Effective remedy after mosquito bites: review, best recipes and reviews

Effective remedy after mosquito bites: review, best recipes and reviews
Effective remedy after mosquito bites: review, best recipes and reviews

After mosquito bites, itching of the skin, burning, inflammation and irritation of the skin is observed. That is why many are looking for the most effective means of getting rid of this unpleasant symptomatology. In addition, mosquitoes are also carriers of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to choose means of protection against these insects.

Why do mosquitoes bite

For female mosquitoes, human blood is the food to increase egg laying rates. Males simply feed on flower pollen. Mosquitoes feed on blood not only to lay their larvae, but also to satisfy their hunger. Not only people are bitten, but also animals. There are certain categories of people who attract these insects, namely:

  • in good he alth;
  • medicated;
  • drunk.
remedy for mosquito bites
remedy for mosquito bites

Little children are more likely to be bitten than adults because of their delicate, thin skin,attracting insects. A high risk of being bitten exists in people with good he alth, a high degree of sweating, an accelerated metabolism.

First aid for a mosquito bite

What happens at the moment of a mosquito bite? The insect pierces human skin with its proboscis, injects saliva containing anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. The human body regards these substances as allergens. Therefore, the bite itches and turns red.

folk remedies after mosquito bites
folk remedies after mosquito bites

It is very important to choose the right remedy after mosquito bites for first aid. First of all, the bite site must be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably antibacterial, to eliminate the risk of penetration of pathogens. People who are prone to allergies should take antihistamines, such as Tavegil or Suprastin.

After using first aid products, you can use medications and folk remedies to eliminate itching and inflammation.


Among the medications, it is necessary to single out "Tavegil", which helps to quickly and effectively cope with itching, alleviate the general symptoms of allergic manifestations. This is a fairly effective remedy after a mosquito bite, as it acts comprehensively on the entire body. The effect of the drug is up to 12 hours. After its application, capillary permeability decreases, and puffiness is also eliminated.

remedy for mosquito and midge bites
remedy for mosquito and midge bites

However, it is worth considering that this remedy has certain contraindications. The medicine is not allowed to be used during pregnancy, as well as for children under 6 years of age. For children aged 6 to 12, half a tablet is indicated.

How to choose the right ointment

Remedy for mosquito and midge bites is produced in a variety of forms. They differ in their composition, packaging and consistency. Among the drugs used, one can distinguish such as:

  • gels;
  • creams;
  • balms.

Gels are water-based products containing various additives and medicinal components. Creams are made on the basis of synthetic or natural oils, and also contain some medicinal additives. Balms are based on plant extracts and natural resinous substances. Such funds contribute to the speedy restoration of tissues.

Medicinal ointments

It is necessary to apply the drug after a mosquito bite immediately, because the wound can become inflamed very quickly. This is especially true for people with hypersensitivity of the skin. Among the fixed assets, one can distinguish such as:

  • "Vietnamese Star";
  • hydrocortisone ointment;
  • "Bamipin";
  • "Soventol";
  • "Bepanten".

Such a remedy after mosquito bites as "Vietnamese star" has long been very popular. It is characterized by good antiseptic qualities. It can also be appliedadults, and children. This ointment is also used to prevent bites, as it repels insects.

folk remedies for itching after a mosquito bite
folk remedies for itching after a mosquito bite

A very good remedy for mosquito and midge bites is hydrocortisone ointment, which has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its versatility, it is used to treat various chronic skin diseases.

Bamipin ointment, which belongs to antihistamines, helps to cope with itching. However, before using this remedy, you should definitely consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications.

Soventol ointment helps reduce swelling and reduce itching after a mosquito bite. Due to the fact that this remedy is practically not absorbed into the skin, it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Ointment "Bepanthen" is suitable for use in children from 2 years old, as well as pregnant women. This medicine has the following qualities:

  • skin hydration;
  • rapid wound healing;
  • prevent itching;
  • quick elimination of inflammation.

Apply this ointment directly to the affected area of the skin, which promotes faster healing. Contraindications can only be for those who have individual intolerance to the individual components of this drug.

Fenistil gel

"Fenistil" (gel)It is considered a universal drug against insect bites, as it is able to quickly relieve itching and burning. This remedy quickly relieves puffiness and helps to stop allergic reactions, as it belongs to anti-allergic drugs.

"Fenistil gel" helps to quickly minimize the resulting discomfort. Another feature of this drug is that it can be used even for children almost from birth.

