Tooth care after tooth extraction: tips and advice from experts

Tooth care after tooth extraction: tips and advice from experts
Tooth care after tooth extraction: tips and advice from experts

Dentists are trying their best to save the tooth, preferring to treat it instead of extracting it. However, doctors can not cure all diseases. It is very important to provide competent dental care after tooth extraction so that the hole heals quickly and there are no complications. You must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the dentist.

What to do

Knowing the basic rules, you can prevent the formation of inflammation, the development of swelling and bleeding, which often result from the wrong behavior of patients. Very often, people rinse their mouth too intensively, which leads to a clot and the formation of suppuration. It is important to know exactly how to care for your teeth after a tooth extraction in order to prevent the occurrence of adverse events.

Possible Complications
Possible Complications

After stopping the bleeding, you need to remove the gauze swab, as it provokes the development of infection. It is advisable to remove it a little to the side so as not to pull out the blood clot.

If the hole is still bleeding, then you can make a new swab from a sterile bandage,put it down and bite it. At first, the saliva will turn pink, do not confuse this with bleeding.

To prevent swelling, you need to apply ice wrapped in a towel to the cheek in the area of the extracted tooth. You need to do this 3-4 times, holding the ice for 5 minutes with an interval of 5-10 minutes. The procedure is carried out in the first hour after the operation, and then doing it is completely useless. Heating is strictly prohibited, as this can provoke suppuration.

To prevent swelling of the soft tissues of the face, you need to take anti-allergic drugs. They have a good anti-edematous effect. Well suited 1 tablet "Suprastin" before bedtime. You need to take the medicine for 2-3 days.


If the removal was simple, pain medication may not be needed. However, if you need to prevent the onset of pain, then you should take a strong analgesic. It is worth remembering that Aspirin is strictly prohibited, as it provokes increased bleeding.


Sometimes the pain is very strong. This happens if the removal was traumatic or inactive pieces of the bone remained. The most intense pain may be if the doctor drilled into the bone, and no water cooling was applied. This leads to bone necrosis as a result of overheating.

Caring for teeth after tooth extraction in this case involves taking painkillers. It is recommended to use "Ketanov" or "Dexalgin". However, analgesics must be prescribedtreating doctor. If the pain continues for 2-3 days and begins to increase over time, then you should definitely see a doctor.

Antiseptic baths

It is important to remember that you can not rinse too hard, as a blood clot may fall out. In this case, food will constantly clog, rot there, provoking pain and inflammation. Rinsing is best replaced with therapeutic baths. Caring for the gums after tooth extraction means that you need to collect an antiseptic solution into the oral cavity, hold it a little and spit it out. Such therapeutic baths must be carried out if:

  • tooth was removed due to inflammation;
  • if there is caries or dental deposits;
  • an incision was made on the gum to open the flux.
Baths for teeth
Baths for teeth

Antiseptic baths are recommended using an aqueous solution of "Chlorhexidine" 0.05%. You can buy a ready-made tool. Baths should be done 3 times a day. Each time the solution keep the solution in your mouth for about 1 minute.


Antibiotics must be prescribed only by a dentist. It is strictly forbidden to use them independently. They are assigned if:

  • tooth was removed during inflammation;
  • difficult removal was carried out;
  • there is a risk of complications.

The drug "Amoxiclav" is considered one of the most popular and effective means. It is prescribed 2 tablets per day. Treatment is carried out for 5-7 days. However, ifafter taking antibiotics, diarrhea develops, it is recommended to use Unidox Solutab. You need to drink 1 tablet twice a day. The therapeutic course lasts 5-7 days. This drug is much less likely to cause serious stomach upset.


Tooth care after tooth extraction involves the correction of several habits. Tobacco smoking and drinking alcohol can cause bleeding from the hole and cause many other complications. It is recommended to completely abandon these habits until the wound is completely healed.

It's important to make adjustments to your daily menu. After the operation, you do not need to eat or drink for about 2 hours. Then it is worth eating only soft and liquid food to avoid excessive pressure on the wound. Food should not be very viscous, hard, hot, spicy. Do not chew on the side where the tooth was extracted.

It is important to avoid high temperatures, as they lead to increased bleeding. For a while, it is worth giving up hot saunas, baths, warm compresses, very hot drinks.

Key Recommendations
Key Recommendations

In the early days, you need to give up physical activity. Lifting heavy weights and playing sports can cause an increase in blood pressure, which negatively affects the speed of wound healing. I need to get more rest by raising my head with a pillow.

With proper oral care after tooth extraction, the remaining hole heals in a few weeks or even months. The first signs of healing can be observed after 3-4day. If you feel worse and complications occur, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Oral hygiene

Many do not know what to do after a tooth extraction. Care should be very competent and gentle. On the day of the procedure, you can brush your teeth, however, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the clot that closes the hole. To do this, it is desirable:

  • buy a soft toothbrush;
  • all movements should be performed without strong pressure;
  • don't clean the hole;
  • the closer the brush is to the wound, the more careful the movements should be.
Teeth cleaning
Teeth cleaning

Proper brushing of teeth does not injure the socket and does not interfere with its normal healing.

Features of food

After the operation, you should refrain from eating for 1-2 hours. During the day, it is not recommended to eat hot food and one that will irritate the wound. It is best if the food is at room temperature and soft. When chewing it, you should try to prevent food from getting into the wound.

Nutrition Features
Nutrition Features

To heal faster, reduce the amount of fluid you drink, do not use a straw; the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. After each meal, do healing baths with antiseptics on the first day, and then use light rinses.

