Alcohol addiction is a progressive systematic use and irresistible craving for alcoholic substances. People who suffer from alcoholism are unable to control their desire to drink. They will continue to drink even when the habit starts to cause problems.
Like all diseases, alcohol addiction can occur in people of any gender, race, social status and demographic location. It is difficult to determine the correct cause of the onset of the disease. According to experts, alcohol addiction is the result of a combination of genetic, environmental and behavioral factors. Those who suffer from this ailment become physically dependent on alcohol. This is because alcohol affects the neurochemicals in the brain. Individual attempts to stop cause alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol and drug addictions are very common. They areare a major problem in today's world. 50% of deaths from accidents, murders and suicides are somehow related to the use of alcohol or drugs. Often teenagers experiment with certain types of substances out of curiosity or for company. Many of them do not attach importance to the fact that the dosage and frequency of use are gradually increasing. Eventually addiction develops.
What happens when alcohol enters the body?
When a person drinks, alcohol enters the bloodstream and flows through the body, reaching the brain, heart, muscles and other tissues. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, alcohol intoxication occurs. Due to the influence exerted on the central nervous system, the reaction to stimuli gradually decreases, changes in behavior occur.

There are 6 stages of alcohol intoxication:
- Euphoria. This state is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of happiness, fun. Usually occurs immediately after taking the first dose of alcohol. At this stage, there is a decrease in concentration, a slowdown in reactions, a feeling of confidence and emancipation appears. A person may begin to do and say things and words that are unusual for him.
- Loss of control. This is the stage at which a person begins to perceive information more difficult, the reaction is slow, vision may become blurred. At this stage, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain balance, a feeling of drowsiness appears.
- Confusion. At this point, the ability to correctly perceive color, shape,dimensions and movement disappear. Muscle coordination is impaired, which can lead to loss of balance and a fall. Speech becomes incoherent, emotionality rises.
- Stupor. At this stage of alcohol intoxication, there is a complete loss of motor functions. There are frequent cases of vomiting, loss of bowel and bladder control.
- Coma. There is a loss of consciousness. Body temperature may rise or fall sharply. Sometimes breathing and circulation problems occur.
- Death. Respiratory arrest occurs, death occurs.
It seems obvious that a person should stop drinking as soon as the euphoric stage sets in. But in reality this happens very rarely. The problem is that with the weakening of the mind, the ability to make reasonable decisions comes to naught. The more a person drinks, the more they want.
Symptoms of Alcoholism
Alcohol addiction can manifest itself in many ways. The signs and symptoms of the disease vary greatly between people. For example, some people consume alcohol on a daily basis. While others drink periodically, thus effectively hiding their condition from relatives, friends and colleagues.
People who struggle with alcohol addiction feel that they cannot exist without alcohol. Drinking is a high priority in their lives.

The following are some common symptoms of a drinking problem:
- The constant desire to drink, which distracts fromdaily activities.
- Lack of control and willpower. A person starts drinking daily, can't stop.
- Increased tolerance to ethanol.
- Drinking alcohol at any time of the day. The first thing a person wakes up is reaching for a bottle.
- Using alcohol in situations where it is inappropriate, irresponsible or dangerous.
- Lack of interest in work, any other activity, family.
- Denial. A person who suffers from alcohol addiction does not see this as a problem.
- Lie. Hiding the fact of drinking.
- Detoxification. When you stop drinking alcohol, a withdrawal symptom occurs. Irritability, unsteadiness, trembling, nausea, restlessness, fatigue, and insomnia appear.
- Changing the social circle. Appearance of drinking buddies among friends.
How does alcoholism develop?
Alcohol and drug addiction is a problem with many causes. For some patients, psychological traits such as impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a need for approval lead to the use of stimulants. Some people drink to cope with emotional problems.

