Which filler is better for lips: names, rating of the best, safety of use and recommendations

Which filler is better for lips: names, rating of the best, safety of use and recommendations
Which filler is better for lips: names, rating of the best, safety of use and recommendations

It's hard to find a woman who doesn't want to become even more beautiful than she is. Plump, sensual lips allow the face to become more harmonious. In addition, they help visually reset a few years. The woman looks younger and sexier. Contour plastic helps to correct the appearance without surgery. It is a safe and virtually painless procedure that does not require a long recovery period. Women who decide to correct their appearance for the first time are often interested in which filler is best for their lips.

Fillers for lips
Fillers for lips

Beauty injections

The history of contouring goes back to the 19th century in Germany. Dr. Gustav Neuber began to inject patients' own fat into areas that lacked volume. The result suited everyone. Neuber's success inspired the Austrian surgeon Robert Guernsey to start his own experiment. He suggested using paraffin instead of fat. Unfortunately, this provoked the formation of various defects on the face and body.

In the 70s of the XX century, cosmetologists began to usesilicone. This substance quite often became the cause of the development of various complications. Therefore, its use was banned in 1992.

The real breakthrough in aesthetic medicine happened in 2003. The best lip and face fillers ever developed. The basis of the drug was hyaluronic acid. This substance not only smoothes the skin from the inside, it stimulates the production of collagen, moisturizes and strengthens the dermis. In addition, the injected hyaluronic acid is not rejected by the body. It is part of many tissues of the human body. The substance fills wrinkles and adds volume, has a rejuvenating effect in general.

Hyaluronic acid injections have been successfully used to correct appearance for more than 15 years. During this time, many different drugs have been created. Figuring out which lip fillers are the best can be tricky. Each of them has its own characteristics.

When choosing a drug, you should focus on the name of the manufacturer and his reputation. Market leaders are distinguished by high quality and reliability. This has been repeatedly confirmed in various studies. As well as cosmetologists and their patients.

The high quality of the product is reflected in its price. Market leaders are really expensive. But you can’t save money by buying an untested product or cheap Chinese-made fillers. The absence of the desired result after the procedure is far from the worst thing that can happen. Allergic reactions and more serious complications are quite often manifested after contouring with similardrugs.

Juvederm Ultra Smile

Even those women who have never done lip correction with fillers have heard about Juvederm preparations. They are most often recommended by professionals. Indeed, Juvederm are luxury products that meet all safety requirements. They are based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Filler Juvederm
Filler Juvederm

Juvederm fillers were developed by the American pharmaceutical company Allergan. For many years she has been creating products in the following therapeutic categories:

  1. Aesthetic medicine and dermatology.
  2. Cardiology.
  3. Ophthalmology.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Urology and women's he alth.
  6. Gastroenterology.
  7. Central nervous system.

The Juvederm line of fillers is one of the most diverse. Allergan has created products that can solve most aesthetic problems. With their help, you can change the shape of the face, increase the volume of the cheeks, emphasize the cheekbones, adjust the shape of the nose and, of course, make the lips sexier.

Only a professional can decide which lip filler is best to use in a particular situation. The following Juvederm products are used to introduce this area:

  • Ultra 2;
  • Ultra 3;
  • Ultra 4;
  • Ultra Smile;
  • Volbella.

Ultra labeled products use lidocaine. This allows you to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Hyaluronic acid, which is used forinjection, specially stabilized. This allows you to keep the effect of the procedure longer than competitors.

Volbella, part of the new line, uses hyaluronic acid that contains more crosslinks. Due to this, less substance is required for the procedure. And the effect of it persists for 18 months. The risk of developing edema after the introduction of Volbella is minimal. Lidocaine is also part of this drug.

Surgiderm Surgilips

Fillers Surgiderm is another market leader in aesthetic medicine. They are produced by the French company Corneal Group. It belongs to the pharmaceutical giant Allergan. We can say: the Surgiderm line of fillers was developed by the same specialists as Juvederm. This guarantees the high quality and safety of the product.

Surgiderm offers several types of injectable lip implants. Which filler is best for the patient, only the beautician can determine, since they all differ in density.

Suitable products for lip insertion:

  1. Surgilips. Designed exclusively for lip shaping. The effect lasts for 9 months.
  2. Surgiderm 18. Suitable for light correction. It is most often combined with other fillers and used in complex procedures.
  3. Surgiderm 24 XP. It is used to correct the shape and slightly increase the volume. The result is saved for a year.
  4. Surgiderm 30. This drug is injected into the middle layer of the skin. It is able to significantly change the volume of the lips and maintainresult within 14 months.
  5. Surgiderm 30 XP. The drug with the highest density. It is used for volume correction. The result is stored for 18 months.

