Miliaria is a skin disease caused by excessive sweating. Most often it can occur in newborn babies, as well as children. Despite this, many adults have also experienced it in their lives. How can you get rid of prickly heat and what can be done so that it does not reappear? And also what is the difference between prickly heat and allergies? Consider the most effective remedies for prickly heat.
Miliaria in adults and children
This disease is not considered dangerous, but it is very unpleasant. At least once in their life, most likely, every person faced a similar problem. Prickly heat is a kind of rash that appears as a response to overheating or intense sweating. Both adults and kids suffer from this disease, but prickly heat is usually considered a childhood disease. Getting rid of it is sometimes extremely difficult. Without competent and adequate treatment, the appearedirritation, as well as unpleasant itching, can remain for a long time.

The main cause of sweating in children, and in adults, is blockage of the sweat glands. Moreover, the stronger the sweating process, the greater the risk of getting such a disease. High humidity and heat, uncomfortable or too warm things made of synthetic fabrics, combined with excess weight, when folds form on the body in addition - all this serves as provoking factors for the occurrence of prickly heat. We will consider remedies for prickly heat below.
The main sign that may indicate prickly heat is a rash on the skin. Depending on the type of rash, it is customary to distinguish three types of this disease: crystalline, deep and red prickly heat.
Crystal prickly heat
Crystal prickly heat most commonly affects newborn babies. With this type of disease, small white or pearly blisters appear on the skin, having a size of one to two millimeters. The bubbles burst very easily and leave behind irritation and peeling. Crystal sweat in children can appear in the neck, face and torso, and in adults it mainly occurs exclusively in the abdomen. With crystal prickly heat, as a rule, there is no itching, and there are no unpleasant sensations. But this does not mean that this disease does not require treatment. In the event that the process itself is started, then various microscopic wounds that remain from bursting bubbles can penetrateinfection.

Deep prickly heat
Deep prickly heat is a type of illness that usually occurs in adults. Symptoms in this case appear on the surface of the skin of the arms, trunk and legs. Bubbles are flesh-colored and reach a size of one to three millimeters, they occur during overheating or in conditions of high humidity.
Red prickly heat
Red prickly heat looks like small homogeneous bubbles or nodules. The skin around the resulting rash acquires a red tint and begins to itch very painfully. Prickly heat of the red type can appear in places where the surface tissue is subject to constant irritation as a result of friction, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin folds, in the axillary and inguinal regions, under the breasts, and also where clothes that are uncomfortable for the body rub heavily. The symptoms and treatment of prickly heat are often linked.

In the event that a person has a rash on his skin, he should definitely go for a consultation with a dermatologist. A rash is typical not only for such a disease as prickly heat. It appears in many other infectious and skin diseases, and, of course, only a competent specialist can make the correct diagnosis. The doctor will most likely prescribe a series of examinations that can be done both in the clinic and in the medical laboratory. It is extremely important not to let the disease take its course and to establish the causes of its occurrence in time. Indeed, in the event that it is an infection, treatment should beginimmediately. In addition, various other diagnostic procedures can be carried out in the laboratory, which will make it possible to find out why a particular person has increased sweating. Immediately after this, it also does not hurt to consult a doctor, especially if you need to correct the condition of your body. He will prescribe remedies for prickly heat.
Treat prickly heat or will the body cope?
Prickly heat can manifest itself absolutely at any time of the year, but most often it occurs during the hottest period, when people have to sweat a lot. It is common for her to appear on vacation in warm countries. This disease requires prompt treatment and does not allow ignoring itself. It is quite possible to get rid of its mild form in just one to two weeks.
In advanced cases, the sweat glands become depleted over time, and this can lead to dry skin. As part of the severe conditions of this disease, the penetration of infection is very likely, and microbial eczema is also possible. And it will become much more difficult to fight this disease, since in such a situation, treatment can stretch for many years. That is why it is better not to postpone treatment until later, but you should immediately go and do all the necessary tests. Is zinc ointment effective for prickly heat? More on that later.

Treatment of prickly heat in newborns
Little crumbs quite often suffer from prickly heat. Indeed, in newborns, the body systems do not work quite the same way as they do in adults. Early in lifethe child's body is just beginning to adapt to its external environment, and such a process is almost always associated with a number of some problems. Often, parents, against the background of the desire to protect the child from the cold, wrap him up too much. Of course, the baby becomes extremely hot, and his thermoregulation system cannot cope with the load under such conditions, and the baby develops prickly heat.
In addition, the lack of air can serve as a reason, for example, this happens when the child is often very tightly swaddled or dressed in diapers, or too zealous when applying the cream. It often also happens that prickly heat in newborns appears in the folds located on the neck, as well as on the legs, in the upper chest and back. That is, irritation can begin precisely in those places where the natural process of ventilation is most difficult.
Remedies for prickly heat
During the treatment period, it is important to stop using creams and replace them with prickly heat powder, which will absorb excess moisture well and also allow the skin to breathe.

