Kalanchoe tincture on vodka: application, recipe. Kalanchoe flower: properties, description, photo

Kalanchoe tincture on vodka: application, recipe. Kalanchoe flower: properties, description, photo
Kalanchoe tincture on vodka: application, recipe. Kalanchoe flower: properties, description, photo

Quite often, many people resort to traditional medicine in order to solve their he alth problems. Often, medicinal herbs are much more effective than pharmacy products. Today we propose to talk about such a plant as Kalanchoe. The properties of the flower, its use in various diseases, the peculiarities of preparing tinctures and, of course, contraindications are waiting for you below!

What is Kalanchoe

A plant with such an unusual name can be found on almost every windowsill. It is very beautiful, it is characterized by unusual feathery leaves and multi-colored correspondences. From Chinese, the name of this plant can be translated as "viviparous." Most likely, this is due to the fact that the children located on the edges of the sheet, falling, are able to take root on their own. Homeland Kalanchoe - Africa, South America, Southeast Asia.

kalanchoe flower photo
kalanchoe flower photo

To date, scientists have about two hundred varieties of plants. True, only two of them are curative - pinnate Kalanchoe and degremona. All other types may not necessarily be harmful, but you will not get any benefit from their use. Pinnate Kalanchoe is distinguished by a height of up to 80 centimeters, it has a fairly long stem, dense leaves. Babies appear between the teeth on the leaves. Homeland degremona - Central Africa and Madagascar. The height of this plant usually reaches 50 centimeters, it is characterized by lanceolate thick leaves, sometimes slightly bent along the midline, resembling the muzzle of a crocodile. The length of one sheet rarely exceeds 20 cm, they are gray-green in color, they have purple spots at the bottom.

Benefits of "a surgeon without a knife"

Speaking of the Kalanchoe flower (pictured), one cannot fail to say that it is often called a "room doctor" or "a surgeon without a knife." The plant fully justifies its name. Those who have ever used Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes note that it allows wounds to heal much faster, protecting them from dirt and pus. However, Kalanchoe copes not only with cuts, moreover, the plant is recognized as medicinal even by official medicine!

Kalanchoe tincture on vodka for varicose veins
Kalanchoe tincture on vodka for varicose veins

What is the medicinal use of the flower? It is commonly used in dentistry, ophthalmology, surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology. In general, the fame of the amazing properties of the plant spread in the second half of the 20th century. That's when it startednumerous clinical trials have confirmed that burns, wounds that do not heal well, and fistulas heal much faster when using this amazing plant.


The Kalanchoe flower (in the photo below you can see Kalanchoe degremona) has a unique composition. The leaves are rich in vitamins C and P, aluminum, copper, manganese, calcium and iron. And they also contain a huge amount of tannins that stop the blood and eliminate inflammation. Kalanchoe is rich in enzymes that can regulate the rate of biochemical reactions, flavonoids, which are characterized by antimicrobial and choleretic properties. Contains plant organic acids: malic, citric, acetic and oxalic. By the way, there is an opinion that children growing on leaves can rejuvenate the body and significantly slow down aging.

kalanchoe recipes
kalanchoe recipes

Doctors note that the “room doctor” can even cope with ulcers and tuberculosis. Speaking about what Kalanchoe treats, one cannot fail to note its properties such as:

  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • hemostatic.

In addition, the plant gives a surge of strength and vigor, accumulating positive energy in the house. A person whose house grows Kalanchoe noticeably increases immunity and reduces fatigue.

Plants harvesting

Of course, Kalanchoe tincture on vodka, the use of which we will talk about later, can be purchased at any pharmacy. Meansdispensed without a prescription, is not in short supply. However, experts say it is best to cook it yourself, at home. To do this, you need to know how to properly prepare plants. In order to prepare a medicine, a flower that is more than a year old is suitable. Before cutting flowers and leaves, watering should be limited for five to seven days. The cut material must be put in the refrigerator, this will stimulate the production of natural biostimulants that the human immune system needs so much to regenerate injured cells. After a couple of days, Kalanchoe can be taken out of the refrigerator, grated on a fine grater. The mushy mass can be used to prepare a vodka-based Kalanchoe tincture, which can be used even for problems such as gingivitis, frostbite, otitis media and prostatitis. You can use this tool for varicose veins. The action of the tincture has been proven not only by people, but also by doctors.


kalanchoe tincture on vodka application what heals
kalanchoe tincture on vodka application what heals

How to prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe? There are a huge number of recipes, most of them are based on vodka or alcohol. We propose to consider the two most common and simple options.

Alcohol tincture

The extract that you prepared in advance from leaves and flowers must be poured with 70 percent alcohol. The best proportion is 20 to 1. The container with the finished drug is best stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its medicinal properties, becomeineffective.

