What is thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, not everyone knows. This is a whole group of organ pathologies that are divided according to clinical manifestations and causes of development.
There are acute, subacute, chronic and autoimmune forms. The latter is considered the most common. An autoimmune type of disease is also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Treatment depends on the form and stage of the disease.
In medical practice, the main classification of such a disease is the one that takes into account the stage of the inflammatory process, along with the etiology and processes that develop in the thyroid gland.
The following forms are distinguished:
- spicy;
- subacute;
- chronic;
- autoimmune.
Depending on the location of the developing pathological processes in the acute form of thyroiditis, focal and diffuse varieties are distinguished. The first is local, inflammation is located in one place. Diffuse thyroiditis of the thyroid gland suggests a more extensive distribution throughout the organ. Typeinflammation disease is divided into purulent and non-purulent.

Subacute thyroiditis is lymphocytic, pneumocystis and granulomatous. The chronic form is divided into the following types:
- lymphocytic juvenile thyroidopathy;
- postpartum;
- fibrous;
- idiopathic.
Autoimmune thyroiditis can be hypertrophic (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) and atrophic. The first appears at the beginning of the development of the disease, and the second is inherent in the final stage. Hypertrophic is divided into diffuse, nodular and diffuse-nodular goiter.
Considering what is thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, the following factors are distinguished that increase the likelihood of the onset of the disease:
- genetic predisposition;
- female and age 20-50;
- reversible disorders of the gland;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- chronic inflammatory processes throughout the body, which weakens the immune system.
For each type of thyroiditis, the causes are different. The acute purulent form is quite rare. Such a disease develops when infection occurs both in the hematogenous and lymphogenous ways.
The subacute form is also called de Quervain's thyroiditis. The disease is often associated with viral infections. This applies to measles, mumps.
When a subacute form develops, a secondary process of autoimmune origin occurs, where the antigen is thyroglobulin. It gets into the blooddue to a violation of the surface of the walls of the thyroid follicles. Destruction leads to an increase in the level of thyroid hormones. This causes thyrotoxicosis.
According to statistics, the symptoms of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland are most often observed in women. At the same time, the subacute form was found in approximately 1-2% of all patients with organ pathology.
Chronic fibrous thyroiditis is also called Riedel's goiter. Doctors and scientists have not established exactly its etiology. It is believed that the disease develops due to inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland, followed by expansion of the connective tissue. It grows into capsules of the organ, nerves, blood vessels, muscles.
Usually the connective tissue expands only in one place of the thyroid gland, but in rare cases the growth becomes total. In the future, hypothyroidism also develops. According to statistics, only 0.05% of all thyroid pathologies are assigned to chronic fibrous thyroiditis of the thyroid gland (what it is, indicated above).
Autoimmune thyroiditis develops due to disorders in the immune system. The disease is congenital in nature, can be combined with other autoimmune pathologies (rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, etc.). This form of thyroiditis occurs in 5% of all cases of thyroid problems.
Considering what is thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, they talk about inflammatory processes in the organ itself. With such an ailment, the cellular structures of the organ gradually cease to perform their functions - to produce hormones thatregulate metabolic processes in the body.
As a result, when the thyroid gland is disturbed, problems with excess weight appear.
Symptoms in acute form
In acute purulent form of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, the symptoms are manifested by infiltrative changes with further abscess formation. The formation of pus negatively affects the functions of the organ. Although in some cases the lesion is minor, so it does not cause severe dysfunction.
Purulent thyroiditis develops rapidly. At the same time, the body temperature rises to 400C, chills appear. There are also sharp pains in front of the neck. They are transmitted to the back of the head, tongue, ears, jaw. Coughing, swallowing, and moving the head can make the pain worse. The same goes for palpation.

The thyroid gland increases in size either completely or only in one part. At the stage of infiltration, it becomes denser when palpated, and during an abscess, on the contrary, it softens.
Lymph nodes in the neck increase, start to hurt. Redness appears in this place, the temperature of the tissues rises.
Symptoms are rapidly increasing, indicating a general intoxication of the body. The patient feels lethargy, weakness, discomfort in the muscles and joints. Tachycardia also appears, the head starts to hurt.
In the acute non-purulent form, the symptoms will be less pronounced, since the inflammation of the tissues is aseptic.
Symptoms in subacute form
In subacute thyroiditis, signs may appear brightlypronounced inflammatory process: the body temperature rises to 380С, the intensity of signs of general intoxication of the body increases, the neck, ear, jaw, nape hurt.
But in most cases, this form of the disease begins with a general malaise. Discomfort is felt, pain in the neck is moderate, at the same time the thyroid gland itself swells. When chewing solid food, the pain intensifies. One of the lobes of the organ may increase, but nearby lymph nodes do not change in size.

In many cases thyrotoxicosis in mild or moderate degree develops in parallel. At the same time, the rhythm of the heart's work increases, sweat is more intense, insomnia torments, trembling of the limbs is characteristic. There is irritability, pain in the joints.
Signs of a chronic form
With this form of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, the symptoms may not make themselves felt for a long time. The earliest sign is a sensation of a lump in the throat and trouble swallowing. In the future, there are speech disorders, hoarseness. May have breathing problems.
On palpation, tuberosity of the thyroid gland is detected. In the process of swallowing, she moves a little. Its structure becomes dense, but pain is not felt.
All of these changes are diffuse, that is, they apply to the entire organ. This impairs the functionality of the thyroid gland, causing further development of hypothyroidism.