When bathing, it is advised to add a decoction of chamomile to the water, which will only soothe the skin and contribute to its speedy recovery. And in no case should we forget about the daily need for air baths. Sometimes it will also not be superfluous to treat the skin with zinc oxide powder or salicylic ointment, however, such treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician.
This is how ordinary zinc ointment is used, which is excellenteliminates unpleasant symptoms. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also dries the skin well. Apply to dry skin up to six times daily.
Calamine cream helps with prickly heat. It contains zinc, so it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it perfectly copes with skin itching, and also has cooling properties. The scheme of application is the same as that of zinc ointment. "Bepanten" from prickly heat is also very effective. The remedy is quite expensive, but it quickly copes with the symptoms.
A solution of potassium permanganate is also quite often used in the treatment of prickly heat in children. It is used for daily bathing, which should be done as often as possible.
To eliminate itching with prickly heat, a simple soda-based compress is prepared. 20 g of this substance should be diluted in one glass of boiling water. The resulting solution is used to treat problem areas.
What else helps with prickly heat?

Means for preventing prickly heat in children
Children's skin is much more delicate than adult skin, therefore, various irritations on it appear much more often. To avoid such troubles, it is enough just to follow a few elementary rules:
- First of all, it is not advisable to buy clothes made of synthetic fabrics for a child, because this structure makes it very difficult for the normal ventilation of the skin, which only contributes to the appearance of unpleasant irritations. Clothing made from natural materials such as cotton, linen and wool is best suited, which are quite good.absorb moisture and allow air to circulate easily.
- It is extremely important to monitor the temperature in the children's room. It is desirable that it does not exceed twenty degrees.
- Hygiene also plays an important role. Bathing a child should take place at least once a day, and as for hot days, it should be done both in the morning and in the evening.
Treatment of prickly heat in adults
Adults also have to deal with such an unpleasant skin disease as prickly heat. Most often it occurs in those who are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system of a chronic nature. Such disorders are very often accompanied by increased levels of sweating.
Treatment of prickly heat should begin with the elimination of the factors that caused it. Of course, it is unlikely that anything will be done with hot weather, but if a person belongs to the category of those suffering from increased sweating, he will still be able to make his life easier. To do this, it is advisable to adhere to the following tips:
- You need to choose loose clothing that will not restrict movement, in addition, it should be made exclusively from natural materials. If necessary, you can use cosmetic talc in those places where the fabric or underwear is too tight and rubs the skin. Effective talker from prickly heat.
- On hot days, it is undesirable to use cosmetics that clog pores, as well as greasy creams. A water-based lotion can be a great alternative. Areas of skin that are affected by prickly heat should bewipe with antiseptic. For these purposes, alcohol solutions of boric or salicylic acid are used, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is also quite suitable.
- To reduce itching and swelling, doctors usually prescribe antihistamines such as Tavegil or Suprastin.
What is the difference between prickly heat and allergies?
Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish prickly heat from allergies. One of the most common ways in determining the cause of reddening of the skin is the duration of the rash on its affected areas.
With regard to food intolerance to a particular product, in such a situation, the symptoms remain visible only until the allergen is completely removed from the human body. In adults, this process can last up to one week, while in children it proceeds quite quickly and completely disappears in one to two days.

Unlike allergies, prickly heat can resolve in a much shorter period of time. To do this, it is enough to simply remove irritating clothing from the affected area of the skin in order to ensure that human tissue has free access to oxygen. As part of the application of such measures, prickly heat will fade significantly and become less noticeable, or even disappear after a few hours if we are talking about a child. In an adult, this process may be longer, but a significant degree of blanching of the rash should occur within the next day.
Thus, prickly heat is notposes a serious risk to human he alth, but in case of exposure to such skin irritation, as well as excessive sweating, a number of the above measures should be observed. In addition, for those who are too prone to sweating, doctors advise drinking as much water as possible. This usually helps because it prevents dehydration and reduces the concentration of s alts in the sweat content, so that when it is released on the surface of the body, it will no longer irritate the skin of a person.
So, we have looked at what helps with prickly heat.