Vodka base

How to make tincture of Kalanchoe on vodka? First of all, you will need a glass jar with a volume of one liter. It is necessary to place the prepared gruel in it, pour vodka, put it in a dark place, which is protected from sunlight. After 10-12 days, the resulting solution must be filtered into a clean glass container. By the way, while the Kalanchoe tincture is infused, the jar needs to be shaken daily. As in the previous case, it is recommended to store the prepared remedy in a cool place.

How and what heals

what is the cure for kalanchoe
what is the cure for kalanchoe

The use of Kalanchoe tincture on vodka, which, as you already understood, is not at all difficult to prepare, it is very extensive. It is even prescribed by doctors - along with traditional treatment. This truly miraculous remedy is also actively used in cosmetology.

Right now we propose to talk about what diseases Kalanchoe tincture on vodka or alcohol will help against, what ailments it will help to cope with. Let's also consider how to properly apply this unique remedy for various he alth problems.

For wounds and cuts

Speaking about the use of Kalanchoe tincture on vodka, one cannot fail to mention that this remedy is perfect for wounds and cuts that do not heal for a long time. This is confirmed not only by folk, but also by traditional medicine. All that is required is to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic for one and a half to two weeks, make a compress soaked in infusion. From above it is recommended to fix the gauzebandage. Due to the fact that Kalanchoe has a bactericidal, hemostatic and wound healing agent, any cuts will heal much faster.

In case of inflammation of the middle ear

What else is Kalanchoe tincture on vodka suitable for? The use of this tool allows you to eliminate inflammation of the air cavities of the middle ear as soon as possible. The thing is that the plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. All that is needed is to drop literally a couple of drops of the solution into the sore ear, cover with cotton wool or a rolled bandage on top. Moreover, at night you can insert a compress from turundas soaked in plant juice into your ears.

To improve vision

kalanchoe flower properties
kalanchoe flower properties

Speaking about the use of Kalanchoe tincture on vodka, one cannot fail to mention its beneficial properties for vision. If you notice that your vision has begun to deteriorate, try starting treatment with this folk remedy. Please note: you do not need to drip tincture into the eyes. All you need is for 10-14 days to use one tablespoon of tincture three times a day. You can repeat this course after 10 days.

For varicose veins

Kalanchoe tincture on vodka with this problem is considered one of the most highly effective remedies. In general, varicose veins is an expansion of the veins and walls of blood vessels through which blood flows from the tissues to the heart. Veins and vessels are deformed, perform their functions much worse. Varicose veins usually affect the veins in the legs. The main causes of varicose veins doctors include the following:

  1. Genetic predisposition. That is, if your parents suffered from this problem, there is a high probability of inheriting it.
  2. Gender. Experts note that varicose veins are much more common in women than in men.
  3. Injuries and surgical interventions that disrupted the valves of blood vessels.
  4. Overweight. Extra pounds increase the load on the legs, which leads to problems such as varicose veins.
  5. Great physical activity.
  6. Age.
  7. Pregnancy.
Kalanchoe tincture on vodka from what diseases
Kalanchoe tincture on vodka from what diseases

Of course, when using any traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist. If there are no contraindications, you may well use Kalanchoe tincture. To do this, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the product on clean palms, and then rub the lower limbs from the feet to the inguinal zone with light massaging movements. The duration of treatment depends on the stage at which the disease is now. Experts note: advanced varicose veins will need to be continuously treated for four months.

Facial application

Experts say that the anti-inflammatory effect of Kalanchoe allows you to quickly get rid of problems such as acne or boils on the skin of the face. All you need to do is to rub the problem areas of the skin several times until the inflammation subsides. In the event that you have spider veins on your face, you can also use a tincturekalanchoe on vodka. To do this, by the way, it is not necessary to completely rub your face with this product: just add a small amount to the face cream.

For warts

Speaking about what Kalanchoe tincture treats with vodka, and about its use in cosmetology, one cannot fail to mention that such a drug allows you to remove various warts and other neoplasms, which are characterized by a small size. The duration of treatment is only 1-2 weeks. It is best to do compresses and rub the warts with an alcohol solution.


how to make a tincture of kalanchoe on vodka
how to make a tincture of kalanchoe on vodka

Of course, before you start a course of treatment with such a folk remedy, you need to carefully read all the existing contraindications. It is best to consult with your doctor. The list of situations when it is not recommended to use Kalanchoe tincture is quite extensive. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergic reaction to certain herbal ingredients;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • various joint diseases;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system.

In the event that you know about the existence of any predisposition to allergic reactions toherbal components, before using the tincture of Kalanchoe, it is recommended to make so-called test samples. If the allergic reaction is completely absent, you can safely begin treatment. By the way, this tool can not be used to treat children. They are more suitable for pure juice or a solution prepared with water.
