Today, in the age of information technology, eye diseases are becoming more common. It is extremely important not to miss the negative manifestations of the organs of vision. The most common disease is myopia, which is characterized by a loss of vision, the image becomes blurred, and a person notes a terrible pain and discomfort during prolonged work at the computer.
There are a lot of reasons for eye diseases. All of them are different for other diseases.

Signs of eye diseases
Signs will necessarily depend on the type of disease in question. When pathologies of the cornea or iris appear, an obligatory symptom will be unpleasant sensations of varying severity (for example, a feeling of “sand”), the appearance of fear of light, redness and a colorless liquid contained in the conjunctival cavity. A sign of strabismus is the deviation of the eye to the other side, which later leads to a decrease in vision. With manifestations of age-related eye diseases (cataracts), the hallmark symptoms will be double vision and loss of color definition.
Diseases of the conjunctiva of the eye begin with symptoms of redness and swellingcentury, later there is an addition of burning and itching from the affected eye, increased lacrimation and the appearance of pus.
The types of eye conditions listed below occur at any age.

Myopia or in other words myopia is an eye disease when a person sees objects far away poorly, but well at close range.
There are several reasons for myopia:
- heredity;
- visual load on the eyes;
- infection.
Myopia can be congenital or acquired. If both parents have myopia, then the probability of a congenital disease in a child is 50%. Acquired myopia occurs due to a large load on the eyes: poor lighting, prolonged work at the computer and other reasons. With myopia, a person has to wear glasses or lenses. Laser vision correction helps to completely get rid of myopia. Eye exercises are not superfluous, they are used in an alternative treatment for myopia.
Ophthalmologists diagnose myopia using a table with a set of letters or images for small patients. With the progression of myopia, it is recommended to do scleroplasty - an operation in which visual impairment is stopped surgically.
This is a seal that forms on the eye in the eyelid area. It looks like a small nodule, and irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. Such education is consideredbenign and with proper treatment does not cause additional he alth problems.
The development of this disease occurs due to blockage of the duct of the gland. And this process causes inflammation and discomfort in the eye area. Also provoking factors are hypothermia, stress, unhe althy diet and non-observance of personal hygiene rules.

With alarming symptoms, it is important to seek help from an ophthalmologist in a timely manner. After the examination, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. It can be dry compresses in combination with ointment and drops. With proper treatment, recovery comes quickly. After therapy, you need to strengthen your immunity. And this is to enrich your food with vitamins and minerals and lead a he althy lifestyle. Actively engage in sports and observe the regime of the day.
Dry eye syndrome
This unpleasant sensation may occur due to poor hydration of the cornea. The patient experiences burning, discomfort, photophobia and lacrimation. As a result of these symptoms, additional ones also join: rapid eye fatigue when working at a computer and general weakness of the body. In ophthalmic practice, this disease is considered the most common, and it affects people whose work is associated with a long stay at the computer.
The diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints. After a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes treatment and gives the necessary recommendations to patients. First of all, it is observance of the visual mode. Avoid being at the computerTV and mobile devices. Drops are prescribed to moisturize the eyes.
With proper treatment, recovery comes fairly quickly and without complications. It is also necessary to follow preventive measures. It lies in a he althy lifestyle.
This infectious eye disease is unpleasant in that although it affects a small area, it causes great discomfort and can ruin all plans. After all, few would like other people to see an unhe althy eye.
Style on the eye appears as a swelling on the eyelid. The reason for this may be an infection that has entered the follicles of the cilia, and this, in turn, becomes the cause of inflammation of the sebaceous gland. At the very beginning, a painful point appears on the eyelid, after that - redness and slight swelling, the skin on the eyelid swells, conjunctivitis begins. After 2-4 days, a yellow dot appears on the eyelid, this is an abscess. When it breaks, pus is released from it and the pain itself can go away. During barley, the temperature may rise, headache may disturb. No need to try to squeeze the pus out of the abscess yourself, rub the sore eye with your hand.
Recommended for treatment:
- Apply dry heat.
- Antibacterial drops.
- Healing ointments.
- UHF.
If within 7 days the eye becomes more red and painful, you should definitely go to the hospital.
Traditional medicine gives the following recommendations:
- Use lotions with tincture of calendula flowers andvalerian.
- Use aloe leaf for treatment. It must be finely chopped and infused for 8 hours in cold boiled water.
This is a disease in which the lens becomes cloudy from an optical lens that is located inside the eye.
- age-related changes;
- eye inflammation;
- diabetes;
- myopia;
- bad food;
- exposure to toxic substances;
- hereditary factors.
Among the symptoms is a rapid decrease in vision. A veil or mist forms before the eyes. Black dots appear. Then the person stops seeing faces, objects and cannot read.
At the initial stage, they try to get by with drops, such as Quinax, Taufon. But, basically, they carry out operations. Today, a laser is used for treatment. The operation is performed under local freezing using drops. In the process, the lens is replaced and the dark fibers are cleared. Ultrasound treatment is also carried out. The lens is crushed and also replaced with a new one. Pieces of the old lens are removed with an aspirator.
Amblyopia ("lazy eye")
Amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome) is an eye disease, the symptom of which is a decrease in visual acuity that cannot be corrected with glasses / lenses.
Among the main risk factors are:
- presence of heterotropy;
- childhood prematurity;
- too little newborn weight;
- cerebral palsy, intellectual retardation;
- diseases of the retina.
Amblyopia symptoms
This is a disease of the eyeball, among the main manifestations of which are: amaurosis of both eyes, incorrect determination of the size of objects and distances, displacement of the eye from the point of view (with strabismus) diplopia, deficiency of visual-spatial perception.
Amblyopia can be divided into organic, functional and hysterical.
The first is untreatable and irreversible.
The prognosis of therapy depends on the main factors: the type of amblyopia, congenital visual acuity and concomitant diseases, the timeliness of the start of treatment, the right methods of treatment and the correct fixation of the eye.
The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a positive treatment outcome. With proper and timely treatment, it is possible to significantly improve vision or even completely restore it.

Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is a disease of the fundus in which the retina is affected. Due to the reduction in the width of the eye vessels, the disease develops. According to some studies, among the causes contributing to the development of macular degeneration, obesity, pressure, smoking, diabetes, severe head injuries, severe myopia, lack of vitamins can be distinguished. There are two types of macular degeneration - dry and wet.
Signs of dry type:
- The appearance of a yellow coating.
- Affects ability to work.
- It's getting harder to read.
Signswet type:
- Noticeable visual impairment.
- Distortion of straight lines.
- Blurred eyes.
Treatment of the disease is ineffective and often requires surgical intervention. Therefore, it is worthwhile to engage in the prevention of complications already at the initial stages of the disease. People who eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits are much less likely to develop macular degeneration than those who eat unhe althy foods.
To prevent the disease, you should eat right, take vitamins, or vitamin-mineral complexes. Alcohol and nicotine should be avoided. Those with a diagnosis and risk of developing macular degeneration should be examined by an ophthalmologist more than twice a year.
A common eye disease in children, namely inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the eyelid and sclera.
Infection occurs by contact-household way. Pathological bacteria begin to form and multiply on the mucous membrane of the eye. They form toxins and the inflammatory process begins. The most common pathogens are staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tuberculosis viruses. Viral inflammation is caused by adenoviruses. It can develop due to herpes simplex or chickenpox. In children, conjunctivitis usually develops due to diseases of the nose or otitis media.
Distinguish chlamydial conjunctivitis in newborns. The infection enters when passing through the birth canal.
- sharp eye pain;
- purulent discharge in the form of mucus;
- discomfort in the eyes andswelling with redness.
The eyes are washed with medicinal solutions, special ointments and drops are prescribed. If necessary, antifungal ointments are prescribed.
Color blindness, also known as color blindness, is the inability to see color or differences in color. The problems are usually minor and most people will adapt. The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited error in the development of one or more of the three sets of color sensing cones (color receptors) in the eye.
Diagnosis of color blindness in men is more likely than in women, since the genes responsible for the most common forms of color blindness are located on the Y chromosome. Color blindness can also result from damage to the eyes, nerves, or brain, or from exposure to certain chemicals.
Diagnosis is usually done with the Ishihara test, but there are a number of other testing methods. There is no cure for color blindness. Red-green color blindness is the most common form, followed by blue-yellow color blindness and total color blindness.

Scleritis is a disease of the eyeball, inflammation of the protein membrane and its layers, in the form of red nodules. May be front and rear (less common).
Anterior inflammation of the sclera is divided into:
1. Necrotizing:
- with inflammation;
- no inflammation.
2. Notnecrotizing:
- diffuse (frequent);
- nodular (with ankylosing spondylitis).
Sclerite harms carriers with:
- various forms of arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic);
- infectious infection (viruses, bacteria);
- postoperative inflammatory processes;
- injuries;
- purulent discharge (iritis, hypopyon).
The destructive effect of only the outer layer of the sclera is called episcleritis. Deterioration of the condition of all tissues of the protein shell - scleritis. One or both eyes may be affected. If you experience itching, pain, feel a decrease in visual acuity, you should consult a doctor. To make a correct diagnosis, a trip to the ophthalmologist is inevitable.
This is an inflammation of the cornea, that is, the anterior shell of the eye becomes inflamed. Appears due to injury, allergies or infection. Vision begins to decline, and the eye becomes cloudy. Inflammation is located in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. Often develops after suffering conjunctivitis or blepharitis. With a disease, cells of leukocytes, platelets and other tissues accumulate in the cornea. If another infection joins, then necrosis may develop in the tissues of the cornea.
Keratitis can be caused by damage, fungal infections, contact lenses, bacteria in the eye, infections and vitamin deficiencies.
Symptoms will be fear of bright light, strong production of tears and involuntary closing of the eyes. At the very beginning of the disease, there is a feeling of presencesomething alien in the eye.
Possible deterioration of vision, formation of pus in the inner membrane of the eye, sepsis, corneal perforation.
Antibiotics, antiviral drugs, antifungals and vitamins, both in drops and tablets, are prescribed for treatment.

