Codelac Neo antitussive agent, acting on the central nervous system, is a very effective drug for combating coughs and various complications of respiratory system infections. Its indisputable advantage lies in the fact that even the smallest patients under the age of one year can take it, and three forms of production make it possible to choose the right dose of the active substance.
Analogues of Codelac Neo will be presented below.

This medicinal product contains the following substances:
- butamirate citrate - has a direct effect on the cough center;
- vanillin or lactose powder - gives taste to the drug;
- potato starch - has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
- ethyl alcohol 96% (ethanol) - added in small amounts for better penetrationmedicines;
- benzoic acid - is a natural preservative (contained, for example, in cranberries and lingonberries);
- glycerol - as an aid;
- sodium saccharinate - has the same properties as sugar, is excreted from the body almost unchanged;
- sodium hydroxide - as a sedative;
- sorbitol - as a sweetener;
- auxiliary components (flavors, flavors).
For "Codelac Neo" analogues are cheaper quite easy to pick up.

Issue form
Russian pharmaceutical companies produce the drug in three trade forms: suspension (syrup), drops and tablets. Tablets are intended for the treatment of dry cough only in adults, because they contain a slightly higher concentration of the main active ingredient in their composition. Tablets "Codelac Neo" have a round shape and white color, are produced in contour cells of 10 or 20 pieces, packed in a cardboard box along with an annotation for use.
The syrup has a thick consistency, a translucent caramel color and a somewhat specific smell. It is produced in glass or plastic bottles of 100 or 200 ml, packed in a cardboard box along with instructions and a measuring spoon. Analogues of Codelac Neo are of interest to many.
The basis for the drops is alcohol. This form of the drug is produced in 20 ml dark glass bottles. The presence of cardboard packaging depends on the manufacturer.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Codelac Neo tablets and syrup have a non-opioid, antitussive, central effect. They are able to inhibit the functions of the cough center of the brain. Also, the medicine can thin the sputum and act as an expectorant. In the absence of alternative drugs, it can relieve asthma attacks by providing a slight bronchodilating effect (weakening of the muscles of the bronchial tree).
Depending on the form of release, the state of the digestive and excretory system of the patient, the drug has a variety of chemical and physical properties. Able to be completely and quickly absorbed by the wall of the small intestine after ingestion. Pharmacological studies of the Codelac Neo preparation revealed that the amount of the main active substance reaching the site of action is 70%, and the connection with proteins in the blood plasma occurs by 60%. The half-life of the drug is 12 hours. The drug is excreted from the human body mainly by the kidneys (more than 90%), and partially through the bile by the liver.
Is there an analogue of "Codelac Neo" for children? More on that later.

Indications for use of the drug
The main indications for the use of drug therapy using "Codelac Neo" are various diseases of the respiratory tract of an infectious nature, as well as bronchitis, pneumonia and whooping cough. Very often, the drug will be prescribed as maintenance therapy for chronic obstructive disease and emphysema. Assigned if availablethe following symptoms:
- all types of dry and wet coughs;
- dry and wet coarse or fine bubbling rales;
- choking in the throat.
Method of application and dosage of the drug
Codelac Neo in the form of tablets should be taken orally with clean water, during or immediately after meals. The dose of the drug that causes the desired therapeutic effect is 15 mg. active substance per day (or two whole tablets, one of which is taken in the morning, the other in the evening). In case of urgent need, the dosage can be increased or reduced.
Drug "Codelac Neo" in the form of a suspension (syrup) is taken orally one scoop, regardless of the meal, but after equal intervals of time (it is advisable to keep the interval from 6 to 12 hours). The main daily dosage of the drug should be determined by the attending physician.
The dosage of the medicine "Codelac Neo" in the form of drops is prescribed based on the age of the patient and the severity of his disease. As a rule, most often prescribed to take by mouth 10 drops twice a day with meals.
Analogues of "Codelac Neo"
The drug has many analogues similar in mechanism of action. Consider them in more detail:
- "Muk altin" is prescribed for the treatment of various pathologies of the lungs and respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.). Russian analogues of "Codelac Neo" in tablets are especially popular.
- "Bronchipert"used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, clinically manifested by productive cough (tracheobronchitis, bronchitis).
- Bronchalis-Heel is taken as an expectorant for inflammatory and obstructive pathologies of the respiratory system (tracheitis, chronic bronchitis, smoker's catarrh).
- "Tos-May" is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by an irritating dry cough. This drug is prescribed to patients during preparation for diagnostic procedures, in particular bronchoscopy.
- "Libexin" is used to treat dry cough of any etiology: chronic and acute bronchitis, emphysema, influenza, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia. Also, the drug is used in preparing patients for bronchographic or bronchoscopic examination.

