Our eyes give us 85% of the information about the world around us. Even though some of us have already learned more than once what vision problems are, it is not uncommon for us to leave our eyes without proper attention and care. Some do not even think about the fact that at one moment they can lose almost the most important thing in their life - the ability to see. We talked to ophthalmologists and received recommendations, which we will talk about now.

Do not self-medicate
If you have poor eyesight (myopia), do not forget to visit your ophthalmologist in a timely manner. With a high and moderate degree of myopia, the volume of the eyeball increases, and the retina is stretched, which leads to its deformation. In the future, deformation can cause retinal rupture. In this case, you can not do without surgical intervention. It should also be noted that, for the time being,until the time changes at the bottom of the eyeball occur without any symptoms. Deformity can only be detected during a specialized examination in an ophthalmological clinic.

Comments from ophthalmologists
If you are worried about itching, tearfulness, various types of discharge, pus from the eyes, do not use the first remedy that comes to hand. The first thing you should do is to see a doctor at the nearest clinic, and you need to do this as soon as possible. The previously described symptoms may indicate the presence of a variety of diseases that cannot be detected at home. An incorrectly selected drug will at best not give any results, at worst it can harm. If the redness of the eyes is due to an allergic reaction, then antibacterial drops will only aggravate your situation.
Often in medical practice there are patients who complain of foreign bodies behind the eyelid. There are usually no other symptoms of inflammation. In this case, a series of studies should be urgently carried out, as this may be a symptom of chronic, indolent inflammation of the edges of the eyelids (blepharitis).

Correction of myopia
One of the oldest ways to correct myopia is the use of glasses. Of course, with mild myopia, doctors do not impose the wearing of glasses. Correction of vision in this way takes a long time. You have to wear glasses only at certain times in order to restore your vision to its former sharpness. If degreemyopia has reached the point that it is no longer possible to see without glasses, in which case they are prescribed for constant wear. Then more complex glasses with cylindrical glasses are prescribed.
It should also be noted that contact lenses can solve most of these problems. However, this does not exclude the use of glasses for preventive purposes. Unlike glasses, a contact lens fits snugly against the surface of the eyeball.
One of the most publicized methods of combating myopia is laser vision correction. Yes, this method has its advantages. However, an operation is an operation. Its outcome cannot be fully predicted, which in some cases scares patients.
Vision "minus 1": what does such a diagnosis mean, is treatment necessary?
Today, there are two opposing opinions as to whether it is necessary to carry out treatment with visual acuity "minus 1". Some believe that such an indicator does not interfere with a fulfilling life, while others, on the contrary, see this as a cause for concern.

Early correction methods
When your eyesight is "minus 1", which means possible myopia, some begin to self-medicate and do not always go to doctors. But you should not worry so much, in such cases, patients are prescribed special vitamins and glasses that need to be worn for several hours a day. If the glasses are not prescribed, you will be assigned special exercises to strengthen the eye muscles. The downside in this case isthat the eyes will get used to being in this state and stop fighting myopia.

Methods of treatment of accommodative and anatomical myopia
If you are still tormented by thoughts that you have minus 1 vision, what does such a statement mean, is it dangerous, then we hasten to reward you with irreplaceable information with which you will no longer have such questions.
Anatomical myopia
In this case, the eye is extended in an anterior-posterior direction, and the focus is in front of the retina. The accommodative muscles work normally. If, after a course of therapeutic exercises (for example, pulling the eyes deep into the orbits), the vision has fallen below "minus 1", then additional manipulations are needed, up to surgical intervention.
Accommodative myopia
The eye is not extended, and the vision is "minus 1". What does this symptom mean? In this case, weakness of the accommodative muscles is observed. To improve vision, you need to pay attention to the accommodative muscles and train them. For this, a system of gymnastics for the eyes, special devices and drug therapy were developed. In this case, glasses are not prescribed, because because of them the muscles will stop working. Often accommodative myopia develops due to spasm of the eye muscles.
Ultrasound will help to establish the type of myopia. This way you can find out how long the eye is. If, after the treatment, the vision is still "minus 1", then this already indicatesthe presence of true myopia, which means glasses are needed. The disadvantage of the glasses is that in one way or another they do not allow the eyes to train. However, properly selected glasses (less than minus 1) will allow the eye muscles to work. The ability to see needs to be trained and maintained.

Vision Test Chart
You can ask an ophthalmologist for this device to check your vision. How can we test our eyesight at home? The table is a regular set of printed letters of different sizes. Eyes with 100 percent vision perceive the line V=1.0 perfectly. The table also has a column "D=…" in the left corner, which indicates the distance from which to look at the letters. The distance is calculated for a person with 100 percent vision. The ophthalmologist's vision check table looks similar. The only difference is that you see it not on the monitor screen, but on paper. It is also recommended to print it at home for a more accurate result.
Ophthalmologist advice
- While working at the computer, the distance between the monitor and your eyes should be at least 60 centimeters. If possible, the screen should be dimmed and flat. Be sure to take a break every half hour. You can just turn your eyes to the window and look somewhere in the distance.
- Do not read in a moving vehicle. Constant shaking and poor lighting are bad for the eye muscles.
- Before going to sleep do for the eyescompress. Soak cotton pads in chamomile tea and place them on your eyes. So you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes.
- During the day, try to take time to close your eyes for 3-5 minutes. This will give them some rest.
- Try to blink more often. This movement stimulates the production of tears that moisturize tired eyes.
- In the summer or when the sun is shining, try to wear sunglasses at all times. They should not be decorative, as such glasses will not protect you from retinal burns.
- If your place of work has air conditioning, then you can not avoid dry air. It is better to consult a doctor to select special moisturizing eye drops for you.

Foods that improve vision
- In the first place we will have blueberries. This is the most famous eye care product. In summer, you need to eat at least 10 glasses of this wonderful berry.
- Eggs contain lutein and amino acids that prevent cataracts.
- Be sure to include fish in your diet. Almost every type of it contains fatty acids, which have a positive effect not only on the eyes, but also on all organs.
- Greens (arugula, spinach and parsley). These products have special ingredients that protect the retina from the harmful effects of sunlight.
- Sesame, nuts and seeds are those foods that contain a considerable amount of zinc in their composition. These products are shownthose who have a job related to the computer, or those who just spend a lot of time in front of the monitor.
- Meat, especially beef, is also rich in zinc.
- Carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, persimmons, apricots - they contain carotene, which protects the eyes from dryness. Freshly squeezed carrot juice is especially useful. It is best to cook it yourself.
- Eating these foods will not save you from existing serious diseases, but it will help prevent the development of new ones.