Social and environmental factors such as peer pressure, easy access to alcohol, can play a key role. Poverty, physical or sexual abuse also increase the chances of developing alcohol addiction.
Stages of alcoholism
There are three in total:
In the first stagepeople develop psychological dependence, alcohol is perceived as a way to solve a psychological problem. Drinking fills the void, helps to forget negative situations for a while and relieve the stress associated with them. Psychological addiction is not the result of chemical changes in the brain. The addict takes alcohol on a regular basis to relieve emotional stress. The first stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in doses and frequency of ethanol intake. Psychological dependence is manifested by a feeling of dissatisfaction in a sober state, constant thoughts about alcohol, raising the mood before drinking alcohol. The stage lasts from a year to 5 years

In the second stage, people who feel the need to drink for pleasure, emotional enjoyment, have a physical addiction to alcohol. Even the sight, thought, or smell of alcohol can cause a feeling of pleasure. This is due to chemical changes in the brain. Over time, the body gets used to the systematic intake of alcohol. The amount drunk to achieve the desired effect of pleasure increases. When trying to stop, the person experiences intense withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal). Second stage alcoholism has a progression period of 5 to 15 years

At the third stage, alcohol tolerance decreases, intoxication occurs after taking small doses of alcohol. There are prolonged binges, a decrease in intellectual abilities and mental degradation. Stagelasts 5-10 years and most often ends fatally
Causes of alcoholism
Alcohol addiction is a disease. The causes of abuse are still unknown. The craving experienced by an alcoholic can be as strong as the need for food or water. There are a number of factors that can cause a person to become addicted to alcohol:
- Genetic predisposition. Studies show that people whose parents or other close relatives were addicts are at risk of becoming addicted to alcohol.
- Physiological reasons. People who start drinking at an early age are more likely to develop alcohol dependence. Also, various ailments can become a factor in the development of addiction. For example, liver disease, head trauma, mental disorders.
- Psychological trauma. Addiction to alcohol can develop against the background of traumatic events, difficult periods of life.

Alcohol addiction has a negative impact on a person's body and mind, their appearance, as well as their personal and professional relationships. Most importantly, alcohol addiction kills. Those who suffer from addiction may die in painful and extremely unpleasant ways. It can be infections, bleeding, accidents. The following are some of the consequences of alcohol abuse:
1. The effect of alcoholism on appearance:
- The effect on the skin is expressed in the premature appearance of wrinkles, the occurrence of rosacea. These are all side effects of alcohol abuse. Alcohol dehydrates and dilates the capillaries under the skin. This explains the flushing of the face in alcoholics.
- Hair. The dehydrating effects of alcohol can make hair dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.
- Eyes. When ethanol is abused, the blood vessels in the eyes can burst, resulting in red eyes. Alcohol abuse can also cause the whites of the eyes to turn yellow.
- Weight. Alcohol is extremely high in calories due to its high sugar content and leads to weight gain.

2. The effect of alcohol on the body. He alth problems that alcohol abuse can cause:
- oncological diseases,
- obesity,
- infertility,
- heart disease,
- powerlessness,
- ulcers,
- high blood pressure,
- damage to the heart muscle,
- alcohol poisoning.
3. Impact on consciousness. Alcoholism not only affects appearance and physical he alth, but can also cause serious damage to the mind. Alcoholism is believed to increase the risk of the following symptoms:
- depression,
- dementia,
- hallucinations,
- personality disorder,
- memory loss,
- loss of consciousness,
- mood swings,
- reduced sex drive,
- appearance of suicidal thoughts,
- suicide.
4. The effect of alcohol on relationships. The addiction is extremely strong. Close and dear people have an incredibly difficult time in the fight against addiction. Often patients deny their addiction, which makes treatment even more difficult.
Women's Alcoholism
About 12% of women abuse alcohol compared to 20% of men. Research also shows that this gap is gradually narrowing. This trend is due to the fact that alcohol addiction develops faster in women. Alcohol-related problems, such as brain atrophy or liver damage, are also more common among women.
Women are more vulnerable due to some biological factors. First, they tend to weigh less than men. The body of women contains less water and more adipose tissue, in which alcohol is retained. Second, women are more emotional, more stressed and more prone to depression.
Alcoholism treatment
There are many ways to overcome alcohol addiction. Treatment tactics are selected on an individual basis, depending on the stage and duration of alcohol abuse. Currently, there are many drugs for alcohol dependence. Among them are "Esperal", "Kolme", "Proproten-100". The first two make it extremely unpleasant to drink alcohol after taking it. This leads to a reflex aversion to the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages."Proproten-100" - a homeopathic remedy to reduce cravings for alcohol. Also, along with drug therapy, psychological support is an important aspect of treatment.
The first step to recovery is acknowledging the problem. People struggling with alcohol abuse can easily convince themselves that they don't have a problem. Or that they are doing everything possible to combat this disease. But these thought patterns are fundamentally wrong.
The second important step is to detoxify the body. Typically, this requires the patient to be hospitalized. To cleanse the body and relieve the hangover syndrome, detoxification therapy is carried out. It consists of several stages:
- Prescribing intravenous or intramuscular injections for poisoning, diuretics, anticonvulsants, laxatives, vitamins B and C.
- Compliance with the drinking regimen and high-calorie nutrition.
- Tranquilizers are used for mental disorders.
- In cases of sleep disturbance, sleeping pills are used.

