Flu and cold symptoms always come at such an inopportune time. If you feel unwell in the evening, and tomorrow you have a serious meeting or just a lot of things to do, then you can’t allow the development of the disease. We urgently need to take action. One of the folk methods is vodka with pepper. Our fathers and grandfathers took it for a cold, which is often advised to do to us. Can alcohol really cure illness? Let's figure it out together.

In and out
Many people are skeptical about this kind of treatment. In addition, someone should not take alcohol for he alth reasons. But this needs some clarification. Vodka with pepper for colds is taken precisely as a medicine. That is, 20-30 g each. It is not at all necessary to drink a glass in one gulp.
This is one of the most effective and time-tested folk ways to fight a cold. It helps very well in the initial stages, when there is no temperature. But in the heat, you need to refrain from it. Despite the recommendations to use vodka inside, it also helps a lot as warming compresses and rubbing. Thatthere is if you need urgent help from a cold, vodka with pepper can be quite a tangible help.
When there were no pills, an alcoholic drink helped to quickly cope with ARI. Today, even doctors agree that alcohol acts as an anesthetic, and pepper helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. It is this effect that provides healing. But here we need to consider this issue a little more, since doctors still do not advise using this remedy for treatment, especially for serious diseases.
Go to the doctor first
Indeed, despite the fact that vodka with pepper can really bring some relief, it is best to use more effective remedies for colds. According to studies, a small dose of alcohol can boost immunity, which will help if a person feels only the first ailment, that is, has not yet become ill. But it does act as a pain reliever, so you might feel better. Unfortunately, if you have a really serious cold, the symptoms of the disease will soon return and even intensify.
Everyone knows that with viral diseases you need to drink more water. Alcohol contributes to dehydration. This once again suggests that if you use it, then only in therapeutic doses. The widely promoted glass of vodka is a direct path to dehydration, and hence the retention of viruses in the body.

And the first question on the agenda is whether it is possible to take vodka with pepper from a cold at a temperature. No. Inside, in this case, alcohol is strictly prohibited, and compresses should not contain warming components, such as pepper. Although alcohol on its own can help relieve a fever. To do this, vodka is mixed in half with water, after which the patient is undressed and his forehead and chest are wiped. At very high temperatures, you can moisten a sheet in the solution and wrap the patient in it. Alcohol, evaporating, will contribute to cooling.
When are pepper rubs indicated?
Only if there is no temperature. The recipe for vodka with pepper for colds in this case is quite simple. To do this, take a teaspoon of red pepper and 250 ml of vodka. Mix this solution thoroughly and rub it on your feet and back. After that, you need to wrap the patient and cover with a warm blanket. Now the task of the patient is to sweat well. Periodically offer him to drink more warm tea, this will help remove toxins, as well as raise the temperature locally, which will lead to the death of bacteria.

There are many recipes for vodka with pepper for colds. Various ingredients are added to medicinal tinctures. The main thing - do not forget that treatment is effective only at the beginning of a cold, that is, when the first symptoms appear. Indications for use are stuffy nose and heavy head, aching limbs and watery eyes. A reliable way to get rid of the beginningdisease will be the preparation of a burning tincture.
Classic tincture
Everyone thinks he knows how to cook it and can keep the proportions by eye. Vodka with pepper for colds is often used according to the principle "the more the better." In fact, to prepare a potion, 30-50 ml of vodka will require pepper on the tip of a knife. This is exactly the dosage that is needed to improve the condition.
Prepare it preferably in advance. To do this, pour a few servings into a glass bottle, mix and put in a dark place. The next day, the tincture is ready for use. If the medicine is urgently needed, then you can drink it 15 minutes after preparation.

With fresh peppers
It's just as good for colds. The proportions of vodka with pepper in this case will be as follows. For every 50 g of vodka, you need to squeeze a quarter of a red chili pepper pod. Mix well and consume no more than 40 g, 2-3 times a day. Take very carefully with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute tincture can irritate mucous membranes, which is dangerous for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
With additional components
Today, there are a lot of options. Each of you can choose the most suitable recipe for yourself.
- With cloves. To do this, take 200 ml of boiling water and crush 3 clove buds, add a red pepper pod. Leave to brew for an hour. After that, pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for a few more hours. Use three times a day for 30 grams. The infusion will easily relieve you of the first signs of a cold. Judging by the reviews, vodka with cold pepper is used very widely, which indicates the effectiveness or the persistence of the myth and the placebo effect.
- With dry paprika. As you know, it is not sharp, and in this infusion this quality is very important. To get a medicinal infusion, you need to apply longitudinal cuts to a couple of chili pods and pour 500 ml of vodka. After 2-3 hours, you need to add two tablespoons of ground paprika. Strain the mixture after an hour. You can drink 50 ml no more than twice a day.

Black pepper tincture
And what if there is no red pepper on hand? Take sweet peas and grind it into powder recommend reviews. Vodka with pepper for colds helps due to its warming properties, and black pepper is not much inferior to its counterpart.
- Recommended to use it mixed with cinnamon. This increases the effectiveness of the tincture and allows you to quickly remove the beginning signs of a cold. Spices are very helpful in the fight for human he alth. To prepare a cocktail, you need to combine 100 g of vodka and a quarter of a spoon of black pepper. It remains to add half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix and take 50 g no more than 3 times a day.
- Black + red pepper. If you doubt whether vodka with pepper helps with a cold, then you can try this cocktail. To prepare it, you need to add a teaspoon of black pepper and half a red pod to 200 g of vodka. Chile. After a couple of hours, you can use 50 g twice a day.

Vodka with pepper and honey
For colds, this recipe is used most often. Even on an industrial scale, such a brand is widely used. Of course, homemade tincture will be more natural and he althier. At the same time, there are several options for preparing this cocktail:
- Vodka and honey must be mixed one to one, 60 g each. Add a slice of lemon, a pinch of ginger and a spoonful of cumin. Of course, the taste will be specific, but this is not a delicacy, but a medicine. While stirring, heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil. Consume in small sips, but no more than 30-50 ml.
- Aloe tincture. This is another recipe that certainly deserves trust. To do this, twist 200 g of aloe leaves. You will get a green slurry. In it you need to add 4 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of vodka. Use this remedy three times a day for a tablespoon. It perfectly helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of the disease.

Treatment rules
Medicinal tincture should be taken 50 g three times a day. Thanks to this, the process of blood circulation is enhanced, which helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body. Of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because it is far from being able to help with any disease. If antibiotics are required, then such therapy will only contribute to the deterioration of your condition, pushing back effectivetreatment over time. It should be taken at night before you go to bed. If the disease has already overtaken you, the temperature has risen and a cough has begun, then drinking such a tincture is already useless. Now follow the doctor's prescription, and rub the tincture on your back and feet at night. There are no other rules on how to drink vodka with pepper for a cold.

The remedy is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. This tincture should not be taken by those who have serious diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and heart. Diabetics are also forbidden to use tinctures with honey. Such treatment for hypertension is prohibited. In any case, it is recommended to first consult a doctor, and only then make a decision about the use of a particular drug. This applies to drugs and prescriptions of traditional medicine.