Burning sensation on the lip, redness, small blisters filled with fluid, and itching - the combination of all these signs indicates the development of labial herpes. To get rid of discomfort, as well as speed up the healing process, experts recommend using local anti-herpetic drugs.
Cold cold cream on the lips has a quick therapeutic effect. Topical medicines not only relieve discomfort and promote wound healing, but also prevent further spread of the virus (blister).
Which is the best cream for herpes on the lips?
A huge number of ointments with antiherpetic action are presented on the modern pharmaceutical market. Consider the most popular and effective ones.
Acyclovir ointment
What is Acyclovir ointment used for? This is perhaps the most popular remedy used for cold sores. It is a synthetic analogue of the thymidine nucleoside and has a pronounced antiviral activity.
After applying the ointment to the area affected by the rash, its active substance (acyclovir) enters the infected cells and is converted first into acyclovir monophosphate, and then into diphosphate and triphosphate. Thus, by integrating into the DNA synthesized by the virus, acyclovir triphosphate completely blocks its reproduction.

So what is Acyclovir ointment used for, and why is this drug so popular? In the presence of herpes on the lips, this drug can prevent the formation of a new rash, significantly reduce the likelihood of visceral complications and skin dissemination, as well as accelerate the formation of crusts and eliminate discomfort.
Indications and contraindications of an external agent
What does Acyclovir ointment help with? According to the instructions, such a drug is indicated for use in the presence of:
- genital herpes;
- skin infection caused by Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2;
- shingles;
- chickenpox.
As for contraindications, the drug in question is not recommended for use in patients with increased sensitivity to acyclovir, as well as other components of the drug.
This medication should be used with caution in dehydration, pregnancy, kidney failure and breastfeeding.
Dosages and side effects
Now you know what Acyclovir ointment helps with. But before using this remedy for treatmentherpesvirus rash, you should definitely study the attached instructions.

This medicine is for external use only. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin (and adjacent areas) with clean hands or a cotton swab up to 5 times a day (every 4 hours).
Treatment with the drug is continued until a crust forms on the blistering rash, or it completely heals. The duration of therapy with "Acyclovir" is 5-10 days. In the absence of the desired effect, you should consult a doctor.
According to patients and doctors, Acyclovir is the most effective cream for colds on the lips. However, in some cases, such a remedy can cause the development of side effects:
- dryness, flushing and peeling of the skin;
- development of allergic dermatitis;
- inflammation and burning (when the ointment gets on the mucous membranes).
Zovirax Cream
This drug is the second most popular cream for colds on the lips. It has a 5% concentration and is for external use only. The active substance of the agent under consideration is also acyclovir. As auxiliary components, the cream contains glycerol monostearate, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, white soft paraffin, cetostearyl alcohol, dimethicone, liquid paraffin, poloxamer 407, purified water and macrogol stearate.

Pharmacologic althe action of "Zovirax" is similar to the action of "Acyclovir". The main substance of the drug is converted into triphosphate, which is integrated into the DNA of the virus, contributes to its defect, which ultimately eliminates the possibility of the formation of new generations of viruses.
Side effects of Zovirax cream, instructions for use
The agent in question should be applied in a thin layer to the affected skin and adjacent areas up to five times a day (approximately every 4 hours).
Duration of treatment with Zovirax is 4 days. In the event that the drug does not promote wound healing, therapy can be extended up to 10 days. If symptoms persist for more than 10 days, you should consult a specialist.
Zovirax lip herpes cream should be applied to the blistering rash with clean hands or a cotton swab. This will prevent infection of the affected areas.
In some cases, an antiviral drug may cause side effects such as:
- peeling, transient redness, burning, itching, or tingling sensation at drug application sites;
- allergic dermatitis, angioedema.

The drug for external use "Vivorax"
The third most popular antiherpetic drug is Vivorax ointment. It is a uniform, white or almost white 5% cream intended for external use. Its active ingredient is acyclovir.
Antiviral drug "Vivorax"is a synthetic analogue of the purine nucleoside. Its pharmacological action is similar to that of Acyclovir and Zovirax.
This remedy is prescribed for skin infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, including genital herpes, herpes lips, shingles and chicken pox.
It should be remembered that Vivorax cream is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to valacyclovir and acyclovir, as well as in childhood and adolescence.
With extreme caution, this medicine is prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, when kidney failure and dehydration are detected.
Dosage and side effects
Cold cold cream on the lips "Vivorax" is used only externally. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas and adjacent areas, up to 4-6 times a day or every 4 hours.
Therapy with this remedy is continued until the blistering rash is covered with a crust, or completely heals. On average, the duration of treatment with Vivorax is 5 days (should not exceed ten days).

It is important to remember that therapy with the ointment in question should only be started in case of recurrent infection during the prodromal phase or at the very beginning of the development of the disease.
In some cases, Vivorax causes side effects such as:
- burning sensation (at the site of application), erythema, dry skin, dermatitis, itching and inflammation (in contact with mucous membranes);
- anaphylactic reactions, including urticaria and angioedema.
Ointment "Oxolin"
Does Oxolinic ointment help with herpes on the lips? Experts cannot give a definite answer to this question. On the one hand, such a preparation for local and external use is antiviral, and, it would seem, it should contribute to the recovery of a patient with a cold. On the other hand, the active substance of this drug is oxolin, which does not have a pronounced antiherpetic activity. However, many patients constantly use the mentioned cold cream on the lips, as it is present in almost every home medicine cabinet.
Pharmacological action of the drug
What is Oxolinic Ointment? According to the instructions, such a tool has a pronounced antiviral activity. After application to the affected area, the active substance of the drug blocks the binding sites of the influenza virus (mainly type A 2) with the surface of cell membranes, protecting them from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

Indications and contraindications
In what cases can Oxolinic ointment be used? The indications of this drug are rhinitis and viral diseases of the skin. The drug in question is also used to prevent influenza.
Oxolinic ointment should not be prescribed to patients with individual intolerance to its components.
Dosage, side effects
Oxolin ointment is intended for external use. Herapplied to the affected area up to 2-3 times a day. In order to remove warts, a 3% preparation is used 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks to 2 months. To enhance the therapeutic effect after applying the ointment, it is recommended to cover it with wax paper.
It should be remembered that when using the drug in the area of pathologically changed skin, the patient may experience a burning sensation.
Benefits of herpes ointments
Why are topical antiherpetic remedies more popular than, for example, oral medications? Experts report that preparations produced in the form of creams, ointments or gels have the following advantages (compared to tablet forms):
- quickly prevent the spread of a viral disease to he althy areas of the skin;
- maximum concentration of pharmacological active substances of topical preparations in the shortest possible time is directly in the affected area;
- easy to use (no need to follow the dosage);
- Gel, ointment or cream based medicines are highly tolerated and have minimal risk of side effects;
- the possibility of combining several therapeutic agents that differ in the principle of action (combination therapy gives a more pronounced effect and quick results);
- the use of antiviral ointments to treat herpes infection is possible even in advanced cases;
- ointments, gels and creams eliminate andrelieve the symptoms of the disease.

Using any drugs for herpes, you should know that such a disease is incurable. All existing medicines only suppress the virus and its symptoms, and also prevent further spread.