"Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3": composition, properties, reviews

"Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3": composition, properties, reviews
"Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3": composition, properties, reviews

Recently, more and more talk is about the beneficial omega-3 acids, their indispensability for the he alth and longevity of everyone. It becomes obvious that you need to use them, but which supplement to choose when you really need it is often not entirely clear.

At the moment, there is a huge variety of dietary supplements with different omega-3 content on the pharmaceutical market. All of them differ from each other by manufacturers, the quality of raw materials, the degree of purification and, of course, the price. I would especially like to note the product of the American company Solgar, which has been providing humanity around the world with high-quality vitamin complexes for decades.

Solgar Logo
Solgar Logo

In this article, we will analyze in detail one of the most popular omega-3 supplements - "Solgar. Fish Oil Concentrate".

Omega-3 and its functions

This substance is actually a complex of several polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Outwardly, they are liquid oily substances. What is their purpose? Each cell of a living organism has a huge amount of fatty acids in its membrane.

And it is very important that the beneficial omega-3 acids outnumber the harmful saturated acids. Otherwise, the "fluidity" and interaction of cells with each other is disturbed, which leads to various complications.

Omega-3 acids perform a number of functions in the human body:

  • Responsible for the formation of anti-inflammatory reactions in the body. The fact is that they are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandin (the main mediator of inflammation).
  • Affect the functioning of the hormonal, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems.
  • Responsible for preventing the development of an allergic reaction.
Fish fat
Fish fat


Each capsule "Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3" contains:

  • 1 gram fish oil.
  • PUFA omega-3 in the amount of 300 grams.

In addition, the composition contains a number of auxiliary components:

  • Glycerin and gelatin as base.
  • Alpha-tocopherol as an antioxidant (antioxidant).

Indications for use

The main purpose of the substance is to nourish the body with purified and vital omega-3, as well as normalize blood cholesterol levels and regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, this supplement is often used to prevent the development of such diseases:

  • Problems of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, arrhythmia).
  • Cholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.
  • Arterial hypertension.

The use of omega-3 will also be relevant for people suffering from the following ailments:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • depression;
  • asthma;
  • Alzheimer's disease and dementia;
  • diabetes;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • osteoporosis.

Especially pregnant women need PUFAs. Using such a supplement, she provides her unborn child with high intelligence and a strong nervous system.

Omega-3 can be given to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

solgar fish oil concentrate omega 3 capsules
solgar fish oil concentrate omega 3 capsules

Side effects

This list is not long. Includes:

  • Allergic reaction. Occurs extremely rarely, usually on 2-3 days of admission. It manifests itself in the form of an itchy rash and swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • There is also a slight irritation of the digestive tract. For example, some patients may experience nausea, rarely vomiting. This is most often attributed to the fishy taste of the contents of the capsule.


Despite the fact that the additive is as pure as possible, and the manufacturer Solgar positions itself as a company that worries about the safety of its products, do not forget that any pharmaceutical product has a number of contraindications.

  • The main one is the patient's intoleranceany component of the additive. Otherwise, a powerful allergic reaction may develop in the form of itching and a rash on the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes, and the like.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, according to the instructions, are contraindications. The fact is that at the moment there are no studies whose results would confirm the safety of using the supplement "Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3" for a future or born baby who is breastfed. Therefore, for this category of persons, the supplement can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Method of application and dosing regimen

"Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3" has a fairly convenient scheme of application. This is a huge plus compared to other supplements.

It is enough for an adult to use two caps. "Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3" once a day to provide your body with a sufficient amount of PUFAs. It is better to do this in the afternoon, during the main meal. The duration of the course is usually 1-2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break of 4-6 months.

Solgar. Omega 3 fish oil concentrate
Solgar. Omega 3 fish oil concentrate


"Solgar. Fish Oil Concentrate. Omega-3" is very popular among those who seriously care about their he alth. The main advantage that people highlight is the high quality of the product, ease of use and a noticeable effect.


"Solgar. Fish oil concentrate. Omega-3" is a high-quality dietary supplement that can be useful for everyone. You can buy it at a pharmacy, as well as at the iHerb American online store. It is better to use the second option, so you can save a lot and be sure that the products are original.
