Rhinitis is the main and very unpleasant sign of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It is mainly accompanied by copious secretion of mucus. In an adult, a runny nose occurs with acute respiratory diseases, allergies, irritation of the mucous membrane, hypothermia.
Everyone is interested in how to quickly get rid of snot, as they cause significant discomfort and interfere with normal life. Only the right treatment will help eliminate a runny nose.
What is a runny nose
Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, provoked by an infection, develops when exposed to hypothermia or dust. Acute rhinitis is characterized by severe mucus flow from the sinuses. Chronic runny nose develops as a result of acute rhinitis or prolonged exposure to negative factors. This is a protective function that has taken on a pathological form.

Mucus leakage binds inhaled dust particles and pathogens. In case of a significant accumulation of mucus, you need to blow your noseit, ridding the body of bacteria.
Causes of occurrence
To determine how to quickly get rid of snot, it is important to correctly determine the cause of this problem. Of course, only the attending doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but often you can independently establish the provoking factor. The most common reasons are:
- hypercooling of the body;
- bacterial infection;
- cold;
- allergy.
A runny nose can appear with a long stay in the cold. It is accompanied by abundant discharge of light-colored snot. You need to deal with them immediately to prevent the attachment of a viral infection.
At the very beginning of the development of colds, an inflammatory process occurs in the nasopharynx, which provokes a significant deterioration in well-being and nasal congestion. The mucus that comes out of the nose is clear and light. In a bacterial infection, the snot is thick, stringy, and yellow or green in color.
Allergic reaction begins quite sharply, accompanied by fever, swelling of the nasopharynx, as well as deterioration of he alth. In this case, there is an abundant discharge of mucus from the nose.
Main symptoms
Clinical manifestations of the common cold are familiar to many. Rhinitis can be acute and chronic. Among the main signs of acute rhinitis, it is necessary to highlight:
- sneeze;
- lacrimation;
- general malaise;
- seromucous discharge.

The symptoms of chronic rhinitis are similar to the acute form, but have several distinctive features. Signs should include:
- feeling worse;
- nasal congestion;
- swelling of the nasal mucosa;
- periodic thick discharge;
- dry nose;
- Crusting in the nasal passages.
When the first signs of a runny nose appear, it is imperative to start treatment so as not to aggravate well-being.
Medicated treatment
Many are wondering how to quickly get rid of snot in an adult and normalize overall well-being. If you are very worried about a runny nose, then vasoconstrictor drops help well. They help very quickly, but have a number of contraindications, as they dry out the mucous membrane and provoke addiction. For this reason, they should not be used for a long time.
Vasoconstrictive drops interfere with the blood circulation of the nose, so it is better to use long-acting agents, in particular, such as Xylometazoline or Oxymetazoline. In addition, sprays can be used that spread widely and evenly, thereby requiring much less drug.

Additionally, you can use antibiotic drops, in particular, such as Polydex, Albucid, Isofra. They help to effectively get rid of pathogens, but are prohibited during pregnancy and children under 12.
Swelling of the nose is relieved by antipyretics, for exampleParacetamol, Phenacetin. You can use herbal remedies based on essential oils, in particular "Kameton", "Pinosol". Answering the question of how to quickly get rid of snot, we can say for sure that complex treatment is required, which additionally includes washing the nasal passages with Aqua Marisa, Aqualor, Dolphin.
To reduce mucosal edema and eliminate inflammation, hormonal preparations based on glucocorticoids can be used.
Nose rinse
How to quickly get rid of liquid snot is of interest to many, since a runny nose makes breathing much more difficult and reduces the level of efficiency. Washing the nose will help clear the nasal cavity of mucus and pathogens. There are several ways to carry out this procedure.
To do this, pour the solution in a saucer, scoop it up with your palms or pull in one nostril. Then blow your nose and repeat the procedure with the other nostril. Spit out the remaining liquid, rinse your mouth with clean water. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

To wash the nasopharynx, draw a solution into a syringe without a needle or a syringe, bend over the bath, open your mouth. Slowly inject the solution through the nose so that it pours out of the mouth. Then blow your nose and repeat the procedure with the other nostril.
For washing, you can use a solution of s alt, honey, decoctions of sage, chamomile. In addition, you can use medications, in particular, such as Otrivin, Aqua Maris, saline, Aqualor, Dolphin. It is forbidden to holdwashing with curvature of the nose, severe swelling, tumors, otitis media.
Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is an effective home remedy. They are carried out by inhaling drugs with vapor or aerosol. You can use an inhaler or just a pot of hot water. When carrying out such a procedure, you need to consider several rules:
- it is forbidden to inhale at elevated temperature;
- at least 1.5 hours must have passed since the last meal;
- water should cool slightly after boiling;
- steam should be inhaled slowly through the nose;
- inhalation is carried out for 10 minutes.

