The article will be presented to the drug "Speman" description.
Statistics of pathologies of the male genital area has been steadily growing over the past few years. At the same time, the age of patients is significantly reduced. Infertility, potency disorders, prostate diseases are the main pathologies of men's he alth. All of them force the selection of complex therapy that will be safe for patients. Among such funds is the drug "Speman". It is based on medicinal plants of natural origin, a large number of minerals and plant components. The manufacturer of Speman is Himalaya Drag Co, India.

Instructions for use
Pills produce a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Their main components stimulate blood microcirculation in the prostate tissue. The next characteristic of the drug is a positive effect on spermatogenesis. The drug "Speman" is a herbal remedy with an extensive spectrum of action. It is used for the purpose of the main treatment or as part of the complex therapy of urogenital pathologies.
Composition and release form
According to the instructions, "Speman" for men is produced in the form of round, convex tablets on both sides. The original drug, which is produced in India, has a pink shell, sixty tablets in a jar, an English inscription. Domestic companies produce tablets with a characteristic taste and without a soluble shell, the color varies from light brown to dark, there are small inclusions. The drug is available in plastic bottles with a screw cap. Each container contains one hundred tablets. The pack is cardboard, on the bottle there is an inscription in Russian.
In the composition of "Speman": powder of male orchid tubers, powder of seeds of long-leaved asterkant, powder of seeds of itchy velvet beans, suvarnawang (mosaic gold), beautiful argyrea root extract, creeping tribulus fruit extract, net leptadenia stalks extract, thallus extract pearl parmelia, as well as auxiliary components.
The original Indian medicine is produced only in 60 tablets, and the analogue, common in Ukraine and Russia, that is, domestic tablets, is produced in a hundred pieces. The composition of "Speman" is described in detail in the instructions.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug is effective in increasing the quality and quantity of sperm, and also improves their morphological structure. All studies have shown the effectiveness of tablets in the treatment of adenoma,chronic and acute chronic prostatitis. Due to the decrease in the excitability threshold of the genital organs, erection improves, ejaculation normalizes. Therapy for prostatic hyperplasia is effective in the early stages. As the instructions indicate, "Speman" allows you to improve the outflow of urine, reduce the size of the prostate. It is worth noting that the pills not only help to weaken the pathological signs, but also eliminate them completely. The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the action of herbal elements, each of which has unique properties.

Male orchis is an aphrodisiac of natural origin for sexual weakness. Wild lettuce and astercanth produce a sedative and diuretic effect. Creeping Tribulus strengthens the immune system. Argyrea - anabolic, androgenic and tonic effect. Pearl parmelia is used to get rid of amenorrhea. Net leptadenia has an anti-inflammatory effect. Suvarnawang helps in the treatment of spermatorrhea as a tonic.
It is impossible to study the kinetic data due to the complex action of the components that make up the drug. It is also impossible to study all the processes of influence on the body of a man through biostudies or markers. Drug metabolites cannot be observed due to their cumulative effect in achieving a therapeutic effect.
What are the functions of the active herbal ingredients of the drug?

- Speman copes well with phenomenastagnation, shows high efficiency in dysuric disorders, which are caused by prostate pathologies.
- Reduces blood circulation and reduces even significant inflammation in the pelvic organs.
- Helps reduce seminal vesicles.
- Maintains the male genitals in a normal tone.
- Rejuvenates the entire body.
- Sperm production is active, and it becomes better and he althier.
- Improving the reproductive function of a man who takes medicine.
- Supports the hormonal background at the proper level and increases the level of libido, attraction to women due to the powerful influence of aphrodisiacs.
When the course was completed through "Speman", the patient can count on the elimination of all symptoms that are associated with difficulty in urination, blood flow in the pelvis improves. Herbal medicine, it is highly effective in the fight against chronic prostatitis.
Thanks to the use of "Speman" the process of inflammation in the prostate gland is reduced, the level of leukocytes is reduced. After a man undergoes complex therapy, erection improves, hormonal balance normalizes, problems with poor he alth and he alth in the genital area go away, erection and libido increase.

