Eye drops for inflammation and redness: an overview of drugs and tips for choosing

Eye drops for inflammation and redness: an overview of drugs and tips for choosing
Eye drops for inflammation and redness: an overview of drugs and tips for choosing

To eliminate inflammatory processes in the eyes, doctors prescribe drops with non-steroidal, steroidal and combined constituents. Such drugs are of several types. In the article, we will consider the most popular of them.


Steroid medicines are used to treat inflammatory processes that are caused by infectious agents. They are also used to eliminate autoimmune diseases. However, such drugs are not able to eliminate the bacterial cause of the inflammation, but only relieve the symptoms.

types of eye drops for inflammation
types of eye drops for inflammation


Anti-infectious or non-steroidal eye drops for inflammation and redness. Such medicines are used similarly to steroids, but in simpler situations. They may be used in combination with antihistamine or antiviral medicines. Despite the low likelihood of side effects, drops from this categorycannot be used without specialist appointment.


Combined eye drops combine the action of an antibiotic component and an anti-inflammatory element. Thanks to this combination, they can simultaneously eliminate the cause and effect of the pathological process. Such drugs have found the widest scope of application in the treatment of fungal and bacterial eye diseases, in which redness and inflammation are observed.


Also, acute inflammation can occur against the background of allergic reactions. With the release of histamine, changes in the mucous membrane begin to occur. This reduces its protective function, and as a result, the eyes become an easy victim of a bacterial irritant or a viral infection. For the treatment of inflammatory processes of allergic origin, specialized drops are used that block the release of histamine. The bulk of such medicines is characterized by a high rate of therapeutic action and the duration of the positive effect.

Advice on choosing a medication

In order to choose exactly those eye drops for inflammation and redness that will be suitable for the treatment of a particular disease, experts advise undergoing diagnostic procedures and identifying the cause of the disease. It is not recommended to use the funds on their own, since they are very different and, for example, in the treatment of redness and inflammation provoked by a fungal infection, antiviral and antibacterial drugs will not work. Soit is extremely important to know which infectious agent caused such unpleasant symptoms, and only after that proceed with therapeutic procedures.

antibacterial eye drops list
antibacterial eye drops list

Antibiotics for the eyes

The most common and commonly prescribed eye drops for inflammation and redness are antibacterial drops:

  1. "Albucid" is a medicine that is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. Such drops are used to treat bacterial forms of conjunctivitis, eyelid pathologies and some types of fungal diseases. According to the instructions for use for Albucid eye drops, the additional effect of this remedy is the rapid elimination of inflammatory processes, in some cases the drug may be prescribed to prevent eye diseases. Together with this antibiotic, it is recommended to use Levomycetin, which will significantly accelerate the course of recovery processes. The drug is most effective against gonococci, E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci and chlamydia. Instructions for use for Albucid eye drops confirm this.
  2. children's eye drops for redness and inflammation
    children's eye drops for redness and inflammation
  3. "Vitabact" - drops, which contain piloskidin - a substance that can block the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke inflammatory processes. This medicine is used to treat trachoma, conjunctivitis, keratitis. It is not prescribed for children under 8 years old, because it has a fairly wide listcontraindications.
  4. "L-Optic" - eye drops, the main element of which is levofloxacin hemihydrate - an antimicrobial substance. It has an extremely wide range of applications, for example, in ophthalmology it is used to treat bacterial inflammation, redness, blepharitis, dry eye syndrome. This drug may be given to children over 1 year of age and to women during pregnancy. What else is on the list of antibacterial eye drops?
  5. "Tsiprolet" - antibacterial eye drops containing ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. They are prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial eye pathologies (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, and also in order to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women.
  6. "Uniflox" - eye drops, which contain ofloxacin. Thanks to this substance, the drug is an antibiotic of the latest generation and is prescribed for the treatment of ulcers, keratitis, inflammation caused by various pathogenic organisms.
  7. Tobrex is an excellent remedy for redness and inflammation of the eyes. These drops almost instantly eliminate itching and redness due to the tobramycin included in the composition, and also accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane. The drug is approved for use at the age of 3 years.
  8. "Chloramphenicol" - drops, which are an analogue of the well-known drug "Levomitsitin". This medicine quickly copes with redness of the mucous membrane, bacterial exposure and swelling, helps to moisturize the cornea.

The above medicinesfunds can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist who has performed a diagnostic examination on the patient and taken the necessary laboratory tests.

eye drops for inflammation and redness review
eye drops for inflammation and redness review

Antiviral eye drops

If no bacterial effect is noticed with redness of the eyes, then antiviral drops are prescribed for inflammation and other unpleasant phenomena.

