Zirconium teeth: patient reviews, photos, pros and cons

Zirconium teeth: patient reviews, photos, pros and cons
Zirconium teeth: patient reviews, photos, pros and cons

In the article, we will look at how teeth are made from zirconium.

Today, such a prosthetic technique as zirconium crowns is gaining more and more popularity and is deservedly trusted by dentists and among their patients around the world. Despite the fact that this technology for dental restoration has appeared in the arsenal of Russian dentists only recently, it can be said with confidence that zirconium crowns are today one of the most aesthetic, reliable, safe and durable methods for restoring incisors in history as a whole. These crowns are a type of prosthetics using only advanced technologies, combined with careful quality control at absolutely every stage of production.

zirconia teeth
zirconia teeth

What are the benefits of zirconia teeth?


Such crowns are sometimes called zirconia by patientsteeth. And this is their middle name, which reflects the various benefits. In fact, as a result of application, the zirconium oxide material does not differ in color or shape, as well as in light reflection, from the patient's natural incisors. Sometimes even relatives learn about the performed prosthetics only from the words of the patient himself.

Photos of zirconia teeth are shown below.

This ceramic has many advantages, thanks to the bioinert materials of zirconium oxide, and, in addition, the special manufacture of the crowns themselves. To make zirconium products, it is not enough to have only theoretical knowledge or manual skills and a minimum number of tools.

To produce teeth from zirconium dioxide, dental laboratories must have an impressive arsenal of high-precision equipment and specific tools. Zirconium crowns are produced in the factory on special equipment, which eliminates the slightest degree of error. After all, only such a product with a margin is able to withstand the load in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front and side teeth. Next, consider the more advantageous aspects that distinguish zirconium for teeth:

  • The presence of absolute bioinertness and compatibility with the surrounding substitute tissues of the human body.
  • Complete absence of allergic reactions to the material of crowns.
  • A degree of colossal strength.
  • Absolute identity in the nature of light transmission and a variety of color characteristics.
  • Fastrehabilitation along with the absence of the sensation of a foreign body in the oral cavity.
  • Full resistance to deformation and abrasion.

Thus, based on all these advantages, we can safely say that the advantages of zirconium crowns are more than obvious.

crowns for teeth from zirconium reviews
crowns for teeth from zirconium reviews

Disadvantages of such prosthetics

All people are well aware that any medicine is not suitable for everyone. The same applies to zirconium teeth. This technique has its own contraindications for use:

  • Pregnancy is a relative contraindication, and as a result, such a ban is only temporary,
  • Presence of some mental illness.
  • Development of masticatory muscle hypertonicity in a patient in the form of teeth grinding during sleep.
  • The presence of pathological foci of inflammation in the maxillofacial zone.
  • Occurrence of some types of bite pathology.
  • The appearance of common severe diseases of the human body.

As you can see, there are a lot of arguments "against". In fairness, it should be noted that most of the listed prohibitions on the use of zirconium crowns are contraindications for prosthetics with any materials.

When do dentists advise to get such teeth?

Still, zirconium dioxide teeth are better or metal ceramics? How to decide what is best for the patient in his particular case? To do this, you should understand the situations in which zirconium materials are installed on the teeth:

  • Bthe case of poor aesthetics of hard calculus of the teeth, and, in addition, due to darkening of the gums around old crowns.
  • The patient has an individual allergic intolerance to prosthetic methods.
  • Significant tooth decay along with trauma and chipped enamel.
  • Partial absence of incisors in a patient. Zirconia is very often installed on the front teeth.
  • Performing aesthetic prosthetics on dental implants.
  • Presence of congenital enamel defects.
  • Imperfection in the shape of natural teeth.

Using zirconia prostheses on front teeth

Zirconium teeth in front are set according to the same principle as on the lateral incisors. And the difference lies only in the fact that while waiting for a substitute to be made in the dental laboratory, the attending physician suggests placing a temporary plastic structure. It is well known in the field of dentistry that it is better to choose zirconium crowns for anterior teeth not entirely from this material, but with a framework that should be covered with a thin layer of ceramic. In this case, the patient will not get the “toilet smile” effect, and his teeth will look as natural as possible.

