Which transparent braces to choose?

Which transparent braces to choose?
Which transparent braces to choose?

It's no secret that a beautiful smile is the right path to success. Unfortunately, not every person can boast of it. That is why experts recommend using modern tools that will straighten crooked or misaligned teeth. As a rule, braces are used in such cases. How to choose them, and what features they have, we will tell in this article.

clear braces
clear braces

Types of braces

Currently, most people choose clear braces. What is it connected with? Their main advantage is their aesthetic appearance.

There are transparent sapphire and ceramic braces. Their main difference lies in the material that was used in their manufacture.

Thanks to such orthodontic appliances, you can fully satisfy your desire and put braces that no one will pay attention to.


Ceramic transparent braces can have different degrees of transparency. They are characterized by a fairly wide palette of shades that are ideal for any color of tooth enamel.

Reflections braces by Ortho Technology have long beenproved to be aesthetic and reliable. They are made of polycrystalline ceramics using aluminum oxide. Such material does not cause allergic reactions or discomfort in people.

braces transparent photo
braces transparent photo

Also, ceramic transparent braces of the Clarity ADVANCED group are produced by the American company 3M Unitek. As you know, they are called ligature. Such orthodontic constructions are characterized by sophistication and ideal appearance. They allow a person to open a new page in aesthetic orthodontics.

In addition, the same company also produces non-ligature or self-ligating Clarity SL brackets. For their production, plastic ligatures are not used, with the help of which, in fact, the arcs are fixed.

What other transparent ceramic braces are there? These include the Aspire model. Its design has a gold-plated metal groove. This device successfully combines the best sliding mechanics and aesthetic naturalness.

From sapphire

Sapphire clear braces are made from polycrystalline alumina. They may be self-ligating. In the process of therapy, spending little force, they allow effective and low-friction movement of the teeth.

transparent braces systems
transparent braces systems

Inspire ICE sapphire devices are made from artificially created sapphire crystals. They have excellent transparency, excellent aesthetic appearance and special properties. The braces of this company are differentstrength of attachment to tooth enamel.

The designs of Radiance are made from a single crystal. They are distinguished by a high degree of polishing and special aesthetics.

Recently, new items from OrthoTechnology have become very popular. They are absolutely transparent, have a small size and aesthetic appearance. Due to the fact that the coating of this apparatus uses zirconium dioxide, it is securely fixed and removed.


Another type of orthodontic design is plastic transparent braces for teeth. This is the most accessible device for patients. They are made of special plastics, so their color is matched to the natural color of the teeth.

Which clear braces should I choose?

To decide on the choice of such structures, it is necessary to consider all their advantages and disadvantages. Only in this way will you be able to understand whether this device is suitable for you or not.

Pros and cons of ceramic braces

The main advantages of such structures are:

clear sapphire braces
clear sapphire braces
  • low degree of discomfort (during wearing, there is no irritation of the oral mucosa, and diction is not disturbed);
  • aesthetic appearance (such devices are almost invisible on the teeth);
  • cost slightly lower than sapphire braces.

What factors can stop you from buying such designs? Their disadvantages experts include the following:

  • great friction between the big arcbracket and its groove, which significantly prolongs the treatment time;
  • high construction cost compared to metal and plastic braces.

Pros and cons of sapphire devices

Why do some people choose nominal transparent sapphire braces (the design photo is presented in this article)? According to experts, the main advantages of such devices are:

  • attachment strength (they attach much more securely than other types of braces);
  • aesthetics (over time, such designs do not turn yellow, and also shimmer beautifully in the light);
  • no diction and comfortable wearing.

Speaking about the shortcomings of these devices, it should be noted that:

  • they have the highest cost among all other braces;
  • they are particularly fragile (careful maintenance of the structure is required);
  • they have high friction between the teeth and the arch of the bracket, which significantly slows down the process of teeth alignment and bite;
  • they are not suitable for teeth that are too dark (pre-whitening is required for this).
  • clear braces for teeth
    clear braces for teeth

Pros and cons of plastic braces

Plastic transparent braces are especially popular with patients. This is related to the following:

  • they are quite affordable (plastic devices are much cheaper than other materials used to make aesthetic systems);
  • they have high aesthetics (these braces are practicallyinvisible on the teeth);
  • they are more attractive to teenagers and children (most often this type of orthodontic constructions is perceived as decoration);
  • they are hypoallergenic (meaning suitable for all patients).

However, one cannot but say that such systems also have a fairly large number of shortcomings. Consider the cons of clear plastic braces in more detail:

  • they have an increased tendency to pigmentation (due to the porosity of the plastic, pigments can accumulate in it, as well as food coloring, due to which they quickly turn yellow and lose their aesthetic appearance);
  • they have a rather low low strength (plastic structures are not very resistant to mechanical stress, and this increases the likelihood of braces breakage and the need to replace them);
  • they have a high coefficient of friction (this feature of the systems makes it difficult to move the teeth, which affects the duration of treatment).
  • clear braces caps
    clear braces caps


Now you know which clear braces are the strongest and which are the cheapest. After weighing all the pros and cons, you are sure to have exactly the orthodontic design that will help align your teeth and at the same time will not be noticeable to other people.
