In the article we will consider what it is - eye myopathy.
Such a disease is a pathological visual impairment as a result of changes in the refractive functions of the visual system. If the necessary treatment is not carried out, the pathological process actively progresses and can lead to a pronounced deterioration in vision, and in some cases to complete blindness. Therefore, in case of violation of visual functions, it is very important to contact a medical institution where appropriate diagnostics and the required therapy of the disease will be carried out. The disease can occur in only one eye, but myopathy of both eyes is often diagnosed.

Main causes of pathology
The category of physiological factors in the development of myopathy includes disturbances in the work of the accommodative muscles of the visual organs and the shape of their chambers. Myopathy of the eyes occurs due to muscle dysfunction, as a result of which they no longer retain keratin. Over time, their tone weakens, and the death of muscle fibers is not excluded.fabrics. In addition, the following factors can provoke the development of eye myopathy:
- hereditary predisposition;
- high load on the visual organs;
- lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body, which leads to metabolic disorders;
- improper treatment of eye pathologies;
- anomalies in the structure of the eye.
Not everyone knows what it is - eye myopathy. Consider its main types.
The disease in most cases has a genetic predisposition. Eye myopathy is classified as follows:
- Oculopharyngeal myopathy, in which, in addition to the deterioration of visual function, there is damage to the muscle tissues located in the pharynx.
- Ocular myopathy associated with degenerative non-muscular lesions.
This disease can develop in people of any age. It mostly occurs after the age of 40.

Degrees of disease
The disease is usually asymptomatic, which greatly complicates the diagnostic process. Mild myopathy of both eyes is characterized by impaired muscle function, which contributes to visual impairment and difficulty opening and closing the organs of vision. Some patients develop myopia. The severity of this pathological process is presented below:
- 1 degree - weak (3 diopters);
- 2 degree – (myopathy of the eyes of an average degree - from 3 to 6 diopters);
- 3 degree -pronounced (more than 6 diopters).
So, now it is clear what it is - eye myopathy. To date, the symptoms of this pathological disorder have not been identified. Only one thing is clear to specialists who study this disease: the disease occurs as a result of metabolic disorders in the body that are of hereditary origin. Other assumptions regarding the principle of the development of myopathy have not been confirmed. Despite the fact that the pathology is asymptomatic, the main sign of its occurrence is an intense decrease in vision. If such a symptom appears, and there are also cases of determining this diagnosis in family members, then the likelihood of developing a pathology increases significantly.

In addition, eye myopathy often occurs with comorbidities such as:
- glycogenosis;
- myoglobinuria;
- amyloidosis (primary);
- polymyositis.
In most cases, the course of the pathological process of dysfunction of the eye muscles is not indicated by any symptoms at all, but only until the vision begins to deteriorate rapidly. The approach to such patients should be individualized. A biopsy can help with earlier detection of this disease.
Myopathy can be malignant, in which case its consequences and complications will be much more serious. The catalyst for the progression of the disease are harmfulhabits such as drinking and smoking.
Myopathy and myopia
The symptomatology of this disease is closely related to the concept of myopia of the eye, that is, myopia. Treatment also occurs for this particular disease, because the root cause in this case is not treated. Again, symptoms do not appear immediately. And the main one is that vision is gradually deteriorating. Many people don't notice it right away. However, over time, when the phenomenon acquires an average degree, they turn to doctors. At the same time, a person finds it difficult to read small text, does not see distant objects, or sees them blurry.

Myopathy of the eye in a child can take a very long time, until the parents begin to notice some features of his behavior and complaints. Children tend not to notice the deterioration of vision and think that such visual perception is considered normal. This significantly complicates the diagnostic process and the identification of the cause, which often becomes precisely the degenerative muscular process in the structure of the eye.
What is eye myopathy and how is it diagnosed?
Diagnostic measures
A visit to the ophthalmologist is not recommended to delay, because the risk of loss of vision is very high. If a patient develops visual impairment, it is important to pinpoint the exact cause. The doctor will interview the patient, during which he finds out how long ago the vision problems arose and whether close relatives have similar pathological symptoms. In case whensimilar problems are found in family members, the diagnostic process proceeds, as a rule, quite easily. If the typical symptoms of the disease are not observed in the patient's relatives, diagnostic measures are significantly more difficult.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the nervous system. The greatest difficulty during diagnosis is represented by large groups of myopathic syndromes, provoked by endogenous and exogenous pathologies. For example, myopathy of the visual organs often occurs with primary amyloidosis and myoglobinuria. To make a correct diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo the following examinations:
- blood enzyme analysis;
- electromyography;
- muscle tissue biopsy.
Diagnosis of myopia, as a consequence of this pathological process, is usually not difficult and involves the following activities:
- vision test using Sivtsev tables;
- perimetry (study of visual fields);
- ophthalmoscopy of the fundus;
- onometry (measurement of intraocular pressure);
- ultrasound;
- ophthalmometry (determination of the optical power of the cornea);
- skiascopy (the study of shadow movement in the pupil area);
- tonography (the study of the production and processes of the outflow of intraocular fluid).
Treatment of eye myopathy
If a patient is diagnosed with severe, moderate and mild ocular myopathy,treatment involves the appointment of a patient with medications that normalize metabolic processes in muscle fibers. In most cases, the following drugs are resorted to: Methylandrostenolone, Retabolil, as well as vitamins E and C. Therapy is not complete without pharmacological agents that improve blood circulation processes in tissues. In this case, drugs such as "Nikoverin" and "Trominal" can be used. In addition, pharmacological agents are used that allow stabilizing the processes of excitability and conduction. For this purpose, Mestinon and Galantamine are prescribed.
It is important to know that the right medicine and the duration of its use can only be determined by a specialist who takes into account the severity of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, as well as the characteristics of the body of a particular patient.

What is retinal myopathy, it is important to find out in advance. In the absence of timely therapy, myopia develops, which implies a separate treatment. It can actively progress and be complicated by retinal pathologies (rupture, dystrophy, detachment), vitreous hemorrhages, staphyloma of the sclera, and blindness. There are several ways to treat this pathology:
- correction with contact lenses or glasses;
- drug treatment;
- surgery;
- laser correction;
- folk methods.
Choice of glasses and lenses
Wrong glassescontribute to visual impairment. The purpose of this correction is to normalize the focus of the image so that it falls on the retina. Glasses that scatter light are used to correct myopia. When selecting glasses, the patient is seated at a certain distance from the Sivtsev table, and negative lenses are installed. If there is an improvement in vision, the diagnosis is confirmed. Then the necessary lenses are selected.

Medical therapy is recommended for everyone who suffers from myopia, as this stops the process of its progression, and in some cases, surgical treatment of this problem is used. The following drugs are prescribed:
- ascorbic acid;
- calcium gluconate;
- drugs that help normalize blood circulation in the visual structures: Picamilon, Halidor, Nigexin, Cavinton.
The article described the symptoms, degrees, causes and treatment of eye myopathy.