Why you can't sleep at sunset - truth and myths

Why you can't sleep at sunset - truth and myths
Why you can't sleep at sunset - truth and myths

Each ancient nation had its own "Vedas" - a certain set of wise thoughts, prohibitions and amulets that accompanied the races throughout their existence. The forerunners of Christians, Muslims or pagan polytheists - the ancient Chinese - did not know why the Sun was born from the east and died in the west, but they already firmly connected the movement of the permanent luminary with the cycle of human life. Identification took place not only with the level of the daily regime, but also with the initial stage of existence itself - birth, and the final stage - dying.

The interval between morning and night was delimited into periods of activity and pauses, during which rest was allowed. But the most surprising thing is that in the knowledge of extinct civilizations and ancient peoples that has come down to us, the time leaning towards evening was considered the most disturbing, forcing to be on the alert. Why is it impossible to sleep at sunset, based on the strict prohibition of Islam, the warning of the Slavic Vedas, or the hints of the mysterious Egyptian Book of the Dead?

Let's take a closer look.

why can't you sleep at sunset
why can't you sleep at sunset

Slavic and Christianversions

Danger for the sleeper - isn't this the most effective justification for the ban, why can't you sleep in the evening at sunset, from our ancestors, the Slavs? Finding no more accessible explanation for the evidence of poor he alth of people who fell asleep at sunset, Christians, compiling Holy Scripture, with these words almost derived their formula of he alth.

In the pagan teachings preceding Christianity, the Sun, awakening every morning from death, gave life to everything that met its coming in wakefulness. However, in the same way, in wakefulness, it was necessary to carry out the departure of the luminary, since the dark demons of the night, who did not disdain human souls, escorted the displeased shining deity beyond the horizon line.

And here is another answer to the same question, why you shouldn’t go to bed at sunset: it was with the moment when the celestial disk touched the horizon that all funeral rituals were hastily completed, and the souls of the dead hurried to go to another world, so as not to get lost then in the dark.

The cardinal direction itself - the west, the place of the death of the Sun, implied a direct road to the world of the dead. For this reason, not a single dwelling in ancient times was built with an entrance in that direction, and inside the house the corner pointing to the west was certainly occupied by a large oven with a mandatory attribute - a horn-tong put up.

why you shouldn't go to bed at sunset
why you shouldn't go to bed at sunset

Islamic version

According to such an enlightened Muslim scholar as Imam al-Ghazali, a person is generally not supposed to sleep for more than eight hours a day, including an hour and a half of afternoon rest,which the prophet Mohammed himself willingly used. Such a beneficial dream had its own name - kalyulya. According to its permissibility, it was opposed to other types of dreams, extremely undesirable - gaylyulya, that is, a dream that accompanies the hour of sunrise, and a filelulya - preceding sunset. The answer to the question why one should not sleep at sunset, according to the Islamic religion, was the basis of scientific research of that period.

The last factor was considered the most dangerous, since the sages of that time drew an unambiguous parallel between the deterioration of a person’s brain activity and his tendency to take a nap between the afternoon Asr prayer and the evening Maghrib prayer.

why can't you sleep in the evening at sunset
why can't you sleep in the evening at sunset

Mythological versions

The Egyptian god Ra, overshadowed by the solar disk, ruled the boat, heading to the west. Behind him, in the wake of the solar boat, the shadows of the spirits of death and the restless dead stretched. The black demons crawling behind the boat were in a hurry to grab the souls of those who were "between the worlds", that is, in the territory of sleep. The closer to the west the boat moved, the stronger and greedier the demons became - what is not another answer to the question of why you can’t sleep at sunset, according to ancient Egypt?

According to another theory, originally from Kazakh myths, during sunset, a grandiose battle unfolds between the forces of Light and Darkness, and its result is a foregone conclusion - the complete victory of the dark side. The indemnity of the winners is expected - of course, these are souls who carelessly lost their way in a dream during the battle. How do you like this explanation of why you can’t sleep at sunsetsun?

Only Chinese ancient scholars excelled in putting forward various fantastic versions. Regarding why you can’t sleep at sunset, they simply stated that the biological rhythm of the body is set up in such a way that in the evening hours the human kidneys work in a more intensive mode. At the same time, the general relaxation of the body that accompanies sleep will give the kidneys an unjustified load and lead to swelling, of course, with unpleasant consequences in the form of a deterioration in the general condition.

According to astrologers

Astrology as a science that is cautious and delicately bending around the sharp reefs of the exact sciences explains the situation simply: the human brain is like the Sun in a closed system that supplies energy even to the most remote corners of its possessions. He has periods of activity and recession, when he is more inclined to take than to give.

The time of sunset is just such a period when the brain does not fill the body with life-giving prana, but, on the contrary, dries up the energy channels. Brain activity, as you know, practically does not decrease during sleep, which means that instead of the expected rest during pre-sunset sleep, the human physical body weakens even more.

why can't you sleep at sunset
why can't you sleep at sunset


Melatonin is a substance vital for normal human mental he alth. The lack of this element, which is produced in the body only in complete darkness (any light prevents its formation), leads to depressive states, a decline in moral strength and even serious mental disorders.

It is noticed that peopleprone to stress, they prefer night time for work, and at the same time, their rash time falls just in the most unpleasant period - in the late afternoon. By the same principle, sleep disorders often occur in older people. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to the death of a person suffering from sleep disorders. Due to the fact that the body cannot cope with the failure of the biological rhythm due to old age, such a dangerous nervous disease as epilepsy can also occur.