Such medicines include:

  1. "Akyular" - a remedy based on ketorolac, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory property. The active element quickly eliminates puffiness and redness. Prohibited for use by pregnant patients.
  2. "Diklo F" - eye drops based on diclofenac. This medicine is characterized by an analgesic effect and is used to eliminate the inflammatory process resulting from mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or cornea. It is safe to use on children and has virtually no side effects.
  3. "Nevanak" is one of the best postoperative drugs. In ophthalmology, this remedy is used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgery or invasive removal of an irritant. Helps eliminate fatigue, accelerate regenerating processes, normalize lacrimation.
  4. "Oftan Dexamethasone" is an eye medication with a wide area of action. The active ingredient is dexamethasone, which is characterized by strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Drops have a high impact speed,relieve redness, itching, swelling.
  5. eye drops for inflammation and redness review
    eye drops for inflammation and redness review

Continue review of eye drops for inflammation and redness.

Allergy Remedies

When allergic reactions occur itching in the eyes, redness, swelling, pronounced lacrimation. To get rid of these and other negative symptoms, doctors often recommend the use of specialized drops against allergies and inflammation. These drugs include:

  1. "Opatanol" is a medical product that is a solution of olopatadine. This substance is considered one of the strongest antihistamine compounds. The drug is characterized by the duration of the effect and high efficiency. Suitable for long term use. Appointed from the age of 3 years.
  2. "Allergodil" - eye drops based on azelastine. It is considered a drug of "urgent" effects. Redness, swelling, hyperthermia of the eyelids, a feeling of a “dry” eye are quickly removed. Can be used for a long time, but only under medical supervision.
  3. "Ketotifen" - this chemical compound strengthens the mucous membrane, normalizes the viscosity of tears, and has a positive effect on the regeneration of damaged eye tissue. The drug blocks mast cells and reduces visible signs of allergic reactions.
  4. "Vizin Allergy" - an eye remedy with a unique composition that allows you to get rid of inflammatory manifestations, redness and at the same time restore lacrimation. This medication is not allowed.for use during pregnancy, children under 12 years of age and when wearing lenses.

You can find inexpensive eye drops for redness and inflammation at any pharmacy.

uniflox eye drops
uniflox eye drops

Universal drops

Not always any eye disease is the cause of redness of the mucous membranes of the eye and the development of inflammation. When working at a computer for a long time, with mechanical influences and other irritants, the following types of drops are used:

  1. "Vizin" - a remedy that constricts the vessels of the eye, due to which the redness of the protein is significantly reduced. It has a decongestant effect, but is not recommended for use for a long time.
  2. "Okumetil" - a combination drug that has a vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic effect, helps reduce swelling and get rid of eye fatigue. The active element is zinc sulfate.
  3. "Polinadim" is a medical product, the solution of which is the most effective combination of naphthyzinum and diphenhydramine. This combination has both soothing and cooling effects, due to which, after application, fatigue disappears and the mucous membranes are moistened.
  4. "Alomid" - eye drops for inflammation and redness based on the substance lodoxamide. This pharmacological agent helps to block the release of histamine, relieves the manifestations of the inflammatory process. It is prescribed to restore damaged tissue, moisturize the eyelids.

Before using any means, you must read the instructions. ATotherwise, some side effects may develop or the patient's condition worsens.

Eye drops that relieve inflammation and redness are needed not only for adults.

Baby drops

In the treatment of redness of the eyes and their inflammation in children, the following medications are used:

  • "Ophthalmoferon";
  • Floxal;
  • Albucid;
  • Octilia;
  • Ocumethyl;
  • Lecrolin;
  • Opatanol.

The above remedies help to cope with bacterial causes of eye irritation in children, with viral and allergic diseases. However, it is very dangerous to use them on your own, without clarifying the factors that provoked the pathological process. To receive recommendations and the correct prescription of children's eye drops for redness and inflammation, it is imperative to show the child to an ophthalmologist.

How to use eye drops correctly?

eye drops for inflammation and redness
eye drops for inflammation and redness

Before you start the instillation procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly. After that, it is recommended to rinse the affected eye with a solution of Chlorhexidine, which will remove pathogens and effectively clean the outer surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. Then it is necessary to slowly and carefully pull back the lower eyelid, drip the amount of medication prescribed by the specialist into the eye bag. Excess medication should be removed with a sterile swab.

Probable discomfort

Unpleasant sensations may occur for some time after the procedure: excessive tearing, blurred vision, slight burning sensation. If such symptoms do not disappear within 15 minutes, then this indicates that a particular drug is not suitable for the patient, and it is recommended to consult a doctor for the selection of another drug.

We reviewed the main types of eye drops for inflammation.
