Stye is an inflammation of the hair follicle on the eye. As a rule, it occurs unexpectedly, and goes away on its own in 4-5 days, but it can bring a lot of trouble in everyday life. You have to go to work, communicate with people, and the presence of such "beauty" on the face in no way contributes to mutual understanding and the desire to look the interlocutor in the eye. Before taking action and learning about how barley is treated, it is necessary to determine the nature of its occurrence. Were you a little cold outside or were you in a cold room for a long time? For some, the reaction to hypothermia of the body manifests itself in this way.
Who has already had such a "gift" will say that at first you feel a slight itch, slight redness, and the eye begins to swell. If you skip this moment and do not start to find out how barley is treated, the entire eyelid may swim. In advanced cases, you only have to wait doomedly for the flaw in the eye to disappear on its own.

Scientifically, this phenomenon is an inflammatory process caused by staphylococcus aureus. Medical recommendations for eliminationinfections tend to be used in the treatment of various kinds of antibiotics in the form of eye ointments, drops. In this case, the question immediately arises: why, when you find out how traditional medicine and the same sufferers treat barley, the result of the measures taken is much more effective, and there is certainly no harm? Doctors have not found an answer to this question, they only tend to smash to smithereens such methods as, for example, spit in the eye or move a needle around the barley, and then stick it into the window frame and the inflammation will go away. Criticism is criticism, but it helps. And for a simple layman, the question of how barley is treated immediately disappears. What do you think he would prefer: an antibiotic or a magical rite that works? No, we do not call for abandoning drug therapy. Firstly, not everyone believes in folk miracles, and secondly, another disease, more serious, such as a cyst, can be the cause of barley. You should definitely check with your doctor, especially if you are prone to such inflammation. After all, in some cases, with such an ailment, they give sick leave, and you will not “shine” your swollen eye at work.

Doctors and traditional healers agreed on one method: applying brilliant green to the inflamed area with a cotton swab. If you do this on time, then the barley will not jump at all, and if it does happen, it will pass very quickly. By the way, this way you can solve the question of how to treat barley in a child. No harm, but you will definitely see that therapydirected specifically at the inflamed sac.
In the event that you do not take antibiotics, you cannot visit a doctor or use brilliant green because of its specific marks on the skin, and such, to put it mildly, strange methods in the form of spitting and window frames do not inspire confidence in you, that is, other therapies. Let's look at how to treat barley at home. All types of herbs and plants with anti-inflammatory properties can be used for illness: make lotions from calendula, lilac, bay leaf, aloe juice, chamomile. But the most important thing is not treatment, but prevention. Eat vitamins, walk in the fresh air, temper - and you will never be interested in the issues raised in this article.