The absence of a recovery period is one of the main advantages of Surgiderm. These are hypoallergenic and highly purified preparations. They are effective and completely safe. The only drawback of the drug is the absence of lidocaine in its composition.


Restylane is a product of the Swedish company Q-Med. She created the world's first drug for breast and buttock augmentation without surgery. Q-Med produces high quality, safe fillers.

Restylane is based on a biphasic gel. It contains particles of various sizes. They are kept in a special environment in which they are able to persist for a long time. The larger the particles of hyaluronic acid, the less their number per milliliter of the drug.

Filler Restylane
Filler Restylane

The line includes 10 drugs designed to solve different problems. To increase the volume and correct the contour of the lips are used:

  1. Restylane. This is a basic preparation that is used to add volume, eliminate shallow folds and wrinkles. In most cases, the introduction of a filler into the lips is accompanied by pain. Therefore, Swedish specialists added 0.3% lidocaine to the base drug. This made the procedure as comfortable as possible.
  2. Restylane Lipp. Designed to withstand thermalimpact on the lip area, as well as mimic load.
  3. Lipp Refresh and Lipp Volume. The consistency of the gels is soft and plastic. Recommended for use on patients who want to add volume while maintaining a natural look.

The final effect will be noticeable a week after the administration of the drug. It lasts for six to eight months.

Princess Volume

Many European cosmetologists have found the answer to the question of which filler is best for lips. In 2009, Princess was chosen as the brand of the year in Monaco. Since then, he has easily maintained his leadership position. It is often referred to as an aristocratic filler. He received such a title not only for high quality and efficiency. The owners of the Austrian company that produces this product are hereditary aristocrats and bear the corresponding surname - Prince.

Princess products have the following benefits:

  1. Complete absence of harmful impurities and oxygen.
  2. Maximum physiology.
  3. Only specialists with medical education have the right to purchase and use drugs. In addition, they are required to complete training under the company's program.
  4. Preparations are distinguished by the maximum level of viscosity, uniformity and plasticity.
  5. Extremely positive feedback. Fillers in the lips of "Princess" for 10 years of use have never caused the development of serious side effects.

Princess line of fillers is not as wide as competitors. Still pick upa drug suitable for a particular situation is not difficult. Fillers are suitable for lip correction:

  1. Princess Filler. The active substance is hyaluronic acid synthesized by the microorganism Streptococcus equi. It is characterized by a cross-linked structure, foreign inclusions are completely absent in it.
  2. Princess Filler Lidocaine. The drug is recommended to be injected into the deep layers of the skin. The filler contains lidocaine.
  3. Princess Volume Lidocaine. Suitable for volumetric modeling, the drug is injected subdermally. The filler also contains lidocaine.


Filler Teosyal kiss
Filler Teosyal kiss

Teosyal fillers are produced by the Teoxane laboratory founded in Switzerland in 2003. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of injectable implants, creates a dense mesh under the skin. This increases the elasticity and turgor of the dermis.

The content of endotoxin and protein in the preparation is lower than that of competitors. Due to this, the risk of developing an allergic reaction is minimal. Teosyal is able to withstand the mimic load that falls on the lip area. And the effect after the introduction lasts at least 9 months.

Lip fillers before and after
Lip fillers before and after

Before and after photos show amazing results. The filler in the lips instantly creates the desired volume, while they look as natural as possible. The following preparations are suitable for the procedure:

  1. Teosyal kiss. Designed specifically for contouring and reshaping lips.
  2. Teosyal Global Action. The substance is introduced intodeep layer of the dermis. The effect persists for 9 months. With each subsequent procedure, it will accumulate.
  3. Teosyal Global Action Pure Sense. The only difference from the filler described above is that it contains lidocaine.


Pharmaceutical company Merz produces a line of fillers called Belotero. The main component of the drug is sodium hyaluronate. The uniqueness of fillers is that acid molecules are cross-linked into a network polymer. Due to this, more moisture is retained in the skin, and its renewal processes start faster. In addition, the drug has an extended period of action, which is 12 months.

The cost of Belotero is higher than the lip fillers listed in the article. Photos before and after the procedure show that the patient's face looks rejuvenated and transformed. At the same time, the most natural look is preserved. Lips are sensual and seductive. And the skin remains smooth and natural.