Folk methods

Folk remedies help well after mosquito bites, as they help reduce itching, redness, swelling. To quickly eliminate itching, you need to cut an onion in half and press it to the bite site. In addition, you can lubricate the affected area with aloe juice or s alt water. Fish oil is also considered a good remedy. In addition to being of great benefit to the body, it is also able to treat insect bites well. It is necessary to generously lubricate the affected area with it.

To eliminate skin itching and blisters, you can use medicinal fees, consisting of St. John's wort, mint, oak bark. All components are mixed in equal proportions, pour water and boil over low heat. Cool the finished broth, strain and make lotions. Well helps against mosquito bites and vinegar. It is enough just to make a compress and apply for half an hour to the affected area. Another good remedy is toothpaste.

good remedy for mosquito bites for children
good remedy for mosquito bites for children

Folk remedies after mosquito bites imply the use of a decoctionwheatgrass. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over wheatgrass, boil for several minutes, and then add a little lavender oil. Infuse the broth, wrapping it in a towel. Strain, cool and wipe the affected area with a ready-made remedy. You can freeze it and wipe the affected areas with ice.

Folk remedies for itching after a mosquito bite involve the use of a fresh banana. To prepare the medicine, you need to peel the banana and apply the banana peel to the bite site, securely fixing it with a bandage or plaster. After a few minutes, the itching will go away.

Ideal can be simple ice cubes. Immediately after the bite, you need to wipe the itchy place with ice cubes. You can also freeze decoctions of chamomile, viburnum or linden flowers. These products perfectly disinfect the skin, help eliminate swelling and itching.

Mosquito bite soda

The best remedy for mosquito bites is baking soda. This is the best way to eliminate discomfort after a mosquito bite. You can use soda in the form of cakes or lotions. To make a cake, you need to add a little water to the soda to make a thick slurry. From the resulting mass, you need to make a cake and attach it to the inflamed and itchy place. Put a wet cloth on top. After 3 hours, you need to replace the cake with a fresh one.

effective remedy for mosquito bites
effective remedy for mosquito bites

Soda lotion helps well. To prepare it, you need to pour a little soda into a bowl, dip a bandage or cotton pad into it and wipe the bite site. procedurerepeat several times.

Pharmacy products for children

It is very important to choose a good remedy for mosquito bites for children to eliminate severe itching, swelling and inflammation. Usually, children are lubricated with special ointments, which basically contain natural ingredients and help eliminate the main signs of allergies.

Hormonal ointments are used only in case of severe allergies, in the presence of edema. In this case, you need to apply hydrocortisone ointment. Unpleasant sensations will help to eliminate "Psilo-balm". This tool helps to remove allergic reactions, as well as itching after bites. It is characterized by antiallergic, antipruritic and analgesic action. Literally a few minutes after treating the bite site, the itching disappears.

remedies after mosquito bites reviews
remedies after mosquito bites reviews

It is very difficult for a child not to scratch the bites. Therefore, means are required to eliminate inflammation. Well helps means "Boro +", which helps to eliminate swelling, itching and redness as much as possible. It is only necessary to lubricate the affected area with cream. All discomfort will pass literally immediately.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites for children

When choosing the best remedy for mosquito bites for children, it is worth using medicinal herbs and plants. You can apply an alcohol tincture of white lily petals and after that the itching disappears almost immediately. Herbal compresses help a lot. To do this, you need to grind the leaves of plantain, mint or bird cherry and apply onbite site.

When children are severely affected by mosquitoes, you need to fill the bath with warm water and add sea s alt to it. The child needs to lie down in such water for 15 minutes. There are many folk remedies and techniques to help eliminate discomfort after mosquito bites, however, not all of them are suitable for a child.

What is strictly forbidden to do

It is strictly forbidden to scratch and rub itchy skin. At the site of the bite, a wound forms, into which bacteria and microbes can penetrate. Some people have quite sensitive skin. Therefore, after the wound, scars may remain, spoiling the appearance of the skin.

Be sure to choose the right means to eliminate itching and swelling, so as not to harm the body even more.

Reviews on the use of anti-mosquito bites

Many people prefer to use "Fenistil gel". This remedy after mosquito bites has only the most positive reviews. This drug is characterized by versatility and speed of action. It is enough to apply this product to the skin only once - and the bites stop itching in just a few minutes.

Baking soda is a good mosquito bite remedy for kids. Reviews about this method of getting rid of itching and swelling are only positive, since it is possible to quickly eliminate the main symptoms and not harm the body. Baking soda relieves inflammation and redness. The bite site heals quickly. And after that, there are absolutely no traces left. This method is perfect fortreatment of mosquito bites in young children.