"Speman": indications for use
Plant origin medicine is prescribed according to the specific disease. To the numbersuch diseases include: oligospermia - a small amount of sperm; benign prostatic hyperplasia; increased viscosity of seminal fluid; chronic and acute types of prostatitis.
Let's look at how to take Speman.
Application features
During the use of the product, you must adhere to the following dosages and schemes:
- recommended amount for reduced potency - two tablets twice a day initially, then take one tablet twice a day;
- The dose for infertility is two tablets, which should be taken three times a day for 4-6 months.
The duration of the treatment course is determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the duration of the disease, the severity, as well as concomitant disorders (pathologies).
Special Instructions
You should be aware that in order to achieve the desired result, the Speman medicine should be used exclusively in accordance with the instructions. The intake of alcoholic beverages adversely affects the medicinal effect, and therefore it is necessary to abandon alcohol for the entire duration of treatment. The pills do not in any way affect a man's ability to drive vehicles or work with precise mechanisms.

Drug and pregnancy
The Speman drug increases the amount of sperm, while the viscosity level decreases, sperm motility increases, so that a woman can finally become pregnant. Taking pills increases the chance of conceiving a child,which is due to the ability of the drug to eliminate the phenomena of stagnation in the prostate gland, to reduce its size to normal. Thanks to this, urethral defects are resolved, sperm production is carried out in the right amount. The spermatozoa themselves become very mobile. Reviews of "Speman" are presented below.
Drug interactions
Of the positive effects, there is an increase in the influence of the drug in combination with the use of "Tentex Forte". A similar situation may arise in the treatment of oligospermia. The herbal preparation should not be taken at the same time as vitamin E, as it can increase body temperature and blood pressure, increase the number of triglycerides in the blood, as well as the level of sugar in insulin-dependent diabetes.
Side effects and overdose
Multiple studies have found no drug overdose. Side effects are very rare. Reviews of "Speman" confirm this. If they occur, you should consult with your doctor.
To take the drug "Speman" absolute contraindications are excessive sensitivity, intolerance to auxiliary and herbal elements of tablets, as well as the patient's age after 80 and up to 18 years. Treatment with caution is prescribed for pathologies of the heart and vascular system, recommendations are required for its adjustment. Side effects are: itching, allergic reactions, deterioration in general well-being, nausea, hypervitaminosis and circulatory disordersbrain.

Speman has a large number of analogues in composition. Preparations with a similar effect and composition are the following: "Speman Forte" - used to treat pathologies in men after forty years; "Prostamol" - reduces swelling of the prostate, helps strengthen blood vessels; "Vitaprost" - eliminates the signs of prostatitis due to an increase in blood microcirculation. Lingonberry leaves increase diuresis. "Gentos" helps to improve urodynamic parameters in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. "Renel" normalizes the process of urination.
How to replace "Speman", it is better to check with the doctor.
Differences between "Speman" and "Speman Forte"
Speman has such a structural analogue as Speman Forte. Medicines are almost identical in composition. They differ only in the quantitative content of the main components: "Forte" has a smaller volume of plant components. For this reason, the scope of the use of drugs has certain differences. "Speman Forte" treats sexual disorders caused by age-related changes in the human body. It is used for weak erections, impotence and premature ejaculation.
Himalaya is known worldwide for the production of herbal products, which are rigorously selected. Its products are natural medicines, safe and effective. Speman, like any Himalaya medicine, is based on research over a long period of time,centuries of tradition and experience. It has almost no analogues identical in composition.
The quality of the preparations of this company is confirmed by certificates, meets all international standards. Speman has passed clinical trials.
Himalaya's Speman stimulates sperm production by reducing its viscosity, making sperm motile and improving the functioning of the penis, seminal vesicles, testicles and prostate. It has practically no contraindications. That is why experts in more than sixty countries advise the use of this drug for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and potency defects.

Reviews about "Speman"
The drug is well characterized by the fact that there are more positive reviews about it than negative ones. At the same time, negative reviews are more related to the fact that patients did not fully understand the mechanism of its action.
The bottom line is that men sometimes confuse the drug with Viagra, expecting an improvement in erection after taking a couple of pills. However, this opinion is erroneous: potency stimulants allow you to get an instant effect, but after two hours there will be no trace of it. Speman, on the other hand, needs to be drunk for a long time, but its influence persists even after the treatment is stopped. It is truly effective, safe and proven.
We reviewed the instructions and reviews for Speman.