Analogues of "Codelac Neo" in tablets:
- Broncholithin;
- "Bronchocin";
- Glycodin;
- Kodelmixt;
- Kodipront;
- Codeterpin;
- Cofanol;
- "Terpincode";
- Omnitus.
Balsam Bells
Indicated for the symptomatic treatment of the following inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system accompanied by cough:

- flu;
- tracheitis;
- pharyngitis;
- bronchitis;
- laryngitis;
- pneumonia;
- whooping cough at the initial stage.
Also drugused in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases: "lecturer's" laryngitis, bronchitis of smokers.
"Altemix" - this syrup is recommended for chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with difficult sputum:
- tracheitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- whooping cough;
- bronchial asthma.
"Altemix Broncho" (syrup) is recommended as a drug that can relieve dry cough and soften its irritating effect on the pharynx and oral mucosa. Also, the drug is used as part of the complex therapy of acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough with difficult expectoration of sputum.
Wicks Active Expectomed
This is also an analogue of "Codelac Neo", it is taken in the treatment of the following respiratory diseases, accompanied by the occurrence of difficult-to-separate viscous purulent sputum:
- pneumonia;
- acute and chronic bronchitis;
- tracheitis caused by a viral and/or bacterial infection;
- bronchial asthma;
- bronchiolitis;
- bronchiectasis;
- cystic fibrosis (as part of combination treatment);
- actelectases due to obstruction (blockage) of the bronchi;
- after removal of hard-to-remove viscous secret from the respiratory system in postoperative and post-traumatic conditions;
- sinusitis, purulent or catarrhal otitis media, sinusitis (forfacilitating the separation of sputum).
Also, the drug is prescribed when the permissible dose of paracetamol is exceeded.

Bronchobrew Dextro
Bronchobrew Dextro (syrup) is indicated for use in adults with:
- symptomatic treatment of dry cough, which is directly related to acute infections of the upper respiratory tract;
- symptomatic treatment of obsessive cough due to asthma and postnasal edema syndrome;
- symptomatic treatment of acute cough due to uncomplicated infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
- cough to reduce its frequency.
"Bronchosan" is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry cough with sputum that is difficult to pass. The use is indicated for children over two years old and adults with the following pathologies:
- bronchial asthma;
- tracheobronchitis;
- bronchiectasis disease;
- cystic fibrosis;
- emphysema;
- pneumoconiosis;
- smokers cough.
Also, the drug is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of pneumonia. Pharmacies often ask for analogues, cheaper than Codelac Neo. We list them below.

Other analogues
- "Privitus" - is prescribed for acute or chronic cough of various origins.
- "Pectoral" - used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious pathologiesrespiratory system, accompanied by a cough with sputum difficult to expectorate.
- "Tusavit" - prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough.
- "Bronchofit" - is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the broncho-pulmonary system (chronic and acute course of the disease), accompanied by an unproductive cough with thick sputum, as well as for the treatment of bronchospasm and bronchoecstatic disease. Analogues cheaper "Codelac Neo" with a dry cough should be selected by a doctor.
- "Cook's Syrup" - it is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of patients suffering from cough of various origins, including asthma and cough that occurs with bacterial and viral infections of the respiratory system. Cook's medicine can be used as an additional treatment for patients suffering from tonsillitis, rhinitis and pharyngitis. Also, this suspension is taken to combat "professional" laryngitis and "smoker's cough".
- "Pectolvan Fito" - is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, lung diseases and bronchitis, which are accompanied by a cough with difficult sputum.
- "Bronhoton" - analogue of "Codelac Neo" in syrup. It is recommended to be used as part of the complex treatment of bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis, chronic and acute bronchitis.
- "Althea" - syrup is prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with difficult expectoration of sputum.
- "Nekash" - syrup is recommended to be taken to combat cough with bronchitis, flu, colds,laryngitis, tonsillitis and inflammation of the bronchioles.
Codelac Neo has a few dozen more analogues, details of which you can find on the Internet.
We reviewed the Russian analogues of Codelac Neo.
Consumers are very controversial about the drug in the form of tablets and syrup. Some say that it is highly effective, inexpensive and relatively safe (that is, it has few contraindications and practically no side effects), others, on the contrary, indicate that the drug did not help them at all in the fight against dry cough.
About "Kadelac Neo" in the form of drops, young mothers mostly respond, who used the medicine to eliminate dry cough in their child. Opinions about this form of the drug are mostly positive, only the ethanol content is considered a disadvantage.