The article describes various types of herpetic rash and photos. Herpes manifests itself on the human body in the form of an itchy rash that can appear both on the skin of a child and an adult. The disease is easily spread by air, through contact with a person infected with the virus. For the treatment of pathology, complex treatment prescribed by a doctor is required. If medical care is not available, the virus can cause serious complications.
Types of herpetic rash will be described below.

Herpes: is it contagious to others?
The disease is very contagious, especially during an exacerbation, in which herpetic eruptions appear on the skin. The transmission of the virus to a he althy person from an infected person is carried out in several ways:
- Airborne - the virus enters the body with air. Transmission capability is enhanced by staying two meters away from the patient.
- Household - through dishes and personal hygiene items.
- Primary infection if unprotected sexual contact occurs.
- Vertical way - to the child from the mother during childbirth or pregnancy.
- When transfusing fluids and organ transplants, if sterility is broken.
- By contact - by touching an infected person.
At the initial stage of the disease, there are no external symptoms, there is no herpetic rash, but the patient feels pain in certain areas of the body, general malaise. Then the skin is covered with transparent bubbles. Fluid-filled blisters form small clusters. In areas where blisters appear, the epidermis becomes pinkish or red.
Herpetic rash in some cases can form clusters that look like large spots. They spread over a fairly extensive surface on the body. After a few days, all the bubbles burst, sores appear in their place, and gradually they become covered with a crust. When such formations heal, light spots-traces remain on the integument of the skin.
Types and features of rashes
Herpetic rash on the body can be caused by one or several types of disease at once. Herpesvirus is the most common infection in the world. Herpetic rash often appears on the genitals, on the face and very rarely on the trunk. This virus is one of the DNA viruses that inhabit nerve cells, and it is almost impossible to cure them completely. Discoveredabout two hundred types of herpes virus. The most common are:
- Herpes simplex type 1.
- Second type of herpes simplex.
- Varicella-zoster or chicken pox.
- Epstein-Barr virus.
- Herpesvirus type six.
- Cytomegalovirus.

Herpes simplex
Herpes simplex includes a virus of the first and second type. More than 60% of situations are characterized by the occurrence of a rash due to the first type. Herpetic rash, as a rule, is localized on the lips and their edge, in the mouth area. In the people, such manifestations are called "colds." If hygiene is not observed or the wound is combed, then during the acute phase of the disease there is a risk of infection transferring to the groin, eyelids, eyebrows, eyes and other parts of the body.
The second type of herpesvirus provokes rashes in the groin, buttocks, genitals, perineum. In rare situations, it manifests itself in rashes in the legs, hips and back. Symptoms of activation of herpes simplex differ in their characteristics: the patient first feels tingling and itching under the skin, sometimes burning. After that, redness is observed in the area where the infection is located, and very soon a herpetic rash appears on the body in the form of pimples or vesicles. Inside each pimple is a liquid transparent substance. Pimples burst in a couple of days, and sores and wounds appear in their place. Such a process will be accompanied by severe itching.
The sores after a while are covered with a scab, which subsequently falls off on its own after healingwounds. The areas on which the vesicles were located become pink. The skin is completely restored in 1-2 weeks. The disease normally lasts a maximum of two weeks. If the immune system is very weak, new rashes may form, which require more thorough additional treatment.
Shingles and chicken pox
Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is also called varicella zoster. A herpetic rash on the body of a child in the younger school and preschool years will be easier to tolerate than in the elderly and adults.

Skin lesions are formed in the abdomen and on the head, if the case is complicated, it is transferred to the whole body. Such a herpes virus can provoke severe painful rashes all over the body. In this case, the condition of a person is described as severe, the risk of complications increases. The disease is always accompanied by fever, high fever and body aches. If the varicella-zoster virus appears again, it provokes shingles. It is localized in the upper part of the body, on the skin of the back and chest, accompanied by palpable soreness, and it can remain for several months after the symptoms disappear.
Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus
The fourth type of herpes, or Epstein-Barr virus, causes infectious mononucleosis. Internal systems, organs and mucous membranes are damaged. This type of herpesvirus is not outwardlymanifested, herpes vesicles are absent. It is dangerous to human life and he alth, since it is not as easy to identify as other species.

The fifth type of herpes, or cytomegalovirus, is accompanied by a herpetic rash in children and adults. Similar types of viruses are included in the nervous system and internal organs. A skin rash can be localized in any area of the body - on the head, trunk or limbs. The general signs of cytomegalovirus are similar to the symptoms of SARS: the temperature rises, general malaise and headache are felt.
A photo of a herpetic rash on a child's body is presented in the article.
On the body of children
The risk of exacerbations of the virus in children increases by the age of four. Herpesvirus enters the child's body by airborne, contact-household contact from peers or adults infected with herpes. Infection of a child with a genital type of the disease can occur during childbirth from the mother. Herpetic rash in children (pictured) is accompanied by mild itching and tingling, pain may appear. When accompanied by an illness with fever, sleep disturbances can appear. With attacks of genital herpes, there is a light color of feces and darkening of urine.
The main symptom of a child's herpes infection is the appearance of a rash on the skin. It presents outwardly small blisters that are filled with liquid. Where bubbles appear, there is severe itching, they bleed when scratched. The prevalence of herpetic rash in children is determined by the typevirus. Pimples in the genital type can pop up in the genital area and perineum. If the smallpox virus that causes chickenpox is ingested, blisters form on the back, limbs, flanks, abdomen, and chest.
Diagnosis of rashes in herpes
Herpetic eruptions are determined by the following diagnostic methods:
- Virological culture - great for establishing genital herpes.
- Analysis for the determination of antigen. Microscopic analysis of the biomaterial reveals the presence of antigens (markers) on cells infected with the virus.
- Polymerase chain reaction - this technique allows you to determine the type of virus.
- Antibody testing - a blood test detects the presence of antibodies that are produced by the human body to fight the herpes virus.

