Pancreatitis in a child
There are a lot of negative factors around us that can harm the he alth of both an adult and a child. One of these is pancreatitis. Yes, he might not

only for adults, but also for our children. The small organism is very active and therefore it reacts quickly to stimuli. Almost every infectious or allergic disease gives a sharp blow to the pancreas and can lead to the development of the disease. To start fighting such an ailment as pancreatitis in a child, you need to know everything about it: why it appears and how to treat it.
Of the many reasons, the most common are:
- Wrong baby feeding schedule (too long breaks between meals).
- Eating foods that have an irritating effect: chips, soda, canned food, fast food. All this disrupts the work of the pancreas. When active, it starts
- Food poisoning.
- Usevarious drugs, especially antibiotics, which provoke the development of reactive pancreatitis.
- Diseases of the duodenum or gallbladder (gastroduodenitis, food stagnation).
- Blunt trauma in the abdomen. This kind of shock can damage the pancreas.
- Deposition of calcium in the pancreatic duct. If it is normal, then there is no reason to worry, and if it is elevated, then this causes the activation of pancreatic enzymes, which provokes pancreatitis in a child. Excess vitamin D can also cause similar changes.
- Clogged excretory ducts. This condition can be traced in those children who have worms in the body. They can cause pancreatitis in a child.
- Hereditary diseases.

produce a large amount of juice (digestive), which leads to the development of pancreatitis.
Reactive pancreatitis in a child
Such a disease can occur due to banal acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, as well as acute gastroenteritis (consumption of low-quality food products and poisoning with them). Reactive pancreatitis is the most common type of disease that develops in children. Symptoms are similar:

- abdominal pain;
- loss of appetite;
- vomiting;
- severe nausea;
- frequent diarrhea;
- drowsiness;
- apathy;
- allergic rashes.
Reactive pancreatitis in children - hospital or home treatment?
If you have such a question, then the answer is unambiguous. Pancreatitis in a child is treated in a hospital. Don't get busyself-medication, because there is a high probability of harming your child. With similar symptoms, immediately contact a highly qualified doctor who will prescribe several special tests, and then reveal what type of pancreatitis your child has and prescribe the optimal treatment. If your baby has an acute form of the disease, then get ready for the fact that for some time you will have to stay in the hospital for hospitalization. All other types of this disease can be de alt with at home. Usually, the doctor recommends special diets, eliminates the cause of the disease and prescribes various medications that are aimed at eliminating certain symptoms (vomiting, constipation, etc.).