What are doctors and medical speci alties

What are doctors and medical speci alties
What are doctors and medical speci alties

Most people don't know what kind of doctors there are other than those you can make an appointment with at a regular clinic. In fact, there are a huge number of rather rare medical speci alties that require higher education.


Common professions

There are several main, well-known professional areas. They are most often received by those young doctors who have just graduated from a medical university and an internship. Thanks to this, even children know what doctors are. Chief among them are:

  • physician;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • pediatrician.

No less frequently in demand:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • pulmonologist.

We must not forget that such specialists may be needed:

  • doctor-dentist;
  • oncologist;
  • radiologist;
  • urologist;
  • nephrologist.

The work of these professionals is the basis for the functioning of the entire medical industry. It is they who are most often directly involved in the treatment of patients.

Doctors of the "second" line

Patients often learn about what doctors are, even in cases where they fall ill with a relatively rare pathology. In this situation, as a rule, physicians who do not belong to the primary link of medicine are accepted for work. Chief among them are:

  • hematologists;
  • immunologists;
  • allergists;
  • hepatologists;
  • vascular surgeons;
  • rehabilitation doctors;
  • infectionists;
  • nephrologists;
  • orthopedists;
  • TB doctors;
  • valeologists;
  • psychiatrists;
  • psychotherapists;
  • traumatologists;
  • doctors of functional diagnostics.

Such specialists also have direct contact with patients. Thanks to them, it is possible to treat quite rare diseases that primary care doctors cannot cope with.

Narrow speci alties

With the development of medicine, more and more of its branches are gradually appearing. Accordingly, there are those professions that did not exist before. The most interesting in this regard are the following speci alties:

  • epileptologist;
  • mycologist;
  • vertebrologist;
  • audiologist;
  • radiologist;
  • reproductologist;
  • beautician;
  • geneticist;
  • nutritionist.

Such specialists work in a very narrow direction. Their task often does not even imply the direct treatment of certain diseases. It consists in the recovery of the patient after their occurrence or after the end of the pathological process.

About sanitary doctors

The main areas in which students can study at medical universities are:

  1. Medical.
  2. Diagnostic.
  3. Sanitary.

Doctors of the first two speci alties work in various medical institutions. At the same time, the sanitary doctor performs a completely different activity. The main section of his work is monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules in a wide variety of institutions, including medical ones.

Sanitary doctor
Sanitary doctor

In addition, this doctor is engaged in analytical activities, with the aim of early detection and effective counteraction to various epidemiological outbreaks of certain diseases. That is, the prevention of socially significant ailments at the level of any administrative unit is within its competence.

About vets

Almost every person who has a pet knows about the types of doctors other than those who treat people. After all, pets are also prone to disease. In such a case comes to the rescuea veterinarian who diagnoses, treats, and prevents diseases in animals.

A doctor of this speci alty, in addition to various veterinary clinics, can also work at agro-industrial enterprises. Here he monitors the he alth of farm animals. The work of such a specialist is extremely important, because he is responsible for the prevention of epidemics among livestock, the correct weight gain, the rate of increase in livestock, and even the quality of the products obtained thanks to him (milk, eggs, meat, skins, wool, etc.).

What are the doctors
What are the doctors

Administrative positions

Besides treating specialists, such as a general practitioner or surgeon, there are other doctors. They manage he althcare organizations, plan their activities and determine the general direction of the development of this industry.

This kind of work is extremely important. The price of a mistake made by a dentist or an operating surgeon can be many times less (despite all the possible tragedy) than the one that happens to the minister or the head of the regional he alth department.

Among administrative positions, the most common are the following:

  • chief physician;
  • deputy chief physicians (for medical purposes, for ME&R, for outpatient care, and others);
  • clinic manager;
  • heads of departments and structural subdivisions.

All these doctors are usually not involved in direct treatment and management of patients. At the same time, they often do not contact with them.less than the attending physician. This is due to the fact that the duties of the administration include the analysis and resolution of conflicts, as well as any disputes that arise between doctors and patients or their relatives. In addition, the administrative position obliges the doctor to contact the leadership of other departments and industries to solve social problems, which involve, among other things, medical workers.

Administrative physicians often do not graduate from medical universities. They can become only in the course of their labor activity. At the same time, in institutions of postgraduate education, there are a number of courses for primary retraining for administrative positions. Usually doctors are sent to them after their appointment, and not before.