Not excludedcompression syndrome, which leads to problems with vision, swallowing, breathing, tinnitus, headaches, throbbing in the neck.
Signs of an autoimmune form
Autoimmune thyroiditis can manifest itself in different ways. With a latent (hidden) form, the thyroid gland has a normal size. Its functions are fully performed.
Hypertrophic form causes goiter. The organ becomes larger, knots appear. The gland is gradually depleted, which causes further development of hypothyroidism.
In the atrophic form, the organ becomes smaller in size. Hormone production is also reduced.
Considering what thyroiditis of the thyroid gland is, they note a similar diagnosis in all forms of pathology. It is important to talk with the patient and find out all the symptoms that he has and relate to such an ailment.

It is necessary to find out the provoking factors that contributed to the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Be sure the doctor conducts an external examination. The doctor examines the gland, its size, determines the structure, pain, the presence of tumors, nodes and other neoplasms. The specialist additionally assesses the condition of the skin and hair.
To confirm the inflammatory processes in the body, use laboratory techniques. Among them are the following:
- Complete blood count. In this case, the leukocyte formula shifts to the left. There are signs of leukocytosis, and because of the neutrophilic part. The ESR parameter increases.
- Hormonal studies. Themdo not apply only in the acute stage of inflammation, as the picture will be erased. In the subacute form, there is an increase in the amount of hormones at first, but then the level drops. In an autoimmune disease, the content of T3 and T4 is low, but the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone is increased.
Among the instrumental methods, one of the most popular is ultrasound. Such a study is non-invasive, but at the same time gives accurate results. Thanks to ultrasound, you can assess the structure of the gland, its dimensions, detect neoplasms and the degree of their growth.
The method of scintigraphy helps to find out the size and nature of the foci of pathology. If function deteriorates, a decrease in the amount of absorbed isotopes will be noticeable, and vice versa. With a pathological process of a fibrous nature, it will be possible to see the wrong size of the organ, its fuzzy edges, and a changed shape.
Treatment of acute thyroiditis
In acute form of thyroiditis, it is required to start therapy immediately. In this case, the treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
The basis of therapy are antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action. They will counteract most of these microorganisms. The most popular are drugs from the group of cephalosporins and penicillins. It is best to choose medicines depending on sensitivity to antibiotics, thereby reducing the likelihood of complications. It also helps keep the gland functional.
Additional treatment for symptoms of thyroiditisthyroid involves antihistamine medication. They reduce swelling, the intensity of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Usually used from this group "Diazolin" or "Suprastin". For detoxification, "Hemodez", "Reopoliglyukin", saline solutions are additionally used.

Surgical intervention is allowed when a limited focus with pus is found. It is opened and drained. In addition, with this form of thyroiditis, you need to drink a lot of water.
Treatment of chronic and autoimmune form
When diagnosed with chronic and autoimmune thyroiditis, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. Therapy will mainly be medical.

In this case, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Thyroid drugs. They are used if, according to laboratory tests, a decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland is detected. Such drugs will have to be used for a long time, and sometimes even for a lifetime. They are intended to compensate for the deficiency of their own hormonal substances. For example, "Triiodothyronine", "Thyroxine" are prescribed.
- Glucocorticosteroid drugs. Such drugs remove inflammatory processes. A striking example of this group of drugs is "Prednisolone" and its derivatives.
- Immunomodulators. Such drugs are intended to stimulate the protective functions of the body. They are often assigned togetherwith hormonal agents.
In chronic pathology and symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, surgical treatment is carried out only in cases where pathological processes of an atypical nature were detected using instrumental methods. In this case, part or the entire organ is removed.
Folk remedies for thyroiditis
As an addition, you can use traditional medicine. But before using them, it is imperative to consult with your doctor (endocrinologist).
Popular traditional medicine recipes are as follows:
- Compresses on the area of the thyroid gland from wormwood. To do this, pour 200 g of dried wormwood with the same amount of melted pork fat and wait 25 minutes. Then spread the warm mixture on your neck. Do not rinse all night. It is recommended to carry out this procedure within 2 weeks. Compresses are especially effective in chronic thyroiditis.
- Compresses on the area of the thyroid gland from willow leaves. You will need fresh raw materials. It is necessary to crush the leaves, pour 4 liters of water, cook over low heat until the liquid becomes brown in color and creamy in consistency. The broth is supposed to be cooled. They need to rub their neck once a day before going to bed. Cover with plastic wrap on top. Wash off only in the morning. It helps improve thyroid function.
- Vegetable cocktail. This drink reduces pain. To prepare it, you need to mixequal parts freshly squeezed juices of beets, carrots and potatoes. It is necessary to take 500 ml per day.
For the preparation of tinctures, it is recommended to choose herbs with different properties:
- They should regulate the thyroid gland. These include cocklebur, gorse, motherwort, hawthorn, zyuznik.
- Plants with antitumor properties are needed. These are possessed by sage, celandine, sweet clover, marshmallow, white mistletoe, kirkazon.
- We need herbs that slow down autoimmune processes. Examples are St. John's wort, calendula, heather, cinquefoil.
Still need plants to regulate immune processes in the body. To do this, use nettles, walnut leaves, beet tops (by the way, the root crop itself is also suitable).
If you start treatment in a timely manner with signs of thyroiditis of the thyroid gland, you can achieve a complete recovery. In the early stages, this will take up to about 2 months.
In rare cases, transferred purulent thyroiditis causes hypothyroidism, which is quite persistent. In the subacute form, full recovery occurs after about 3 months, if the treatment is competent. In the fibrous form, hypothyroidism develops covertly over time.