Can zirconium be placed on chewing teeth?

Chewing teeth never fall into the smile area, so aesthetics are not so significant for them. The main characteristics that chewing incisors should have are, first of all, strength and durability. Therefore, substitutes for these teeth can be made from a base metal alloy (in the event thatmaterial is not allergic), as well as from cermet. Optimal use of zirconium dioxide. Such products are the most durable among all metal-free prostheses. In addition, the aesthetics of the dentition will not let the patient down in any situation (even if the person laughs or yawns with his mouth wide open).

zirconium dental crowns
zirconium dental crowns

How are these crowns made?

The production of zirconia crowns is a complex and multi-stage process that requires special equipment called CAD/CAM. Actually, such a procedure is a fully automated process, from the stage of scanning the model in the equipment to the acquisition of the final product from zirconium dioxide.

It is worth analyzing the most important stages of such production. After all the required impressions have been taken by the prosthodontist, the patient's impressions are sent to an authorized dental laboratory where working models are made. Then these models are placed in a special 3D scanner. Thanks to his help, zirconium crowns are digitized, after which they are computer modeled. Such a computer sample is exactly reproduced in automatic milling machines from a monolithic piece of zirconium, which is baked at the manufacturer's factory at a huge temperature.

Thus, the future zirconium crown acquires its framework, which is subsequently lined with a layer of ceramic mass, step by step reproducing the lost dental tissue. After completing all the technical steps, the finished product is sent toclinic.

Preparation for the installation of crowns on the teeth

In this part of the article, we will mainly consider the process of preparing for prosthetics with zirconium crowns. In this case, as in the renovation of an apartment, order is required along with a solid foundation for construction. In the course of prosthetics, well-cured abutment teeth, along with the absence of an acute or chronic focus of inflammation and well-filled root canals, serve as a similar basis. It is advisable to carry out hygienic cleaning immediately before therapy and prosthetics of the incisors. Thus, the tooth surface must be thoroughly cleaned and ready for therapy.

Production steps

Now you should analyze the stages of prosthetics using zirconium crowns, which, in fact, you should definitely be prepared for when going to the dentist:

  • Consultation along with a detailed treatment plan, taking impressions for temporary substitutes.
  • Preparatory stage for the process of prosthetics. In this case, therapeutic treatment is most often carried out in combination with oral sanitation.
  • Performing the processing of teeth for a crown with the imposition of temporary analogues.
  • Taking an impression, determining the color scheme of the teeth.
  • The stage of making prostheses in the laboratory.
  • Trying on and bite correction along with matching overall appearance with the patient.
  • The fixation of crowns on a special cement, which is similar to a liquid filling and provides complete seamlessness along the ledge near the gums.
zirconia teeth reviews
zirconia teeth reviews

Types of crowns of this type

Today, there are only two types of zirconia crowns in the world. The first of them is a prosthesis completely made of this material, and the second is a design in which a base and a ceramic coating are combined. The second variety may have better aesthetic properties. The fact is that it is much more preferable to install zirconia combined substitutes on the front teeth. In the event that we are talking about the procedure for prosthetics of the lateral incisors, it is recommended to use orthopedic one-piece structures. In order to achieve the desired shade of artificial enamel, dental laboratory specialists tint the crowns by adding glossy shadows. As a result, it takes much less time to make such a prosthesis.


It is important to emphasize that dental prosthetics cannot be postponed until tomorrow. True, no one is immune from the loss of incisors. There are quite a few reasons for such a loss: caries, along with its complications, combined with injuries, periodontitis, and many other diseases of the oral cavity.

However, the main cause of loss is caries with its immediate complications. According to statistics, prostheses are used by more than eighty percent of the inhabitants of the entire globe. The average patient's first prosthetics in adulthood is between twenty-eight and thirty years old.

