The scientific name of this flower - "clitoria" - comes from the word "clitoris" (clitoris - lat.). This name was invented by the Swedish botanist and naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who saw in the flower of the plant a similarity with the aforementioned female organ. Let's talk more about this unique healing plant.
Botanical characteristics of the clitoria
There is one more scientific name - clitoria trifoliate. This is an evergreen liana, characterized by the presence of long thin shoots, reaching a length of 3-4 meters. The color of its leaves is bright green, and they usually consist of 3-5 individual leaves each. The size of the flowers also does not differ in small sizes - about 5-8 cm in diameter. The flower is formed by several petals, and in the middle of it are several small petals, which are usually closed in the shape of a boat. Clitoria trifoliate flowers are usually blue in color. The drink that is made from it has the same unusual shade.

Pollination of this plant is carried out by insects that can penetrate the middle petals, extracting pollen there. The clitoria blooms during the periodfrom May to September, that is, the entire summer period. The fruits of the plant are beans, having a slightly flat shape, 3-15 cm long.
Plant distribution area
The clitoria flower comes from Southeast Asia, but its area of \u200b\u200bgrowth is quite wide - Africa, Central America, South America, Australia. This plant does not survive below 10 ºC. In this regard, in areas with a temperate climate, it can be grown indoors. In addition, it can be grown in the summer as an annual plant.
The flowers, seeds and leaves of this plant are used to make medicines. This plant is usually harvested at the end of the monsoon season.
Clitoria flower tea is very he althy.
Chemical composition of the plant
The chemical composition of this medicinal plant has not been studied enough. However, it is known to contain triterpene compounds (taraxerone), steroids, flavonoids, anthocyanin compounds (ternatins), glycosides (quercetin), a biopesticide (finotin), saponins, carbohydrates and many other substances that are beneficial to he alth. The plant also contains fatty acids - stearic, palmitic, linoleic and oleic.

Medicinal properties
Clitoria flower extracts have an active pharmacological action - antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, diuretic, anesthetic, insecticidal, antipyretic.
Numerous animal experiments have shown that the plantIt also has nootropic, antidepressant, antistress, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects. The properties of the clitoris flower do not end there.
Recent scientific studies of this plant have shown that some of the biologically active peptides that make up the chemical composition of this plant have an effective antibacterial effect against harmful bacteria such as P. Aeruginosa, E.coli, and K.pneumonia. These peptides have great potential to create completely new antibiotics, antimicrobial and anticancer drugs.

Clitoria blue tea
Useful properties of the clitoria are not yet used for the production of medicines, but it is widely used for the production of the so-called blue tea. This tea does indeed have a bluish color, hence the name. The hue is due to the color of the clitoria petals. They are dried together with the leaves in special environmentally friendly conditions, after which they become an excellent and very he althy drink, which is recommended even by medical specialists for the complex treatment of a wide range of diseases. Blue clitoria flower tea is popular in eastern countries.
What heals?
Traditionally, this plant was used to treat diseases of the genital area - both female and male. Effectively treats clitoris infertility, premenstrual syndrome, relieves menstrual pain in women. In addition, the plant is often used as an aphrodisiac, withdecreased sex drive.
Extracts from the roots of this plant are used in the treatment of lung diseases, as well as a means to help improve memory, relieve chronic fatigue, as well as in the fight against chronic insomnia and anxiety.

In Indian practice, the roots of the trigeminal clitoris are used as a laxative, diuretic, tonic, anthelmintic. In India, the roots of this plant are believed to help cure ailments such as leprosy, migraines, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc., and its seeds are a very strong laxative.
Blue tea in Thailand is used to treat various ailments.
Use drink
Since the properties of the clitoria have a very wide range of medicinal effects on the body, it can be divided into groups according to the scope of such effects:
- Treatment of brain disorders. Extracts of this plant normalize the state of memory, and are also widely used in the treatment of brain diseases, such as cerebrovascular accidents, etc.
- The medicinal properties of the clitoris have a positive effect on the human nervous system. They relieve stress, strengthen nerve fibers, help in the fight against depression, neurosis, panic attacks, etc.
- During some scientific research on the properties of this plant, it was found that the roots of the clitoris contain special substances that can be used as strongantidepressants in the treatment of numerous human mental he alth disorders.
- Reducing blood cholesterol levels. The leaves and flowers of Clitoris trigemina contain substances that effectively suppress triglycerides, as well as total cholesterol.
- Therapeutic effect on the digestive system. Extracts of clitoria trigemina are very effective in the treatment of constipation of various etiologies. They act as a laxative and heal ulcers. In addition, clitoria trigemina is widely used as a folk diuretic.
- Prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Extracts of this medicinal plant reduce the level of sugar in human blood, and also have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of glucose in the body. If you use this plant in combination with Sudanese rose, then this action will be especially effective.
- Treatment of numerous respiratory diseases. The largest amount of active medicinal substances is concentrated in the roots of the trigeminal clitoris, therefore, in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, a powder prepared directly from the roots of this plant is used. It is used in the treatment of such ailments as whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc. A decoction of the roots of the clitoris can be used to gargle, which is effective for infectious diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity.

What else can a plant do?
In general terms, we can say that this plant has a broad medicinal focus.

Clitoria trigeminae extracts are capable of:
- Regulate the hematopoietic system, cleanse blood vessels and promote energy;
- serve as an antidote for bites of poisonous snakes or insects;
- effectively clean open wounds, which prevents their infection and the formation of purulent inflammation;
- effectively treat diseases of the female and male genital area, such as menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, inflammatory diseases of the appendages, etc.
- increase sexual desire, acting as an effective means to increase desire and arousal;
- increase sperm motility, which is effective in the treatment of male infertility;
- used as a medicine to reduce puffiness, as well as to treat eye diseases.
Extracts of clitoria trigemina have an extremely positive effect on the human body, without any negative effects, so blue tea is shown to absolutely everyone and has no contraindications.

Cooking method
Several clitoria flowers or 2-3 teaspoons of the herb of this plant are brewed in a glass of boiling water, where you can add a little honey or sugar. This tea is served as a he alth drink, which improves the tone of the body, improves eyesight, prevents hair loss, and also effectively calms the nervous system, normalizing the emotional background.
The infusion has a beautiful blue-bluetint, and if you add a little lemon juice to it, the color of the drink will turn pinkish-purple.