It is not uncommon for patients with adjacent teeth with a socket to have increased sensitivity. Similar problemcan disturb from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. To fix the problem, you should use a fluoride paste.

What is forbidden to do

After tooth extraction, it is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath in the first 1-2 days, and also to sleep on the side where the wound is located, as this will provoke the formation of puffiness. In addition, you cannot:

  • during the week visit the sauna or pool;
  • do hard work;
  • touch the wound with your tongue;
  • take Aspirin as a pain reliever.

It is forbidden to rinse your mouth very intensively, as this can lead to premature loss of a blood clot from the remaining hole. This leads to severe inflammation.

Dental Tips

It is important to provide competent care after a child's tooth extraction. To do this, you need to strictly ensure that the baby does not touch the wound with his hands, this can provoke the development of an infection.

The success of healing depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the condition of the patient himself. Be sure to follow the recommendations and medical prescriptions. What should be the care of the oral cavity after tooth extraction can only be said by a qualified dentist. It is important to follow the schedule for rinsing. A specialist can appoint or prohibit them.

If bleeding has opened, then you should definitely visit the dentist. When the anesthesia wears off, you may experience pain. Don't ignore medication recommendations.

In normal cases, the socket heals andceases to cause inconvenience after about a week. When complicated, this process takes longer and causes significant inconvenience.

Features of care after wisdom tooth extraction

If the operation was rather complicated, then it is important to take special care of the condition of the oral cavity for several days. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and provide appropriate care after the removal of a wisdom tooth.

It is necessary to avoid hot food, drink, as well as steam rooms and baths. Heat leads to vasodilation, which can cause severe swelling. Sometimes, to reduce contact with the wound, many try to drink through a straw. However, doctors do not advise doing this, so as not to aggravate well-being.

Caring after the removal of a wisdom tooth also involves the abandonment of bad habits. This is due to the fact that when drinking alcohol and during smoking, capillaries dilate, which can lead to bleeding.

Even if the pain is tolerable, you should not refuse to take painkillers prescribed by your dentist. Many of them have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, do not allow fever and complications.

Often, patients do not know what to do after the removal of a wisdom tooth. Care should be especially thorough, especially if the operation was complex. If the edema has increased, a hematoma has appeared, there is an increase in temperature, and there is also an accumulation of pus, then you need to contact a dental surgeon.

How to speed up healing

To avoid the occurrence of complications, it is necessary not only to provide appropriate care for the mouth after tooth extraction, but also to prepare for the operation. For this you need:

  • do not drink alcohol for a day;
  • tell the dentist about existing diseases in the body;
  • Check with your doctor to take sedatives (strong stress slows down the healing process of tissues).
Checkup at the dentist
Checkup at the dentist

Re-examination at the dentist is required no later than one week after the operation. If there was damage to the gums and stitches were applied, then they will need to be removed. If you responsibly follow all the instructions and recommendations for care after tooth extraction, then the healing process will take place quite quickly. However, in any case, it is advisable to see a doctor after a while so that he can assess how the wound heals and advise on recovery. Full recovery often occurs no earlier than a month later.

When a Dental Checkup is Needed

Despite the observance of all the basic rules and recommendations for caring for the hole after tooth extraction, complications can still develop. Among their main reasons, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • professional mistakes of a dentist;
  • individual characteristics of the patient;
  • improper wound care.

Be sure to visit the dentist if the remaining wound does not heal properly after removal. The main signs of this are the following:

  • bleeding for no apparent reason, whichlasts 10-12 hours;
  • the wound is not covered by a blood clot;
  • fever for more than three days after surgery;
  • the gum and cheek are very swollen and make it difficult to speak;
  • the area near the extracted tooth turned very red;
  • purulent formations are observed;
  • bad breath noticeable every morning after waking up;
  • pus comes out of the hole.

Any of these signs should see a dentist immediately, as it can lead to complications.

Possible Complications

If you do not provide proper wound care after tooth extraction, then dangerous complications can develop. These include doctors such as:

  • alveolitis;
  • flux;
  • numbness;
  • stomatitis.

When pathogens enter the wound left after tooth extraction, alveolitis, that is, inflammation, can develop. The reasons for this may be weakened he alth, the ingress of food particles or various bacteria from nearby carious teeth. The main symptom is considered acute pain, which does not decrease on the third day after the removal operation. A person constantly feels discomfort that extends to the entire jaw.

In this case, you need to contact a dentist who will remove the infection that has arisen, clean the wound from pathogens and apply a special disinfectant. Additionally, a gauze swab with an anesthetic is applied. With timely access to the doctor andtreatment, the pain will decrease every day, the inflammation will go away, and the hole will quickly heal.

When inflammation goes beyond the socket, a flux can form. It affects the gums and bones. The pain radiates to the temple, the eye area and the ear. Unpleasant sensations are very strong and lead to sleep disturbance. The main external sign is swelling of the cheeks and swelling of the gums. In this case, the dentist cleans the abscess with an antiseptic solution and prescribes antibiotics to stop the damage to the oral tissues.

In the first 30 minutes after the operation to remove the tooth, numbness is felt due to the injected anesthetic. If it persists for a long time, it means that the nerve was damaged during the operation. In this case, a doctor's help may be needed.

If the mucosa is injured during or immediately after the operation of tooth extraction, stomatitis may develop due to bacteria entering the wound. Visually, it looks like small white spots on the tongue, the inner surface of the cheek, and the gum. At the same time, an unpleasant burning sensation is felt in the oral cavity.

To avoid all these complications, it is important to provide competent care after the removal of a molar tooth and strictly follow all the recommendations of the dentist. This will speed up the healing process.