So there is a need for a visit to the doctor and prosthetics. Orthopedicsis a branch of dentistry that studies the causes of loss of incisors, and is engaged in restoring the integrity of the dentition using prostheses of various designs. It should be noted that in no case should this procedure be postponed until later, since the loss of even one tooth increases the overall load during chewing, which applies to the remaining incisors.

Untimely dental prosthetics can cause dentoalveolar deformity along with pathological malocclusions and diseases of the temporal and mandibular joints, and this is not to mention defects in appearance and the absolute aesthetic disadvantage of a human smile.

With the loss of even one tooth, the proportion of functional overloads of the remaining adjacent incisors is about fifteen percent, which cannot but affect their overall service life. In the event that the increased load, which is formed due to the loss of teeth, falls on the movable incisors, then the magnitude of the overload increases significantly to thirty to thirty-five percent.

dental prosthetics zirconium
dental prosthetics zirconium

In modern clinics, zirconium prosthetics are carried out using the latest materials, and, in addition, technological advances that make it possible to produce orthopedic structures with high fit accuracy and a minimum technological gap, which makes prostheses not only comfortable and functional, but also and indistinguishable from your own teeth and aesthetically perfect.

Why is it worth installing zirconium on chewing teeth?

Zirconium crowns orcermet - what to prefer?

Patients often face the question of what is actually better: zirconium crowns or metal ceramics? In order to answer it, one must keep in mind that zirconium has many advantages over metal-ceramic structures. This material is much stronger, but looks much more natural, so it is highly recommended for anterior incisor prosthetics. Such material does not change color over time, and unaesthetic metal strips do not appear at the tooth base. In addition, zirconium is characterized by low thermal conductivity, in connection with this, the material will not provoke discomfort during the consumption of hot or cold food.

But, nevertheless, cermet has a huge plus, which lies in its cost. Turnkey zirconia products cost about four or even five times more than metal-ceramic structures. This difference is due to the cost of consumables and the complexity of the technical process, but the aesthetic properties and durability of zirconium fully compensate for all this. In any case, zirconium or ceramic-metal crowns - this is decided by each person individually, of course, not without the participation of an orthopedist.

How much does zirconium dioxide cost for front teeth is of interest to many.

zirconium material for teeth
zirconium material for teeth

Question of the cost of this prosthetic procedure

In order to say exactly how much zirconium can costcrown, it is required to take into account a number of different factors that form its cost. It is important to understand whether an inlay is required under the crown, and how it will be installed on the implant or on your own tooth.

The cost of zirconium crowns in Moscow can vary greatly, which directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the level of dentistry in the chosen clinic. On average, the installation of such products in Moscow today costs about twenty to thirty thousand rubles per tooth.

After deciding on their installation, you should clarify what procedures are included in the price and how much more the patient will need to pay extra for accompanying services. It will also be useful to clarify whether the selected dental clinic guarantees the installation of a zirconium crown. Next, we learn that in the reviews people talk about such prostheses.

Reviews about zirconium crowns

Despite the high cost, more and more patients prefer to install crowns from zirconium. In the reviews, people write that this is by far the most successful solution.

Also in the comments you can read that patients confirm the fact that zirconia is a very durable and wear-resistant material, and its shelf life is absolutely unlimited, and such prostheses can last a lifetime. Consumers have reportedly experienced this claim firsthand.

zirconium for chewing teeth
zirconium for chewing teeth

Those who have been using them for a long time, in reviews of zirconium teethreported that the average service life of such crowns, if properly cared for, ranges from fourteen to fifteen years, which is several times longer than the period of use of similar metal-ceramic structures.

Thus, one of the best solutions for restoring a beautiful smile today is considered to be zirconia crowns, which are perfect for teeth. In such designs, aesthetics are simultaneously combined along with reliability and safety. Among other things, prostheses have minimal contraindications for installation and will easily serve a person for a lifetime.