to understand during the examination what kind of stimulus causes an unpleasant reaction, then most likely it is a psychological component.
If a person admits that he is not confident in himself or is afraid of something, then in this case you need to look for the root cause in his experiences that causestressful situations and provoke the appearance of an allergic reaction. The psychologist will help the patient understand these problems and learn to perceive small failures not so sharply. The psychosomatics of allergies, the causes and varieties of its manifestations may differ, but usually after several sessions it is possible to solve the problem.