What does endometriosis look like on ultrasound? What is endometriosis and why is it dangerous?

What does endometriosis look like on ultrasound? What is endometriosis and why is it dangerous?
What does endometriosis look like on ultrasound? What is endometriosis and why is it dangerous?

When a woman is preparing for pregnancy or is already pregnant, she may be diagnosed with a serious diagnosis - endometriosis. The consequences of this disease are dangerous not only for the mother herself, but also for those women who only plan to become her in the future. To assess the risk of this gynecological disease, it is necessary to understand in more detail what it is. Also in this article you will find the answer to the question of how endometriosis is detected on ultrasound.

General description of the disease

Endometriosis is presented in the field of medicine as a physiological pathology of the reproductive organs, and this is already dangerous for women's reproductive he alth. In simple terms, this pathology is the spread of the endometrium beyond the boundaries of its usual environment, that is, into the muscle tissue of the uterus. In the field of medicine, endometriosis is treated as glandular degeneration, whichoccurs in the muscles of the uterus. In addition, there is no common opinion about what exactly will be the provocateur of the disease. However, there is a hypothesis that endometriosis occurs due to mechanical injuries in the uterus (abortions, operations) and excessive physical activity.

girl holding her stomach
girl holding her stomach

Types of disease

There are several varieties of this disease. The type of endometriosis is determined by ultrasound, as well as with the help of other studies and diagnostic procedures.

The disease of the external form affects the fallopian tubes, vagina, ovaries and partly the abdominal region. The disease of the internal type affects directly the upper region of the cervix, as well as its body. Additionally, the disease can manifest itself in a focal, nodular, diffuse form. Consider them separately.


The diffuse form in most cases manifests itself in the internal form of endometriosis. The following echo signs testify to the diffuse appearance:

  • oval or round uterine body;
  • thickening of the tissues that form the walls of the uterus, mainly the posterior region;
  • myometrial body of increased echogenicity;
  • inclusions of various kinds on the uterus, up to 0.05 mm in diameter (calcium deposition, formations of various origins, including malignant forms);
  • endometrium has a fuzzy and uneven contour.


With this form of endometriosis, certain echoes can be seen on ultrasound. Namely:

  • change in the structure of the uterine wall, which in most cases hasoval or round shape;
  • sometimes you can see formations that look like cystic ones, their diameter is up to 30 mm;
  • education does not have clear contours;
  • examination may also show a so-called endometriosis node growing within the walls of the uterus (interstitial).
pregnancy test
pregnancy test


And what is this form of the disease? The focal type of the disease is manifested by the following symptoms and signs:

  • when conducting an ultrasound examination of endometriosis, on one of the zones of the muscular wall in the uterus (myometrium), you can see increased echogenicity, while lacking a smooth and clear contour;
  • with the most datum examination, it is possible to detect cystic formations, in diameter, which range from 2 to 15-16 mm;
  • The wall of the uterus can have different thicknesses.

It is believed that the diagnosis of focal or nodular forms of the disease is more difficult than others. This is explained by the fact that these forms have similar features, and individually are diagnosed very rarely. In most cases, they can be detected with myoma, diffuse lesions.

Now we can conclude: it is possible to identify or see signs of endometriosis with the help of ultrasound. Today, the main part of the disease occurs in the body of the uterus itself, as well as the ovaries.

How dangerous is endometriosis?

It cannot be said that the disease can provoke infertility, because many women live with such a diagnosis for many years, while successfully giving birth to children. But the pathologiesresulting from tissue deformations, can lead to the development of infertility, as well as cancer.

endometriosis in women
endometriosis in women

Before answering the question of what is dangerous endometriosis, it is necessary to identify the symptoms that will help build an accurate picture of the he alth risks:

  • painful and abundant critical days (in some cases, the degree of the painful syndrome is so unbearable that the patient needs medical help);
  • menstrual blood clots;
  • severe dizziness;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • pain during intercourse, urination;
  • loss of consciousness requiring emergency medical attention;
  • anemia;
  • psycho-emotional disorder;
  • hormonal changes: hair loss, obesity, hair growth (mustache, hairiness around the nipples and also on the chest), dermatological changes.

In addition, endometriosis is classified according to the severity of the disease and the location of the lesion. Having considered the entire characteristic of the disease, automatically line up the answer to the question of why this disease is dangerous if it is not treated in time. Classification of endometriosis:

  1. The first stage - the microflora of the myometrium is affected.
  2. Second stage - damage to the middle region of the myometrium.
  3. Third stage - the endometrium is affected to the serous layer.
  4. Fourth stage - the disease passes to the area of the parietal peritoneum.

If not curedendometriosis, the consequences will become radical, while affecting the entire diseased organ, as well as affecting neighboring areas.

signs of endometriosis
signs of endometriosis

What will the ultrasound show?

