Traumatic cataract of the eye: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Traumatic cataract of the eye: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Traumatic cataract of the eye: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Millions of people around the world suffer from serious eye pathologies, including both complete blindness and partial visual impairment due to glaucoma, myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism, cataracts. Traumatic cataract is one of the most common causes of damage to the organs of vision as a result of mechanical damage. This pathology will be discussed in the article.

What is a traumatic cataract

Cataract is a disease characterized by clouding of the lens (natural lens) of the eye. The disease is one of the most common ophthalmic pathologies, so the problem is constantly being studied, the causes and methods of treating cataracts have been determined. One of the causes of the pathology is a wound or contusion of the organ of vision, as a result of which a traumatic cataract of the eye develops.

Eye with cataract
Eye with cataract

More than 70% of patients are at risk of becoming blind in one or both eyes due to the rapid development of pathology. Therefore, if you suspect eye problems, you should immediately contactophthalmologist.

ICD-10 disease code

ICD-10 is a normative document, the full name of which sounds like the International Classification of Diseases, revised and supplemented for the tenth time.

The purpose of this classification is to provide everyone with access to information about diseases, their symptoms, treatment methods, and possible consequences.

With regard to traumatic cataract, according to ICD-10, this disease is assigned the code H26.1. Information about the disease is placed in the 7th grade, which contains eye diseases, in block H25-H28, which corresponds to diseases of the lens.

As with other pathologies, the ICD provides information on treatment options for people with traumatic cataracts. According to this document, there are drugs that can stop the development of the disease and allow you to live without surgery for many years without loss of vision.

Varieties of post-traumatic cataract

Depending on the type of injury, after which a cataract develops, there are several varieties of it.

Types of post-traumatic cataract depending on its cause:

  • contusion - the disease appears as a result of blunt trauma to the eye;
  • wound - if a penetrating injury to the eye occurs, this can also lead to rapidly progressive ocular pathology;
  • chemical - occurs as a result of contact with the eyes or the body as a whole of toxic substances;
  • industrial - eye injury in the workplace is a frequent case for welders,people working in hot shops;
  • radiation - may occur after a high dose of radiation exposure.
Wearing a protective mask is mandatory in hazardous work environments
Wearing a protective mask is mandatory in hazardous work environments

Types of the disease, determined by the speed of its development:

  • non-progressive;
  • slowly developing;
  • rapidly progressing.

Classification according to the degree of destruction of the lens:

  • with violation of the integrity of the lens capsule;
  • lens capsule saved;
  • complete damage to the lens.

Also, after an injury, a foreign body may remain in the eye, which will continue to further damage the lens and provoke the development of pathology.

The prognosis for the occurrence of traumatic cataract is the more favorable, the sooner the victim consults a doctor. If the eye is only slightly damaged, the problem may resolve on its own over time.

Symptoms of the disease

In order not to miss the time and get timely medical care, it is important to know the main signs of a traumatic cataract.

Decreased quality of vision with cataracts
Decreased quality of vision with cataracts

Symptoms of pathology:

  • decrease in the quality of vision, especially in the dark;
  • non-existent dots, stripes appear before the eyes;
  • photophobia, especially intolerance to bright light;
  • problems performing activities that require special concentration (reading, embroidery);
  • lack of perception of some colors;
  • doubling,blurred eyes;
  • pupil changes from black to gray, sometimes almost white.
pupil color change in cataract
pupil color change in cataract

With any of these signs, the patient should have no doubts about how to act in case of a traumatic cataract - the only right decision would be to consult an ophthalmologist.


After seeking medical help, the first priority of doctors is to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.

Fundus examination
Fundus examination

Methods for diagnosing traumatic cataract:

  • questioning the patient - the doctor must understand what incident preceded the onset of the disease;
  • study of the anamnesis - to make sure that the cataract is precisely an acquired traumatic character, the doctor must exclude other possible causes of the pathology;
  • ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus with a slit lamp;
  • ultrasound scan;
  • transmitted light inspection;
  • visometry - measurement of visual acuity;
  • biomicroscopic method - studying the structure of the eyes;
  • perimetry - examination of the visual field;
  • tonometry - measurement of IOP (intraocular pressure);
  • phosphene - recognition of the electrical sensitivity of the retina.

After an accurate diagnosis is made, treatment will be prescribed, which almost always consists of surgery.

Medic altreatment

Treatment of traumatic cataracts with eye drops and drugs taken orally cannot guarantee complete relief from the pathology. Such treatment is permissible only in the early stages of the disease or is used during the selection of the optimal method of surgical intervention, as well as in the event of a categorical refusal of the patient from surgery.

The use of eye drops in the treatment of cataracts
The use of eye drops in the treatment of cataracts

Among the drugs used to stop the progress of cataracts are the following:

  • "Quinax";
  • "Oftan-Katahrom";
  • "Taufon";
  • "Vicein";
  • "Vita-Yodurol".

Don't use this list for self-treatment - lost time without the help of specialists can cost a person with cataract vision.

Traditional medicine

There are folk ways to stop the rapid development of traumatic cataracts.

Recipes for cataracts:

  1. Infusion of potato sprouts on vodka. The composition is prepared at the rate of 5-6 tablespoons of sprouts per 0.5 l of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Use the remedy three times a day, 1 spoon for 3 months.
  2. Mixture of walnuts and sunflower oil. Crushed kernels are poured with oil in a ratio of 1:10. Let it brew for 5-7 days. Instill into the affected eye 2 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of calendula flowers (15 g per 0.5 l of boiling water) can be both taken orally and washed with eyes.
  4. Blueberry juice, diluted with water 1:2, is instilled into the eyes once a day, the duration of therapy is at least a month.
  5. Honey diluted with water (1:3) gives a positive result when instilled into the eyes drop by drop for 30 days.

Used to combat cataracts and aloe juice, and tincture of peony leaves, a positive trend is often noted when eating certain foods (eg buckwheat). But it must be remembered that the main type of treatment for traumatic cataract is surgery, and long-term self-treatment with folk remedies makes the prognosis of this disease unfavorable.


In modern medicine, phacoemulsification is used - a type of surgical intervention in which the affected lens is removed and an artificial lens is placed in its place, fully performing its functions.

cataract surgery
cataract surgery

Advantages of this type of operation:

  • minimal injury;
  • seamless conduction (micro incision tightens on its own);
  • carrying out in 1 day;
  • exercise with a minimum of anesthesia (local anesthesia is used).

Modern technologies allow not only to get rid of traumatic cataracts, but also to eliminate glaucoma at the same time. After replacing the damaged lens, it is permissible to perform laser vision correction to fully restore the quality of life.

Surgery is the only method that allows you to completelyget rid of traumatic cataracts, unlike drug treatment, which only slows down its development.

Recovery after surgery

Many patients refuse cataract surgery because they are afraid of a recurrence of the disease. This is a false opinion - an artificial implant is installed once, there are no problems with it.

In addition, the very next day after the operation, the patient can return to a full life (read, sew, watch TV, work at the computer).

The only recommendation for people with cataract removal is regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist to rule out retinal pathologies.