The advantages of Belotero are:

  • no granulomas;
  • good portability;
  • no allergic reactions;
  • minimal risk of puffiness;
  • possibility of use even in cases of hypersensitivity;
  • face transformation in just 30 minutes.

When asked which lip filler is better and safer, Merz specialists always answer that it is Belotero. And this is not an unfounded assertion. It is known that since 2005, when Belotero was created and released, there have been no recordednot a single case of the development of a granulomatous reaction after its use. The patient can be sure that by improving his appearance, he will not harm his he alth.

The following preparations are suitable for lip correction:

  1. Belotero Soft. In the preparation, the concentration of the active substance is minimal. This allows you to achieve the most natural result in the event that only a slight correction is required. The drug is injected into the upper layers of the skin.
  2. Belotero Intense. The concentration of the active substance is 25.5 mg/ml. This drug is chosen when major volume corrections are needed.

Regardless of what kind of drug the beautician injects, the substance is distributed evenly, without forming bumps. It is impossible to determine visually or tactilely that a filler has been injected.

Filler injection

The patient will not be able to determine on their own which filler is best for the lips. The choice should be entrusted to a professional. All drugs have their own nuances. The doctor will be able to take them all into account and select the remedy necessary for a particular case.

Filler injection procedure
Filler injection procedure

Leading clinics give their preference to Juvederm, Princess, Belotero, Surgiderm, Restylane, Teosyal. Often, specialists use two fillers of the same brand of different density. For example, one makes a clear contour, and the second gives volume to the lips. Only a highly qualified specialist can perform such a procedure.

The patient must prepare for the introduction of the filler into the lips. Before and after the procedure, for severaldays, you should stop taking anticoagulants, vitamin C and aspirin. Also avoid alcohol.

The procedure itself is as follows:

  1. The doctor discusses the desired volume and shape with the patient.
  2. The skin is cleaned of make-up, the lips are rubbed with chlorhexidine.
  3. The doctor applies an anesthetic ointment and covers it with a film.
  4. Cosmetologist injects the drug. He can use various techniques for injecting filler into the lips. Patient feedback suggests that the best results are achieved when the doctor uses the Hollywood, Monegasque or Parisian method.
  5. After the end of the procedure, the lips are once again treated with chlorhexidine. A soothing cream is applied.

For 12 hours after the injection of the filler, it is forbidden to apply cosmetics to the treated area. You can use only the remedy recommended by the doctor. In addition, during the rehabilitation period, it is forbidden to smoke, drink very hot drinks, kiss or make faces. Visiting the sauna and solarium is not recommended for two weeks.

Contraindications and possible complications

Contouring is a minimally invasive procedure. This means that the intervention in the body is minimal. However, it violates the integrity of the skin and in rare cases can cause the following complications:

  • hematoma;
  • edema;
  • abscess;
  • soreness;
  • necrosis;
  • pigmentation;
  • allergic reaction.

In the case when the procedure is performedprofessional, the risk of side effects is reduced to zero. Therefore, you should not save on he alth and appearance and use the services of self-taught cosmetologists who receive clients at home and inject fillers into the lips in unsanitary conditions. Photos of such work can be seen below. Asymmetry and hematomas are far from the worst thing that can happen after the work of such unfortunate cosmetologists.

Poor quality filler
Poor quality filler

Lip correction with fillers has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • herpes in the active stage;
  • epilepsy;
  • menstruation;
  • psychopathy;
  • drug allergy;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of the intended injection;
  • blood diseases;
  • drinking alcohol on the day of the procedure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncology.


Girls who have already done contouring and were satisfied with the result often argue about which lip fillers are better. The reviews say that each drug has its critics and fans. For example, Juvederm fillers are praised for the fact that they contain lidocaine, respectively, the procedure is comfortable and completely painless. But for many patients with a high threshold of sensitivity, this nuance is unimportant. They prefer Restylane, which is less sensitive to high temperatures. Accordingly, you can not deny yourself a cup of hot aromatic coffee. The filler will not dissolve ahead of time.

Belotero fans proudly show off their lips after the filler. Reviews confirm the fact that side effects from its use did not develop. A huge advantage of the drug is its safety. Unfortunately, there is also a drawback - this is its high price.

You can choose the right filler only together with your doctor. He will take into account all the wishes and characteristics of the patient. Today, the choice of fillers is huge, so every girl will find the product that suits her.
