Why do people snore in their sleep? How to deal with it?

Why do people snore in their sleep? How to deal with it?
Why do people snore in their sleep? How to deal with it?

Why do people snore in their sleep?

Very often in middle-aged people such an ailment occurs. Some believe that there is nothing to fear, while others think that this is a disease that needs to be fought. In this article, we will understand why a person snores in a dream, and whether it is worth worrying about this. First you need to understand what this disease is. Snoring in a dream is a sound that occurs when air passes through the respiratory tract due to the vibration of the tissues of the pharynx.

Why do people snore in their sleep - reasons

why do people snore in their sleep
why do people snore in their sleep

There are a huge number of reasons why a person snores, but the most common of them are damage to the nasopharynx, physical defects, and malfunctions in the nervous system. Snoring occurs in deep sleep when the soft tissues of the tongue, palate, and throat are relaxed and the internal tissues sag down into the airways. If you have been snoring for quite a long time, then this may be a harbinger of a dangerous condition - sleep apnea. If you start the disease, then a complete cessation of breathing may soon occur. Another verya serious disease that snoring leads to is oxygen starvation, or hypoxia. The disease is accompanied by lack of sleep and fatigue. For example, a person can take and fall asleep in transport or driving a car.

Sleep snoring - background

snoring in sleep
snoring in sleep

1. Body weight increasedPeople who are obese are much more likely to snore in their sleep. For snoring to disappear, you need to lose weight by any means. Develop a special diet, sign up for a gym, go for a morning and evening jog. Also, don't eat before bed as a full stomach causes a contortion of the diaphragm, which in turn interferes with normal breathing.

2. Constant intake of alcoholic beverages

Receiving strong alcoholic beverages significantly reduces the tone of the muscles of the throat, which in turn helps to relax the palate and pharynx. If you still want to drink some alcohol, then do it three to four hours before bedtime.

3. Smoking

Smoking is the cause of many diseases, including snoring. Cigarette smoke causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, because of this, the airways narrow, and chronic swelling of the pharynx occurs. It is for this reason that the risk of respiratory arrest increases. We think this is enough reason to stop smoking.

how to beat snoring
how to beat snoring

4. Sleeping in the wrong position

Try to sleep on your side as sleeping on your back causes snoring. If you still can't help but sleep on your back, then remove the pillow. The point is that it leads tobending of the cervical vertebrae and increases snoring.

In the end I would like to discuss the question: "How to beat snoring?". First, you need to review your daily routine. Be sure to get enough sleep, play sports, walk more often in the fresh air. Try to completely eliminate the intake of alcoholic beverages, stop smoking. If snoring has become chronic, then consult a doctor. Nowadays, there are a huge number of clinics and special centers that will help overcome your illness.

We hope that this article has given you the answer to the question: "Why do people snore in their sleep?".