Medicinal fees, essential oils, garlic juice can be used as active substances. Juniper or pine oil helps to get rid of a runny nose.
Folk remedies
Some are interested in how to quickly get rid of snot using folk remedies and techniques, as they do not want to use medications. These are time-tested effective medicines that are not inferior to medicines in terms of effectiveness.
Nose drops made from beets and honey help to cope with a runny nose. Their recipe is quite simple. To do this, take 3 tsp. beetroot juice and liquid honey and mix thoroughly. Bury in the nose 3 drops 4 times a day. This remedy has practically no contraindications. It helps to thin mucus, and also has restorativeproperties.
Carrot juice has good anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to moisturize the mucosa, reduce swelling and thin thick snot. The juice can be instilled into the nose in its pure form or used as a spray, previously diluted with water 1:1.
You can also mix carrot juice with olive oil 1:1, moisten cotton turundas in the resulting product and insert them into the nasal passages.
Bacteria can be eliminated with garlic drops. They are indicated for use in the appearance of green discharge from the nose. They must be used very carefully, as they have an aggressive effect on the nasal mucosa.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis
Quite often, a runny nose occurs due to allergies, which is why it is important to know how to quickly get rid of snot in the nose if they were provoked by a reaction to an irritant, and how to do it correctly. Treatment does not always need to be carried out, sometimes it is enough just to stop contact with the allergen. For the relief of rhinitis, there are several groups of drugs, namely:
- hormones;
- antihistamines;
- barriers.
The fastest and best treatment is provided by glucocorticosteroids, in particular such as Beclomethasone, Mometasone, Budesonide. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, are well tolerated, but also have some contraindications.
Loratadin or Suprastin are often used as antihistamines. You can take no more than 1-2 tablets per day. Helps wellnasal spray "Vibrocil", which combines a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine components.

Treatment of viral rhinitis
Rhinitis often has a viral origin. It can be a disease on its own or is a symptom that accompanies the flu or SARS. How to quickly get rid of a cold with snot - this question is of interest to all those who suffer from a runny nose. Treatment must be started at the first signs of a cold. In this case, antiviral drugs are prescribed, in particular, such as:
- "Viferon";
- Grippferon;
- "Interferon";
- Ingaron.
Any drug must be taken according to the instructions.
Treatment of a runny nose in a child
Snot in a child causes quite a lot of inconvenience. How to quickly get rid of this problem worries many parents. With rhinitis in a child, he is recommended to provide a calm, most sparing regimen. You should refrain from walking, especially in bad weather.
It is important to provide the baby with a warm drink. It is best if these are compotes with dried fruits or berries. You can also give warm milk with honey. Put warm socks on your feet and grease your feet with badger fat.

Rinse your nose with saline solution several times a day. Answering the question of how to quickly get rid of transparent snot in a child, we can say for sure that a good and effective remedy isnasal lavage. Thanks to the use of this technique, the nasal passages are washed, cleaned of pathogens and disinfected. To do this, you can use decoctions of herbs, a solution of sea s alt, aromatic oils. In addition, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops, especially with severe edema. In particular, Nazivin and Nazol Baby help a lot.
How to quickly get rid of green snot, the attending doctor will be able to recommend after a comprehensive examination. Do not self-medicate, as the disease can become chronic.

Knowing how to quickly get rid of snot in a child, you can achieve a good result and normalize the baby's well-being in just a few days.
Treatment of runny nose in infants
Nasal congestion in a baby turns into a real nightmare for mom. The baby cannot breathe, eat and sleep normally. That is why it is very important to know how to quickly get rid of snot from a baby and what are the safest ways to do this.

You can clean your nose with aspirators that suck out mucus like a rubber pear. After that, you can rinse your nose with a weak saline solution. Saline is considered safe and effective. It can be buried every hour.
Treatment of the common cold during pregnancy
How to quickly get rid of transparent snot during pregnancy - this question worries many expectant mothers, as it is important to choosethe most gentle means that do not harm the fetus. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.
Good help to get rid of the common cold drops "Pinosol", "Nazol Baby". It is necessary to rinse the nose with a saline solution or preparations "Marimer", "Aquamaris". A woman is recommended to drink tea with ginger and lemon. You can warm up your nose by applying bags of heated s alt.
Treatment of chronic rhinitis
In chronic rhinitis, vasoconstrictors are mainly used to help eliminate irritation of the mucosa and strengthen blood vessels. They are recommended to be used for no more than 7 days. Doctors also recommend drinking Sinupret tablets. Additionally, it is worth rinsing the nose with a Flixonase spray. It has an anti-allergic effect, and also relieves inflammation and swelling.
According to patient reviews, vasoconstrictor drops have a good result, but they must be used very carefully. In addition, onion juice quickly helps to cope with a runny nose, but it must first be diluted with water to prevent mucous burns.
For allergies, a solution of sea s alt, which needs to be washed out of the sinuses, helps to eliminate a runny nose.