Vitamins for the heart "Direct" is a new generation drug. It is a set of properly selected and vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The tool is allowed to be taken only as directed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.
Heart he alth benefits of vitamins
Approximately every third death today occurs due to cardiovascular pathologies. Mainly we are talking about heart attack and stroke. This situation is due to poor nutrition, lack of mobility, increasing levels of environmental pollution and constant stress.
To maintain the full working capacity of the cardiac system, especially in old age, the eradication of the above factors is not enough. Therefore, doctors today are increasingly prescribing vitamin complexes for the heart along with medications. All of them differ in composition and mechanism of action. In this article, we will focuson one such means - “He will direct.”

Description of the drug: composition and form of release
The drug "Direct" is available in the form of oval capsules. The mass of each is approximately 0.25 g. One blister contains 20 such capsules. Cardboard pack contains 1 blister and instructions for use.
The composition of vitamins "Send" is represented by the following components:
- Thiamin hydrochloride (B1) is responsible for the normalization of the heartbeat, calms breathing.
- Riboflavin (B2) stimulates the process of regeneration of myocardial elements.
- Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) regulates cholesterol levels and normalizes cellular metabolism.
- Particles of hawthorn flowers strengthen the myocardium, maintain normal heartbeat and blood pressure.
- Rosehip extract with vitamin C strengthens the vascular walls and improves their permeability.
- Magnesium and potassium aspartate.
- Ginkgo biloba extract has antioxidant properties.
This complex is not recommended to be taken together with other drugs containing vitamins and microelements. Otherwise, symptoms characteristic of hypervitaminosis may appear. This entails a deterioration in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Pharmacological properties
Vitamins for the heart "Direct" is a complex of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances of plant origin. It was originally developed to strengthen the work of the heart muscle. Its creatorstried to create a means for nourishing the heart, improving the functioning of its vessels, maintaining blood viscosity at the proper level. The result is a targeted vitamin complex.
Its pharmacological action has the following goals:
- reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes;
- addition to the main treatment of cardiac pathologies;
- improvement of myocardial contractility;
- prevent/decelerate coronary atherosclerosis;
- toning of the vascular walls;
- quick recovery of the soft tissues of the heart muscle.
The composition of the drug is very balanced: it contains B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6), minerals and bioactive components containing cardiac glycosides. Vitamins and trace elements help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of ischemia, and have a general strengthening effect. Cardiac glycosides increase the efficiency of the main muscle of the body, ensure its full-fledged work.

Indications for use
"Direct" is a dietary supplement of a new generation. It is prescribed for the prevention of cardiac pathologies. Other indications for use include:
- fluctuations in blood pressure due to weather changes;
- deficiency in the body of B vitamins;
- frequent stress and nervous strain;
- high cholesterol.
In addition, the drug is prescribed for people who have had severe colds or infectiousdiseases.
Possible contraindications
The main contraindications to the use of vitamins for the heart "Send" are the following conditions:
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands;
- dehydration of the body;
- Urolithiasis.
Another significant contraindication is hypotension. The composition of the drug contains a small amount of extract of hawthorn flowers. It can dilate blood vessels, resulting in a sharp drop in blood pressure, and a person's he alth worsens.
Dosing regimen
Vitamins for the heart "Direct" is recommended to take one capsule per day. It is better to do this at the same time as eating. The duration of therapy is 1 month. If you need to adjust the dosage or duration of use, you should contact your cardiologist. Without interruption, the use of the drug can provoke addiction, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the therapy.

Side effects
One of the unpleasant side effects that patients have to face when taking Napravita is an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of skin itching, rashes and swelling. The appearance of an allergic reaction is due to individual hypersensitivity to the components included in the complex.
If these symptoms occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug andsee a doctor. The specialist will be able to choose a remedy similar in mechanism of action.
No cases of overdose with "Direct" have been recorded.

In case of individual intolerance to the drug or the inability to purchase it, you must contact a cardiologist. The doctor will be able to advise a remedy similar in action, choose its dosage and prescribe the duration of administration.
For vitamins "Send" analogues are the following drugs:
- "Heart disease". Capsules with vitamins of groups D, B, E, A in the composition. The drug costs about 200 rubles.
- "Neocardil". The product contains hawthorn, pueraria. For a package of 30 capsules, you will have to pay a little more than 800 rubles.
- "CardioActive". The drug is produced by the company "Evalar". Each capsule contains vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, coenzyme Q10. The cost of the funds is 580 rubles.
- "Doppelgerz Active Omega-3". The composition of the drug is represented by omega-3 acids, vitamin E, glycerol. The average cost of packaging the product is 500 rubles.

Patient testimonials
Vitamins "Direct" many get on the advice of friends or acquaintances. However, this approach is unwise. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory. The thing is that the components that make up the vitamin complex have a high biological activity. Some patients mistakenly believe that "herbs" are not a dangerous natural component that is notmay be harmful to he alth. In fact, the natural ingredients of Napravita are able to influence the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and regulate blood viscosity. Such activity should be periodically monitored by a doctor.

The patients who took the drug note that the positive effect becomes noticeable after a month from the start of treatment. Most often, it is prescribed to people over 40 years old who have problems with blood vessels and the heart. Also, the remedy is recommended for patients who complain of recurrent pain and tingling in the chest, but at the same time their cardiogram does not show significant deviations from the norm.
Positive reviews also apply to the price. Vitamins for the heart "Direct" is a drug available to all categories of citizens. Its cost does not exceed 300 rubles. However, the price may vary by region. Vitamins are very convenient to take, because small capsules are easy to swallow. In addition, it is enough just once a day to remember the need to take the remedy. This is especially convenient for busy and elderly patients.
Negative feedback is rare. They are associated with uncontrolled intake of vitamins, when the patient decides to independently prescribe treatment for himself and is in no hurry to consult a doctor.