When diagnosing a disease in the uterus, first of all, ultrasound can show the specialist the following:

  • fuzzy and uneven endometrium;
  • nodal structures;
  • violation of symmetry on the walls of the uterus.

As for ovarian endometriosis, it has the following symptoms:

  • the formation of a rounded shape is observed, located on the sides or behind the uterus;
  • fabric structure is heterogeneous, small-dotted;
  • focal formations of various shapes, types, sizes.

Study Cycle Definitions

On what day to do an ultrasound for endometriosis? To get reliable results with endometriosis, it is better to diagnose on the 5th, 6th or 7th day of the cycle. It is also necessary to carry out diagnostics with smearing residual secretions.

It is recommended to conduct a study not one, but several times, but during the next cycle. This will give accurate results, will allow you to control the dynamics of the organ where the disease was detected, throughout the entire cycle. If treatment has already been prescribed by a specialist, then in the middle of it, a control ultrasound should also be performed to determine the effectiveness of the therapy. Quite often it is prescribed for endometriosis "Byzanne", reviews of which are in most cases positive. However, it should only be useddoctor's recommendation.

what ultrasound is done for endometriosis of the uterus
what ultrasound is done for endometriosis of the uterus

When to do an ultrasound?

We explained in plain language what it is - endometriosis, found out what time is best to do the diagnosis. However, many patients ask this question when to sign up for a study.

The answer is simple: when the patient notices the symptoms of endometriosis. Nevertheless, many cases have been registered in practice in which the disease was asymptomatic, or the signs were mild. That is why, often the disease is diagnosed at a late stage of its development. Experts advise to undergo an ultrasound scan once every 6 months for the timely detection of pelvic pathology.

Description of the study

We have already answered yes to the question of whether endometriosis is visible on ultrasound. Diagnosis using a special apparatus occupies a major role in the study of the disease. But it is most effective if the disease has touched the uterus or ovaries. There are two ways to carry out diagnostics. What ultrasound is done for uterine endometriosis? Two traditional options:

  • sensor inserted into the vagina (this method is the least pleasant, but can guarantee more effective information);
  • the study is carried out externally, that is, through the peritoneal cavity, due to which there are no discomfort at all.

Today, it is almost impossible to determine endometriosis in a patient with 100% probability using ultrasound, even if the disease has affected the ovaries or uterus. The most reliable way to determine the disease is laparoscopy, as well as an additional biopsy.

endometriosis on ultrasound
endometriosis on ultrasound

Preparing for the procedure

In the picture you can see what endometriosis looks like on ultrasound. But this procedure should be prepared. A couple of hours before a visit to a specialist, you need to drink 500 ml of water. During this type of ultrasound, the patient's bladder must be full.

Ultrasound endometritis

Endometritis is a type of pelvic disease that can be detected through tests. Endometritis is often diagnosed during an ultrasound if endometriosis is suspected. They should not be confused, as these are different pathologies.

Under endometritis understand the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the uterus. The causes of the disease can be mechanical damage, for example, during an abortion or incorrect installation of the intrauterine device. Another cause of the disease is sexually transmitted diseases, various viruses.

It is often possible to assume the development of endometritis according to the patient's complaints. Next, the specialist conducts a series of procedures to establish an accurate diagnosis, to differentiate the disease from endometriosis:

  • first of all, a standard gynecological examination is performed;
  • followed by smears, establishing a possible pathogen;
  • the final stage will be a study on a special ultrasound machine.

It should be noted that the diseaseendometritis can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute in this case is characterized by fever, pain in the lower abdomen, the release of purulent-bloody contents, which does not apply to menstruation. Ultrasound is recommended during treatment to monitor therapeutic efficacy.

how dangerous is endometriosis
how dangerous is endometriosis

The chronic form of the disease proceeds almost imperceptibly, the symptoms are not expressed, therefore, most often the disease can be determined only after an ultrasound procedure. Signs of a chronic form of endometritis may be the following deviations:

  • significant loss of natural thickness of the uterine lining;
  • due to the inflammatory process, a reverse reaction can sometimes be detected - a rapid thickening of the mucous membrane;
  • womb may be enlarged on ultrasound;
  • displacement of the uterus to the left or right side (anatomical changes in the location of the organ);
  • presence of a large number of adhesions.


Despite the fact that the ultrasound procedure is the initial diagnostic method, as well as the most commonly used method for detecting pelvic disease, it should be considered only indicative. If any pathologies, various abnormalities in the female reproductive system have been identified, an additional study will be mandatory, that is, hysteroscopy, which allows you to fully see the female uterus. After that, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy to the patient, as well ascarry out treatment with "Visanne" for endometriosis. Reviews convince that this drug is very effective in the fight against the disease. But they should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.
