Circumcision in boys: what is it and why is it necessary?

Circumcision in boys: what is it and why is it necessary?
Circumcision in boys: what is it and why is it necessary?

Circumcision (or otherwise circumcision) is a surgical procedure for the removal of the foreskin from boys, youths and adult men. Previously, this operation was carried out exclusively for religious purposes, but now it is carried out for a number of other reasons. In this article, we will tell you all about circumcision in boys. What is it, how it is carried out and why it is needed. In addition, we will describe how to care for the penis and what complications can occur after circumcision.

Why are boys circumcised?
Why are boys circumcised?

Boy circumcision: what is it?

Circumcision is a surgical intervention aimed at removing the skin fold that covers the head of the penis in a calm state. The essence of the operation is to shorten the foreskin and expose the head. Depending on the location and amount of skin to be removed, several types of circumcision are distinguished:

  • tight;
  • moderate (medium);
  • free;
  • partial;
  • minimum.

Tight circumcision involves the removal of a significant area of skin. After such an operation, which, by the way, is performed exclusively at the request of the patient, the penis is reduced in size. During an erection, the skin is very tight. Moderate is considered the most common type of circumcision. During the operation, the foreskin is removed, opening the head. A small amount of skin is left in the region of the coronal sulcus. Free circumcision allows you to open the glans penis. In this case, the doctor leaves a small fold of skin in the region of the coronal sulcus. Partial circumcision in boys - what is it? It involves opening the head by only a third. As a rule, it is performed for medical reasons, since in religious traditions it is not considered valid. Minimal circumcision refers to the excision of a small area of skin. It is also performed only for medical reasons, and not because of religious beliefs.

what is circumcision in boys
what is circumcision in boys

How is circumcision performed?

Circumcision for boys can be done in two ways. The first one is called "manual". The surgeon excises the foreskin with a scalpel, after which it sutures the edges of the wound with absorbable threads. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, in rare cases, general anesthesia is used. Sometimes the doctor uses special clamps instead of sutures, which are selected according to the size of the penis and left on it for 5-7days until the wound is completely healed. In general, the operation takes about 40 minutes. The second method of cutting is laser. The doctor, using special equipment, quickly and painlessly excised the foreskin. Laser circumcision in boys reduces the risk of postoperative inflammation and suppuration. After such a procedure, tissue swelling does not occur, and the rehabilitation time is reduced to a week.

post-circumcision care for boys
post-circumcision care for boys

Caring for the penis after circumcision

What should be the care after circumcision for boys? On the first day, you can not remove the bandage. So you reduce the risk of complications, including the inflammatory process. On the second day after circumcision, it is necessary to soak the bandage in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, remove the bandages. The wound must be treated with an antiseptic (furatsilin) or antibacterial ointment (levomecol, erythromycin or tetracycline). Then you will need to apply a new bandage. This procedure should be repeated for 3-4 days, and then it will be possible not to use ointments. When the stitches dissolve, the dressings are stopped. Parents should remember that after circumcision, tissue edema and cyanosis (at the injection sites) may appear, this is normal. In the wound itself, a yellow coating sometimes appears - fibrin. This is also completely normal, which means that the healing process is underway. Over time, a scar will form at the site of the wound, which will later take the form of a skin fold.

Why are boys circumcised?
Why are boys circumcised?

Main causes of circumcision

Why do you needmale circumcision? Since ancient times, this procedure was carried out according to religious beliefs. Jews and Muslims believe that circumcision is a sacred symbol of the union of the human soul and God. Removing the foreskin, a person removes the shell that prevents love for the Divine. In African countries, circumcision acted as a rite of passage for boys into men, and was also carried out for hygienic reasons. In the United States and European countries, circumcision is mainly performed for medical purposes. Indications for the procedure can be:

  • paraphimosis and phimosis;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • high cancer risk;
  • formation of a scar ring.

Also for medical purposes, circumcision can be prescribed to prevent inflammatory diseases of the glans penis, skin and urinary tract. The procedure for removing the foreskin in the presence of phimosis is carried out at the age of 7-12 years. The operation allows you to eliminate this anatomical defect and prevent the appearance of problems in the sexual sphere.

male circumcision procedure
male circumcision procedure

Circumcision: contraindications and complications

The only contraindication for circumcision is acute balanoposthitis. This disease is an inflammation of the inner layer of the foreskin and the skin of the head, the causative agent of which is Escherichia coli, streptococci and staphylococci. After the treatment of the disease and the relief of all symptoms, circumcision becomes possible. What complications can occur after circumcision? Mostoften men note a decrease in sensitivity and a deterioration in the quality of their sexual life. Circumcision can cause more serious pathologies, including retraction inside the body of the penis, the appearance of varicose veins, fusion of the scar with the head. Circumcision can also lead to penis deformity and painful sensations during intercourse. The most serious complication can be gangrene of the penis.

laser circumcision for boys
laser circumcision for boys

Instead of a conclusion

So, in this article we have told everything about circumcision in boys. What is it, what types are there, and how this procedure is carried out. We also indicated in which cases the operation is performed for medical reasons and described how to care for the penis after the removal of the foreskin. Stay he althy!