Cure herpes
It is undesirable to try to get rid of the herpes virus localized on the epidermis of the body on your own, since the disease can cause serious complications. Pathology treatment includes various medications. The manifestations of the virus in a child and the elderly will help to win in the early stages of physiotherapy. It is very useful to use vitamin therapy and folk remedies. To improve the condition, you need to observe personal hygiene and diet.
What drugs to treat a herpetic rash on the body of an adult and a child?
Determine treatment regimenmedicines for skin herpes should be a specialist. For the treatment of pathology, several groups of drugs are used:
- antiviral drugs in injections or tablets (Zovirax, Virolex, Acyclovir);
- external antiviral agents ("Viru-Merz Serol", "Acyclovir", "Gerperax");
- painkillers and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal medicines (Lidocaine, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen);
- antiseptics (streptocide, "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin");
- immunomodulators ("Polyoxidonium", "Cycloferon").
The main goal of treatment is to fight the virus. The most popular and effective among antiherpetic drugs are the following drugs:
- "Acyclovir" is an effective and popular drug. The medicine is released in the form of an injectable powder, tablets, ointment and cream. The action of the drug is explained by the ability to suppress the synthesis of herpesvirus DNA. The advantages of the remedy include the fact that in addition to the main effect, it helps to strengthen the immune system. Any dosage form has a minimum list of contraindications. The cream is prescribed for a course of 5 to 10 days. They smear the rash every four hours. Apply the ointment at the same frequency. The most optimal amount is a strip about a centimeter long. The ointment should be used until the symptoms disappear completely. "Acyclovir" in tablets is prescribed every hour orally at 200 mg.
- "Pencivir", "Fenistil" - a topical drug for the purpose of antiviral treatment. Indication for its useis a simple type of recurrent herpes. The advantage of the drug is the absence of contraindications, in addition to the high sensitivity of the body to the composition and age of the patient up to 12 years. The cream should be squeezed onto the tip of your finger, lubricate acne every two hours. The therapeutic course lasts four days.
- "Famciclovir" - this antiviral medicine is used for infection with the herpes virus. The drug is released in the form of tablets. It is suitable for the treatment of adult patients who do not have an allergic reaction to the active ingredient. It should be taken in a dosage of 250 to 500 mg. The duration and frequency of use is determined by the specialist.
In the treatment of a herpetic rash on the body (pictured), one of the most effective methods of treatment is physiotherapy, which improves immunity, disinfects wounds and relieves pain. The following types of physiotherapy are used:
- Ultraviolet irradiation - the procedure speeds up recovery and eliminates pain sensitivity. It consists in exposing the affected areas of the body to UV light. The treatment course includes five procedures, which are carried out once every 2-3 days.
- Laser infrared therapy - the infrared radiation absorbed by the tissues is converted into heat. Such an effect allows you to reduce the sensitivity of the endings of the nerves, stimulates the processes of restoration of the skin integuments. As a result, inflammation heals faster and the pain syndrome disappears. The procedure is carried out in the supine position, periodically moving the emitter along the affected areas. Wellincludes ten sessions of therapy for herpetic rash in adults and children.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment for people with herpesvirus, it is advisable to follow a diet. It is necessary to exclude chocolate and cocoa, nuts, seeds, tomatoes, fatty foods from your diet. Replace coffee with green tea in the morning. It is recommended to eat food that contains a large amount of lysine: kefir, cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt. Seaweed salad will give the body iodine. It is necessary to give preference to dishes from poultry, eggs and potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruits. To further support the immune system, you need to drink vitamins E, C and A.
Folk recipes
During the treatment of herpetic rash on the face and body, folk methods become effective. Before using them, you need to consult a specialist. Natural remedies that can be used at home include:
- Take a fresh leaf of aloe and cut across into two parts so that juice comes out of the plant. Apply the side with the leaked liquid to the site of the rash. Apply a bandage or adhesive plaster on top. Leave the resulting compress for several hours. You need to repeat this procedure three times a day until the symptoms completely disappear.
- Buy propolis tincture at the pharmacy. Moisten a cotton swab in a small amount. Gently cauterize blisters 2-3 times a day on the body until the rashes are covered with crusts. Lubricate the lesions after the procedure with a cream with chamomile extract.
- Buy camphor oil, fir or tea tree oil. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid. Oil the bubbles at least three times a day until they dry out.

In order to minimize the possibility of contracting the herpes virus, experts advise following these guidelines:
- try not to come into contact with infected people;
- observe personal hygiene requirements;
- eat a full and balanced diet, enrich the diet with vitamins, minerals and amino acids every day;
- avoid excessive tension, stress, ensure good sleep;
- if there is no permanent partner, only have safe sex;
- give up bad habits;
- take medication to prevent immune failures.