Tablets "Mexidol": patient reviews and instructions for use

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Tablets "Mexidol": patient reviews and instructions for use
Tablets "Mexidol": patient reviews and instructions for use

Video: Tablets "Mexidol": patient reviews and instructions for use

Video: Tablets
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"Mexidol" belongs to the group of antioxidants, the drug has antihypoxic, as well as nootropic and anticonvulsant effects, protects myocardial cells.

The drug is produced in two dosage forms: tablets and injections. The first type of drug is suitable for oral use. Milky-colored tablets with a beige tint, they are packed in blisters of ten.

The composition of the drug includes one active ingredient - ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, as well as additional components. What reviews and instructions for using Mexidol tablets have?


The drug is considered an inhibitor of free radical processes, as well as a membrane protector. Mexidol has a nootropic, anti-stress and antihypoxic effect on the body.

Under the influence of the drug, the body's resistance to various negative environmental and internal factors increases: shock, stress, as well as poisoning with alcohol and drugs, blood microcirculation disorders, ischemia.

The drug increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain, improves metabolism in its tissues, helps to normalize microcirculation and provide cells with oxygen. Under the influence of the drug, cholesterol in the blood decreases.

The active ingredient of "Mexidol" helps to effectively remove toxins from the body that accumulate during alcohol poisoning, after which the patient improves the functioning of the internal organs and the central nervous system.

Under the influence of the drug, the pharmacological effect of tranquilizers, as well as antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants, is enhanced, which allows to reduce their daily concentration, as well as reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

According to the instructions for use and reviews for Mexidol, the tablets improve the condition of the myocardium during ischemia, restore the contractility of the heart muscles and stabilize blood microcirculation in the ventricles.

mexidol instructions for use tablets reviews
mexidol instructions for use tablets reviews

What the drug is for

Pills are prescribed to people for preventive purposes to prevent and also eliminate the following conditions:

  1. Ischemic stroke (impaired cerebral circulation with damage to brain tissue, disruption of its functions due to difficulty or cessation of blood flow to a particular department).
  2. Transient ischemic attacks (acute transient disturbance of blood microcirculation in the brain by ischemic type).
  3. Tranio-cerebral injuries.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia with frequent bouts of panic attacks (a complex of functional disorders based on dysregulation of the vascular tone of the autonomic nervous system).
  5. Impaired functioning of the brain.
mexidol tablets instruction reviews
mexidol tablets instruction reviews

When else is the medication used

According to the instructions and reviews for Mexidol, tablets are recommended for use in the following situations:

  1. Disorders of the brain and capillaries, which are caused by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Ischemic heart disease (organic and functional damage to the muscles of the heart, which is provoked by a deficiency or cessation of blood supply to the heart muscle).
  3. Neuroses (a collective name for a group of functional psychogenic reversible disorders that tend to be protracted).
  4. Psycho-emotional disorders.
  5. Withdrawal syndrome (a group of symptoms of varying combinations and severity that occur when you completely stop taking a psychoactive substance).
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  7. Chronic stress.
  8. Sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord).
mexidol tablets reviews
mexidol tablets reviews


Pills have certain restrictions on use, so before starting treatment, you must read the instructions well. Prohibitions arethe following states:

  1. Severe liver disease.
  2. Individual intolerance to components.

With "interesting position", breastfeeding and persons under twelve years of age, this medicine is not administered or is prescribed with extreme caution.

Mexidol dosing

According to the instructions for use and reviews of "Mexidol" in tablets, for adults, the drug is intended for oral use. Therapy begins with one piece three times a day, if necessary, increasing the single dosage to two tablets per day. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis, but should be at least two weeks.

Daily dosage varies from 375 to 750 milligrams, frequency of use - 3 times. The maximum allowable concentration of the active substance is 800 mg per day, which corresponds to six tablets.

Patients with cardiac ischemia for the elimination and prophylactic purposes to prevent symptoms of the disease are recommended to use "Mexidol" for at least six weeks. During probable exacerbations, therapy should be repeated.

If the drug is prescribed to neutralize the signs of alcohol withdrawal, the duration of therapy varies from five to seven days.

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mexidol tablets reviews analogues

How to use the drug during pregnancy

Since there is no reliable information regarding the impact of "Mexidol" on the intrauterine development of the fetus, then treatment with thismedication is not administered to women in position.

In addition, it is also unknown whether the drug is excreted in breast milk and how this may affect the baby's body. Therefore, therapy among nursing mothers is not carried out. According to patient reviews, Mexidol tablets can be taken during lactation only after breastfeeding is stopped.