The next step in substance abuse treatment is choosing an alcohol rehab facility. In such institutions, an individual approach to each is carried out, appropriate therapy, diet, special physical exercises, control and monitoring of the patient are prescribed. While in a rehabilitation center for alcohol addiction, the patientis away from the usual company, the intake of alcoholic beverages is excluded. In a word, there is no temptation. This is a definite plus in addiction treatment.

Also widely popular as one of the treatments for alcohol addiction. This method consists in the psychological or physical impact on a person. Coding can be carried out by a specialist both at home and in a hospital. The following encoding methods are distinguished from alcohol addiction:
- psychotherapeutic (hypnosis),
- block,
- intravenous,
- intramuscular,
- laser technique.
Problem Solving at Home
Alcoholism is a tragedy for both a person and his loved ones. Is it possible to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? Can. It is worth noting that not all people who decide to permanently part with addiction achieve results. Most often, after a short abstinence, a breakdown follows, after which a person begins to drink even more. As a rule, the problem lies in the illiterate choice of a remedy for alcohol addiction. The most important thing in treatment is the desire and willpower of the patient. Help and support from loved ones also play an important role in dealing with abuse.

To treat alcohol addiction at home, the first step is to stop communicating and meeting with drinking buddies.
An important feature in the treatment of alcoholaddiction is the lack of free time in a person. To do this, you need to devote yourself to a hobby, such as drawing, reading, horseback riding.
Traditional medicine
How to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? To treat cravings for alcohol, you can try to apply the methods of traditional medicine. It can be various tinctures, decoctions, tea. They have diuretic, tonic properties, which is an additional support in the fight against alcoholism. Below are some recipes for alcohol addiction:

- Decoction of bearberry. Required Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. bearberry, 200 ml of water. Pour the leaves of the plant with water and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, the decoction is ready for use. Take a tablespoon daily.
- Tincture of herbs. For cooking, you will need plants such as yarrow, wormwood and thyme. Mix all ingredients. Pour in boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Strained broth is taken 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
- Herbal tea. The necessary ingredients must be taken in 20 grams. These are wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, cumin, angelica, mint. Pour boiling water over a mixture of plants and let it brew.
What can be done to reduce the risk of addiction to alcohol or drugs? Tips for preventing alcohol addiction are listed below:

- Refusealcohol intake. Do not be afraid of the negative reaction of friends or strangers.
- Choose the right social circle.
- Be able to enjoy life without the influence of alcohol or other stimulants.
- Know the enemy by sight. Have an accurate understanding of the consequences of the harmful effects of alcohol or drugs on the body.
- Be smart, have your own opinion and control your life. Do not be influenced by other personalities.
Alcohol addiction. Reviews
Alcohol has a serious impact on the he alth of young and old alike. Timely treatment and support from loved ones reduce the risk of addiction recurrence.
According to reviews, the fight against alcohol addiction is a long and difficult process. Self-medication can not only not bring a positive result, but also be dangerous for the patient. Former alcoholics claim that the most effective way to recover is through rehabilitation at specialized alcohol addiction centers.

In closing
Alcohol addiction is a terrible tragedy of the 21st century. According to statistics, about 4 percent of the population suffers from addiction to alcohol.
Alcohol abuse can have negative consequences not only for human he alth, but also for the overall quality of life. Self-control of alcoholism is quite difficult due to the widespread and easy availability of alcohol. However, there are proven treatments. They arehelp you manage your addiction, fight it, and regain control of your life.
Regardless of the chosen treatment tactics, it is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle, not only until the moment of obtaining results, but throughout life.