What organs can be affected by a hyperplastic polyp?

What organs can be affected by a hyperplastic polyp?
What organs can be affected by a hyperplastic polyp?

A polyp is a benign tumor that develops from cells in the stomach. It can be hard or soft, with or without a long stem. There is one or more polyps. Its dimensions may be a few millimeters at first, but later it becomes much larger. In the future, it can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Polyps can affect various organs, but most often they appear in the intestines and stomach. Polyps can be of two types - adenomatous and hyperplastic. We will consider the last one.

Hyperplastic polyp

A hyperplastic polyp appears on the walls of internal organs both in the singular and in the plural. He, unlike his adenomatous "brother", does not pose a direct threat to he alth. A hyperplastic type polyp has a surface resembling the gastric mucosa.

hyperplastic polyp
hyperplastic polyp

Risehyperplastic polyp is accompanied by various diseases. But there is no risk of cancer. Most often, you can get sick with gastritis, but with timely treatment, it passes quickly enough. Chances of reappearance are very small. But a tumor with improper or untimely treatment can develop into an adenoma. And this disease is serious. If this happens, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment under the close supervision of doctors.

Colon polyp

A hyperplastic polyp appears inside the colon from its own cells and closes almost the entire passage. It occurs most often in those who are obese or over 50 years of age.

Polyps that appear are usually benign, but, nevertheless, there is a risk that they will degenerate into a malignant tumor. They can only be detected with careful medical examinations, as symptoms are practically not manifested.

hyperplastic polyp of the stomach
hyperplastic polyp of the stomach

Hyperplastic colon polyp, has the following features:

  • bleeding and pain during bowel movements;
  • breaking stool;
  • anemia;
  • pain in the abdomen.

In the latter case, pain occurs both in the lateral parts of the stomach and in the anus. They may be different, but they all occur even with a bowel movement. A heating pad and metabolic drugs can soften them up a bit.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons for the appearance of polyps. Almost all of them are related tomalfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and malnutrition.

hyperplastic colon polyp
hyperplastic colon polyp

Polyps form for the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • malnutrition, especially the rejection of fruits, vegetables, legumes and other important foods;
  • regular constipation and other stool disorders;
  • various bowel diseases;
  • smoking;
  • reduced physical activity;
  • age over 50.

Treatment of colon polyps

It is extremely difficult and ineffective to treat multiple or single polyps with therapeutic methods, therefore, surgical intervention is practiced. A flexible endoscope is inserted through the anus into the large intestine and with its help all existing formations are eliminated. Depending on the size of the polyps, they are removed in parts or in whole. After removal, parts of the polyp are carefully examined to determine if it is cancerous or not. This method of removal is not only effective, but also painless, and all existing symptoms disappear already on the second day after the operation.

hyperplastic polyp
hyperplastic polyp

Family, or diffuse polyposis, is eliminated by resection or, more simply, complete removal. This method is quite common. Thanks to its use, it is possible to completely remove the part of the colon in which the polyp is located. Then it connects, and the body begins to recover. This method is the most efficient and reliable. Reappearance of the diseaseexcluded.

To eliminate the risk of re-lesion after a certain period of time, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination again and pass all the necessary tests. Thanks to the use of a special optical device, this is not difficult to do. Besides, it's completely safe. With the help of the device, the doctor will be able to see even the smallest polyps.

In case of repeated formations, you should undergo surgical treatment again and change your diet. After a while, it does not hurt to check again using an optical inspection technique. And so on until the tumor finally disappears from the body.

Polyps in the stomach

Gastric hyperplastic polyp is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance. If it is not yet large, then it does not create any special problems. But larger formations interfere with the promotion of food masses, and also reduce the secretory performance of the epithelium. Most often occur in the corner of the stomach.

Proliferating polyps are the main danger, but such cases are very rare. Approximately 1.5% of patients experience this problem.

hyperplastic glandular polyp
hyperplastic glandular polyp

As a rule, cancerous tumors are formed and develop directly near the polypoid outgrowths of the mucous membrane. If present, annual endoscopic examinations are required.

Hyperplastic polyp of the stomach entails hypergastrinemia - excessive release of gastrin, which contributes to increased acid secretion. The appearance of cancer can be caused by metaplasia of the epithelium. It occurs along the periphery of the disease.

Main causes of stomach polyps

Such polyps most often appear in people who are over 50 years old. But the main reason for their occurrence is the presence of various diseases.

Factors that provoke polyposis adenoma are as follows:

  • Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • hereditary predisposition to polyps;
  • high concentration of steroid type hormones.

Polyps are divided into two types:

  • hyperplastic;
  • adenomatous.

The first type is the most common, but it never causes cancer. Adenomatous polyps are formed from glandular cells and almost always develop into cancer.

Methods of treatment

Hyperplastic polyps are treated when the tumor size is more than three centimeters. But some doctors do not advise waiting for this moment and remove a tumor of any size. Especially if a hyperplastic polyp with inflammation. Do not delay when they appear, and you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, there is a risk of cancer.

hyperplastic polyp with inflammation
hyperplastic polyp with inflammation

If the patient does not want to resort to surgery, it can be replaced with a vitamin-mineral complex, which is great for healing the body.

Doctor check-ups should be done every two years. But if the tumor is massive, it starts to bleed, whichcauses pain and a number of other malfunctions in the body. If complications follow after this, then cancer cannot be avoided, so do not delay and it is better to immediately contact a medical facility.


Hyperplastic polyp, most often appears in the stomach or intestines. These formations cannot cause cancer, but can have a negative impact on the overall he alth of a person. Especially if the sizes are large enough or there are several of them. If you, for example, have a hyperplastic glandular polyp, or a formation of another type, you should contact a medical institution for the necessary treatment.
