Fibroepithelial nevus: appearance of a mole, diagnosis, removal methods

Fibroepithelial nevus: appearance of a mole, diagnosis, removal methods
Fibroepithelial nevus: appearance of a mole, diagnosis, removal methods

Fibroepithelial nevus refers to benign skin lesions. This is the most common type of mole. They may be congenital, but often appear during puberty when the body undergoes hormonal changes. How dangerous are such moles and how to get rid of them? We will consider these issues further.

What is this

Fibroepithelial nevus is a formation on the skin in the form of a large mole. It is of good quality. This type of nevus is made up of skin cells.

The shape of a mole resembles a hemisphere. Its dimensions range from a few millimeters to 1.5 cm. This neoplasm has a soft texture. It is located on the leg and rises above the skin. In appearance, the mole looks like a rounded wart, which is why it is sometimes called fibropapilloma. The color of the formation may be pinkish, bluish, light brown, or the same color as the skin.

Photo of the neoplasm can be seen below.

Type of fibroepithelial nevus
Type of fibroepithelial nevus

Most often, fibroepithelial nevus is located on the face and body, but it can also occur on other areas of the skin. It has a smooth surface and grows very slowly. A mole is often covered with hair. These nevi are more common in women.

Also, a bundle of vessels sometimes shines through on the surface of the formation. Doctors call such moles angiofibroepithelial nevi.

At what age does a nevus appear

Formations of this type can appear at any age. Very often they are congenital. In most cases, nevi appear in childhood and adolescence.

However, sometimes such moles occur in people of middle and old age. The time of formation of a nevus is important when choosing the optimal method for removing the formation.

How dangerous are these moles

Fibroepithelial nevus cells are not prone to malignant transformation. Such formations do not turn into melanoma (skin cancer) when exposed to ultraviolet light.

What is the danger of fibroepithelial nevus? A convex neoplasm on the skin is very easy to injure. This can lead to infection and inflammation of the nevus. In this case, the risk of malignant degeneration of nevus cells increases. A sign of inflammation is the appearance of a red corolla around the mole. However, even with injury, such a nevus rarely develops into melanoma.


You should not independently determine the type of mole according to a medical descriptionfibroepithelial nevus. Skin lesions should be diagnosed by a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist.

Diagnosis of a nevus
Diagnosis of a nevus

It should be remembered that many dangerous moles can be very similar in appearance to benign nevi. Therefore, to determine the type of neoplasm, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests:

  1. Dermatoscopy. The mole is examined under multiple magnification using a special device.
  2. Syascopy. With the help of the device, pigment deposits and the structure of the mole are scanned.
  3. Ultrasound. This method allows you to determine how deep the cells of the mole have grown into the layers of the skin.
  4. Histology. This study can be carried out only after the removal of the mole. However, it is possible to examine the material under a microscope only with surgical or radio wave excision of the neoplasm. If the mole was removed with a laser, liquid nitrogen or an electrocoagulator, then it is impossible to do a histology.
Histology of fibroepithelial nevus
Histology of fibroepithelial nevus

Fibroepithelial nevus must be distinguished from blue and borderline pigmented nevus. The last two types of moles often degenerate into melanoma. It is also important to make a differential diagnosis with papillomas.

Medical Removal Methods

Such formations on the skin are not subject to conservative treatment. Removing a fibroepithelial nevus is the only way to get rid of moles. This operation is carried out in several ways:

  1. Surgical excision. Nevusremoved with a medical scalpel. This method is indicated for large or deep moles. However, after such a removal, scars may remain, which then have to be removed with plastic surgery.
  2. Radio waves. The mole is cut out with a radiocoagulator. At the same time, radio waves stop bleeding and disinfect the wound. After such a surgical intervention, there is no scarring.
  3. Laser. This is the most gentle and painless operation. Mole cells are destroyed under the influence of laser beams. There are usually no marks left on the skin. Only when removing large moles can a light spot be noticeable.
  4. Electricity. The operation is performed using an electrocoagulator. The nevus is destroyed by electric current.
  5. Cryodestruction. Mole cells are frozen with liquid nitrogen.

In practice, moles are most often removed by surgical excision. Cryodestruction is most rarely used, since this method does not always completely destroy the entire mole. However, with any method of operation, a recurrence of the nevus cannot be ruled out if the cells are not completely removed.

Removal of moles
Removal of moles

Is it possible to remove a nevus with celandine

Is it acceptable to remove fibroepithelial nevus at home? Doctors categorically do not recommend self-medication in such cases. There are many medical ways to get rid of moles. These methods are much more effective and safer than traditional recipes.

At home, celandine is most often used to remove a nevus. The juice of this plant has cauterizingproperties. However, it can only be used to remove small and shallow moles. Before using celandine, you need to consult a doctor.

celandine plant
celandine plant

From celandine, you can prepare the following means to remove the nevus:

  1. Juice. The skin around the mole is smeared with a greasy cream to avoid burns. The lower part of the stem is cut. Orange juice stands out, which is used to lubricate the nevus. The procedure is repeated daily for about 2-4 weeks.
  2. Tincture. 50 g of dry grass is poured with a glass of alcohol and infused for 2 weeks. The tincture is applied to a cotton swab and the nevus is cauterized pointwise.
  3. Ointment. The juice of the plant is mixed with vaseline in a ratio of 1:4. The mole is smeared 2-3 times a day.

It is important to remember that treatment at home is possible only after receiving the results of the diagnosis. You need to make sure that the mole is benign. It is forbidden to self-medicate melanoma-dangerous neoplasms.
