When cleaning the hives, dead insects are removed from them - this is the dead bee, the tincture of which is considered an effective healing drug. Depending on the season, it is divided into spring-summer and winter material. All parts of the insect make bee deadness useful. The tincture absorbs the following substances:
- fat, superior in value to the fish counterpart;
- chitin contained in the body;
- valuable components of honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, wax;
- bee venom and dietary fiber.

What does bee deadness contain, the tincture from which is gaining popularity every year both in folk and traditional medicine? In the body of an insect there are minerals, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, hormone-like elements. The chitinous cover of the insect contains heparin and its derivatives, which are powerful biologically active substances. Also, thanks to the poison, bee deadness is useful. Tincture from it receives a lot of healing components. It is not destroyed by high temperatures and the aggressive environment of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, bee venom proteins penetrate into the blood inform of active oligopeptides.

Insect fat consists of only two main groups of components. The first is plant sterols without cholesterol line sterols. The second is polyunsaturated fatty acids. This substance from the bee is the raw material for the synthesis in the human body of potent regulators of various body functions (eicosanoids). Dietary fibers contained in the body of an insect are excellent sorbents that help to release the human body from exogenous and endogenous toxins. They help to remove excess cholesterol, metabolic products, uric acid, damaged and obsolete cells, heavy metal s alts, herbicides, radionuclides, alcohol, pesticides, medicines.
Among insect medicines, decoction, liniment, powder, tincture of dead bees are mainly used. The use of a particular drug is chosen depending on the disease. In general, we can say that preparations from subpestilence have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitoxic, antithrombotic effect. They regulate the work of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, stimulate metabolism and therefore are very useful for the endocrine system. In addition, the drugs have urinary and choleretic, immunomodulatory, regenerative, anticonvulsant, antitumor, gonadotropic, antisclerotic effects. They slow down aging, stabilize blood pressure, improve tissue trophism.

As can be seen from the above, a very wide healing effect has a dead bee. Tincture - reviews about it are written most often - effective for stabilizing blood pressure, with kidney ailments, cardiovascular system, varicose veins. It is used for various forms of asthenia, obesity, sexual disorders (impotence and frigidity), to increase immunity, and to prevent dementia. Also, the tincture is used for neurological and endocrine diseases, ailments of the vessels of the brain.