Adverse reactions

During the use of Mexidol, a person may experience some negative effects:

  1. Pain in the stomach.
  2. Heartburn.
  3. Gagging.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Intestinal patency.
  6. Flatulence (excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, which is manifested by bloating, possibly abundant release of a large amount of digestive gases).
  7. Spastic pain (pain as a result of contraction of the muscles of the legs, arms, intestines, stomach, blood vessels).
  8. Allergic rashes on the skin.
  9. Hives

According to reviews of Mexidol tablets (125 mg), negative effects disappear after drug withdrawal, but if lethargy increases and there is no reaction to stimuli, then the patient needs to urgently visit a medical specialist.

Does "Mexidol" interact with other medicines?

The drug, when taken simultaneously with ethyl alcohol, reduces the toxic effect of the latter. Atthe combination of "Mexidol" with nootropics, neuroleptics, as well as antidepressants, anticonvulsants increases their pharmacological effect, so patients need to adjust the dosage.

mexidol tablets use reviews
mexidol tablets use reviews

Is the drug compatible with alcohol?

"Mexidol" is a medicine that has a strong antioxidant effect. For this reason, it is often used in a wide variety of medical fields.

The drug effectively restores the functioning of the neurological and psychological spheres. In addition, the drug helps to regenerate liver cells.

"Mexidol" has a hepatoprotective and nootropic effect, its appointment is considered one of the most effective and popular methods of treating alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which occurs when the body is intoxicated with ethanol.

It is believed that "Mexidol" and alcoholic beverages are compatible. Some people tend to believe that the drug to some extent suppresses the action of the latter. But, unfortunately, this opinion will be wrong, since the active substance of the drug, getting into the tissues of the brain and liver, only eliminates the already existing signs of intoxication and eliminates the disease.

It must be remembered that the drug does not prevent the appearance of negative symptoms of a hangover, but only neutralizes its consequences:

  1. Reduces headache intensity.
  2. Reduces the severity of signs of intoxication.
  3. Improves the processes of dischargefrom the liver residues of the toxic components of alcohol.

But "Mexidol" is not able to protect the liver from cirrhosis or irreversible mental disorders if the patient continues to take alcohol in high concentrations.

mexidol in injections reviews
mexidol in injections reviews

Expert Tips

According to the instructions, "Mexidol" goes well with any drugs that are designed to eliminate somatic pathological processes.

Patients under the age of twelve should not use this drug because it is not fully understood how the medicine can affect the child's body.

During treatment with this medication, people should avoid driving and operating machinery that requires increased attention.

mexidol tablets patient reviews
mexidol tablets patient reviews


According to reviews of Mexidol tablets, it is known that the drug has a number of substitutes. These include:

  1. "Cerecard".
  2. "Medomexi".
  3. "Neurox".
  4. "Mexiprim".
  5. "Mexifin".
  6. "Mexipridol".
  7. "Meksidant".

Before changing the prescribed medicine with one of the above substitutes, it is necessary to check with the doctor the daily dosage, as well as age restrictions.

How to store medication

"Mexidol" can be bought with a doctor's prescription. The expiration date is thirty-six months. Storagethe drug should be avoided from direct rays, keep away from small children. The cost of the medicine varies from 250 to 2200 rubles.

Patient testimonials

People who took "Mexidol" in tablets characterize it as an effective medicine that can reduce the severity of signs of acute and chronic disorders of blood microcirculation in the brain.

The drug helps well in withdrawal cases: almost all people notice a decrease in cravings for addictions. In addition, their overall quality of life improves significantly.

Which is better, "Mexidol" tablets or injections? According to reviews, it is known that in tablet form and injections, the drug helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, which are noted in vegetovascular dystonia, a disease that affects almost a third of the world's population to one degree or another.

Despite the fact that Mexidol is not prescribed for young patients, many doctors note that injections help to quickly normalize the child's condition after a cranial injury, neutralize the unpleasant symptoms provoked by oxygen starvation.

In addition, the drug is effective for children who are born with symptoms of hypoxia. An improvement in the condition of babies and the normalization of the nutrition of their brain is observed already an hour or two after the use of the drug.

The development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, like the occurrence of most other pathological processes, is to a certain extent associated with free radical oxidation. "Mexidol" representsis an antioxidant agent that effectively suppresses these pathogenic processes.

The drug stabilizes the biological membranes of cells, activates the energy-synthesizing functions of the two-membrane organoid of the eukaryotic cell, regulates the functioning of nerve endings, and modulates the processes of the passage of ionic currents. In addition, "Mexidol" helps to enhance the binding of endogenous substances, as well as improve synaptic transmission and the relationship between brain structures.

But along with positive feedback about Mexidol, you can also find the opinions of patients who were dissatisfied with the medicine. Negative feedback about injections, as a rule, is due to the fact that the drug in a number of situations provoked adverse reactions in the form of nausea and headaches.