Blepharitis is an inflammatory eye disease in people at the rim of the eyelid. There are simple, ulcerative, scaly and meiboy forms, which, according to etiology, can be divided into: infectious, inflammatory, non-inflammatory.
Blepharitis can be caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection, as well as the introduction of arthropods such as Demodex mites, lice.
Each form of blepharitis has its own characteristics. For simple blepharitis, redness, swelling of the edge of the eyelid, and loss of eyelashes are characteristic. Itching and eye sensitivity to external irritants (sunlight, smoke and dust) may be disturbing.
Treatment of eye diseases should be etiotropic (eliminating the underlying cause). Hygienic measures are taken for the affected eyelids, which include the removal of crusts and characteristic secretions.
Use for this:
- 0.02% "Furacilin";
- 0.9% saline.
Drug therapy includes:
1. Antibacterials:
- "Tobrex" (0.3% ointment);
- "Tetracycline";
- "Erythromycin" (1% ointment);
- "Cyloxane";
- antiseptics (calendula and chamomile flower extract);
- "Fitabakt";
- 0, 2% "Furacilin ointment".
2. Anti-inflammatory drugs:
- "Dexamethasone" (0.1% eye ointment).
- "Hydrocortisone" (1% ointment).
With scaly blepharitis, the symptoms are typical: redness and pastiness of the eyelids, the skin of the eyelids in the eyelash area is covered with an abundant layer of small scales.
As a treatment for eye diseases after cleansing the surface of the eyelids from crusts and secretions, use:
- Anti-inflammatories (0.1% dexamethasone eye ointment, 1% hydrocortisone ointment).
- Antibacterials (1% tetracycline eye ointment, 0.3% tobramycin ointment, 1% erythromycin ointment).
Ulcerative blepharitis is more often caused by a staphylococcal infection and is characterized by damage to the hair follicles of the eyelashes. With this form of blepharitis, puffiness and redness of the eyelids are disturbing, yellow crusts appear, under which pus accumulates. When the crusts come off, small sores remain. Eyelashes are also affected, they become thinner and fall out. First of all, as in the previous forms, it is necessary to carry out hygienic cleansing of the affected areas.
After that use:
- Antibiotics (0.3% tobramycin ophthalmic ointment, 1% tetracycline and erythromycin ointment);
- Antiseptics (0.2% furacilin ointment).
The cause of demodectic blepharitis is a mite of the genus Demodex. A feature of this form of blepharitisis the appearance between the eyelashes of scales and gray crusts, redness of the skin of the eyelids and in the area of the eyebrows. The mouths of the glands of the eyelids expand, with pressure on which a thick secret is released (especially plentiful in the morning). Treatment usually takes 4-6 weeks and consists of using antibacterial agents to suppress mite activity (Metronidazole eye gel 1 or 2%, Metronidazole tablets (0.25 g).

Retinal Dystrophy
A very dangerous eye disease in adults that affects the retina.
Mostly inherited. But myopia, diabetes, various infections, high blood pressure, heart problems, alcohol, pregnancy, thyroid surgery, eye injury can also lead to this.
Visual acuity decreases, flies appear before the eyes. In the dark, it becomes very difficult to see, it is difficult to distinguish people and objects, and it also becomes difficult to distinguish colors. If at least one sign appears, then you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.
Diagnosis of eye disease
Measure visual acuity, field size, examine the retina. Associated eye diseases are identified. Explore the possibilities of vision in the dark. Conducting an ultrasound.
If necessary, carry out laser correction. Thanks to this method, you can do without surgical manipulations. After the procedure, vitamins and eye drops are prescribed.
Prevention of eye diseases
Most often people do not take care of their eyes. Proper prevention of eye diseases will help prevent many problems. A constant load on the organ of vision leads to a rapid decrease in its sharpness. In some cases, restoring eye he alth is not possible.
Just a few rules to help you see better:
- Smoking should be quit. Nicotine will increase the chance of getting glaucoma.
- Don't work more than 2-3 hours a day at the computer.
- When watching TV or reading, be sure to take a break. Don't overwork your eyes.
- Gymnastics for the eyes will positively affect he alth.
- Rational and vitaminized nutrition is the key to good vision.
- Stay outdoors to keep your eyesight.
- Makeup from the eyes should be washed off before going to bed.
This way you can avoid allergic reactions. Protect your eyes from mechanical damage. If followed, these rules will help preserve vision. Eye he alth is very important and should not be neglected. It is necessary to determine their causes and prevention of eye diseases in time, and then carry out treatment.